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Kathleen M Aug 2015
She talks to me
Her voice is saccharine poison

"Picture it
Those last seconds
Those beautiful seconds
When you will finally know with all of your being there will be no more pain
You will not be plagued by memories
They eat you like cancer
You're soul is riddled with it
The scars on your skin my have healed
Such trespassing leaves more permanent brands on the inside
Wounds that don't quite heal
Imagine knowing you'll never feel it again
Imagine how free of it you can be"

I want it
I want it
I want it
I sit wrapping myself into a knot
No moving until her song is done
Dancing in my head
Unwelcome and uninvited
Inviting my hands to take action
Follow her sweet instruction

I made it through this spinning round
Until the next serenade
Katrina Zechman Oct 2015
your there, i try to be invisable
i cant take it
your there smileing casue you see me
i turn around
you call out my name and laugh
i shiver and turen back around
you smile that smile again
and i walk over
your smile its inviting
i get there and you stick your knife of words in my cheast
i breath, and turn and walk away
i go to the bathroom and cry
its happeing again
i take my pencil and scrtch the surface of scars that had finaaly healed
they crack open
i take my rist band and slide it over
nobody will know
i will live in scilence
Stephen Razo  Aug 2011
Stephen Razo Aug 2011
This scilence consumes my mind, as scheduled.
Unspoken and reserved, it willingly surrenders.
Opinion is rendered illegal in this city.
No longer will this go on, they say. Decievers, they are.
For it is you who will be decieved.
Emily  Jun 2016
Attention Starved
Emily Jun 2016
I told you I was lonely
And to please turn on the light
But you seem not to have heard me
Because it's dark as **** tonight

I was wallowing in sadness
But now I've got this anger, too
And the more drawn out this scilence
The stronger rage will brew

You're a selfish *******
And now I'm glad we said goodbye
What kind of man ignores a girl
When she says she wants to die

I can't believe you're so **** cold
A sub-zero arctic freeze

But the fire of another man
Has brought me to my knees
Allison Fewless Jun 2014
i try to leaves hints that i am falling apart but no one is picking up on them
and i am trying to keep it together for now so i can at least suffer in scilence for a little while
and i have had this urge to take the blade into my skin again
and its been three months
since i last had the relief and i wonder will it work as well as it did before?
because i remember laying on the bathroom floor
screaming in agony because the blood just kept dripping out
but no one heard me
my mom across the hall didnt hear me
i try to be someone who i am not
and i am trying to be what these ******* want me to be
but at the end of the day all i want is a ******* bowl in one hand
and the ******* blade in the other
and i know that sounds ******
but i don't know how else to say it without just coming out and being completely honest
and although nobody who cares about me will read this
but someone will
at least i think
actually im laying on the bathroom floor right now,
wondering if its worth it
to take the cold piece of metal
and wow my writing has been so ****** lately
and i dont know how to fix myself anymore because i cant count on my fingers anymore how many times ive had to put myself back together
and i use the word and a lot and im sorry but for ***** sake someone talk to me
let me cry on your shoulder
let me be me
let me laugh
let me smile
let me listen to awful pop music with you
and let me let you be happy too.
what the **** is that apologizes for what is written there
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
theres nothing left
just dakness
only scilence
long empty thoughts
tears running down my face
every one is gone
the wrold is bleak
there are only lies
who am i
who are you
am i a mistake
how many days have came and gone
what even left to say
what is even left to say
the world is ending
when warfare breakes lose
am i going crazy
or am i losing you
how long have i survivied
is there more pain
or do we all dissaper
long days
speachless thoughts
memories fade
from the faces
who playd lies
will we even dare to step out of line
when we are all broken lies
what do se see
our own shadow or the evil in our eyes
nothing makes sence
its all a hoox
is a voice real
or is it just our imagination
do i really sound like that
endless roads
endless memories
what about our past
it scares me with a cold chill
can any one hear me
my screams to pull me out
scary monsters
play out
the moon never leaves
all the stars glow brighter
lighting a candle is no better
what am i to you or you to me
this is all scarey to me
how far cani touch the stars
is there a new path we are
what is the world coming to
is the warfare over
or do we have to take cover so no one can harm the pretty flowers
random thoughts pondering in my thoughts with word play mixed in
Laiba  Aug 2020
Laiba Aug 2020
I wanted to shout  
I wanted to scream
Daddy STOP it hurts
But all i could do Is lay in scilence
While you ripped me layer by layer
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
dfing threw the night when my radio played. when i drive i dont talk i turn my music up real loud. so we can just enjoy what we stand for. my stereo was stolen. i pick you up and we go for a ride. how far idk where we going. any where we want. but breaking the silence forces me to feel all these emotios. my music turned up to the point where it cant get any higher. when i drive i drive in silence to enjoy life.  i hide between the up rise from riots. i want t escape from what has drained my thoughts. .

the only escape from society is driing with music blasting out my speakers loud.i drive with no talking just scilence. if you know what i mean. i my lungs fil with air and deflate with fire spitting out my burt soul in anger.
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
what have i done i k new that i have trusted you but maybe to day i hate what i have become cause every dream i have hate what has been wo did i **** in my own silence. i have the feeling when i remembered something and one day t was to late to say sorry for something i didnt even knew what has happpened
i miss have you as my best friend
i hate how we have gone our own ways
i hated why i needd you the most
i wish i couldent stop my tear
i wish our lives coldnt be this way
i hated how me and you fought over what secrets have been said

my ******* day has became the fear on me getting forced to speak on the stage with fear that im choking up already

i remeber all the gifts and love we are all to gathere but my last day ended threw the sun turning blue

the day is turning in to a misty blue shadow that only begain to folow around me since im not strong enought to follow my lungs fill with fear as my lungs deflate

i hate we could both break the scilence to be to gather

if our self cant what ever
i cry over this stuff when my mind fills when i miss her
Laughing Man Jun 2018
Your actions of mental brutality,
Have become my entire reality...
I take your beatings every day.
You scar, and scilence me, leaving me with nothing to say.
I don’t wanna see you anymore, not now, not here...
But still I see you whenever I look in the mirror.
Niranjan Oct 2020
Statue By the River

A stone white statue was built
by someone on the banks of
the foggy river by the pines

The statue was sitting on a
wooden bench,
the way it was built
white as snow and lone as the artic

The day came, that i saw
A man sitting there with the
statue of a lady, white as snow
and lone as the artic

A distant view i had of them
He held her hand as if
trying to get a part of her
sadness...whilst looking at a
pale eye with a dead stare

I thought to myself
why the sculptor made this,
if to e left lonely by the banks

The man talked and spend time with her
in a way as if she was alive
by each day the pale woman was more and more alive

I had seen him laughing with her
I had seen him contemplating
the beauty of the foggy river with her

The day came i saw him on her lap
resting his head while crying
as she moved her fingers through his fine light hair

That day she was more human than any of us coukd ever be...

Feeling ones pain and sitting there in scilence,
contemplating, it was more human than any godily miracle

I gazed upon my hand,
to see me holding the statue the other day
looking at a pale eye with a dead stare....
a drop of tear
           of joy
           of completion

Now i know why the sculptor built this..,
not to e left lonely y the anks of the foggy river
for the ones who are left lonely
Quiet Rose  Feb 2018
Quiet Rose Feb 2018
sometimes scilence
is the only thing keeping us
from going insane

— The End —