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Danni Bond Jul 2014
My demons trying to escape.
I can feel him.
Pulling and tugging.
Trying to do,
Whatever he can
To just break.
Break apart from the emotions.
Break apart from the tears.
Break apart from the lies.
He's trying to lead me
But I won't follow.
Where's he going?
He'll break through soon
I can already tell.
Rip my chest open
And pore out into he world.
Will I follow,
Who will know
Once I stitch up the wounds, and he goes.
nnylhsa  Dec 2013
nnylhsa Dec 2013
the demonds were inside of me
dont get me wrong
i didnt want them to win over my mind
not even in the slightest
but all at once i did
it was as if they found my trigger
and they pulled it all the way back
waited for the perfect moment
and with two clicks they released it
releasing the demons
allowing them further into my mind
and into my imagination
making it go wild
the demons were my constant high
only the after affect was worse

Nicholas Green Nov 2018
my heads aching, because my minds racing , holes in ma socks because of the floor that am pacing worried about these Demonds  I’m soon to be facing
up at night in a cold sweat ,  heads a mess ****** up mindset ,  clenching my fists whilst gripping that tight chest and i feel like it’s hard to grasp a ****** breath

how have I let

it get so bad was it because of how I acted , always naughty for mum and dad , horrible to my mrs and kids treating em bad, or was it because I was failed by the care system as a young lad ? is that why i feel like I’m going crazy  , insane or mad uncontrollable thinking flash backs in ma  brain making me sad , thoughts racing, changing  fast just please go away , how long will they last I will never forget but I hope that they pass

I no I got to open up but I feel hopeless , I feel uncomfortably soulless , probably not 2 hard to notice  , I no I need to be strong and get focused but right now I’m  at my lowest point in my life literally feel like giving up this fight but I need to do what’s right  I made this step forward so I hope everyone was telling the truth I hope that they are-right ,  saying we will all help you be there for you , telling me it’ll be alright

Kuz av bin like

awake with no food for more than 10 days in a row trying to escape my mind but I have no where to go , there used to be days  when I felt amazing have a vibrant glow but snap straight back , to vexin , supper stressin , this is real life no messing struggling finding it hard to cope , hopelessly falling back down depressions *****

for my family , friends and loved ones I no it’s got to be hard the things iv done the things iv said  , they never leave my head and it pains me so much feeling mentally scarred, so many times iv tried to change but I feel to weak to do it alone

so today I’m ganna try open up , I feel scared and it feels hard , but I’m begging for help to start  focusing good , a new chapter in my life am closing the last ****** one up , a better partner a better dad a better all round happier  man

the end seems so far but I hope there is light , amma hold onto that to get me thu this fight , I just don’t feel as tho I can do it without help , I feel mentally drained, emotionally strained help me please get these demons out , and get them tamed .
Jordan DuBree  Dec 2012
Jordan DuBree Dec 2012
i live in this place they call home
how? i don't know
i wonder sometimes
where I'm at in this world
where i belong

but its not here not with them
i want to be in heaven
but I'm stuck in hell

with all theis demonds
and the devil himself
i can't get out but i want to
help me find where i belong
Mo  Dec 2016
Straight Jacket
Mo Dec 2016
Sitting there
Silent in the still room
White walls surrounding me
No windows, no seats
Not being able to think of a single thing
Feeling enclosed in a small padded room
Hugging yourself tightly, not being able to let go
Nothing but silence
Not a sound to be heard
The dim flicker of the light above
Casting smudged white shadows of your demonds on the walls
Your only company being the split second of the shadow
Feeling more and more tired by the minuet
Drifting off into the darkness
Slowly letting go
You begin to fade
Becoming nothing
But the shadow that shows for only a split second

Paul Hardwick Jan 2015
jump in a file
what is going on
then a wizard appears
computer down
all contact lost
how did that go so wrong ;-0
demonds worry
when the wizard come near
just shake his hand
and dream
like he did.
True Story  P@ul.
Destre' May 2015
As the skys fade to dark
My demonds come out to play
I would cry out
But its already to late
They're here
They've come to take me away

But with the beautiful stars above me
maybe its not so bad
With the moon shining bright
Reminding me the suns still there
And caressing me with its soft white light
Maybe im going to be alright tonight

i whisper it over and over as im dripping blood just trying to fight
I know one day that statement will be true
So ill scream alone at night
untill the time comes when the darkness creeps up behind me but no longer hold me tight
So when you kiss me goodbye and ask if ill be alright
ill no longer be lieing to you
Shayda H Jun 2014
And I'll tell you this now, that I'm just trying to live and survive.
I don't want to die anymore, I just want to love myself for once.
I want to live, Live Through This.
No matter what I do to help people in the world, it seems as if it is never enough.
And all I do is keep giving, and giving.
But, am I living?
I keep draining myself.
I can't help people when they don't help themselves.
That is all I ever seem to do, it is like I am glued to it.
I don't want to hurt myself anymore because there's no point in it.
I don't want to hit and beat myself up after one simple thing goes wrong.
I can't understand why people let their demonds destroy them.
If I did that then there would be no more me!
I want to be free.
I just want to love myself, survive and live, Live Through This!
Bethany M P  Dec 2018
An angel..
Bethany M P Dec 2018
She’s an angel but her wings were clipped,
The moment her heart beated from her chest it was stripped,
They say her smile was worth gold,
But over time her smiles grew cold,
Her loyalty was treasure,
Till they used that for there own pleasure,
Her voice could put even demonds asleep,
But now even if you begged she wouldn’t make a peep,  
Now that everything was taken from her
Let her heal,
Soon she will be that angel again and you’ll see that smile and it’ll be real..

— The End —