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We started off as friends
Either we'll stay as friends
Or end as friends
Just friends.
You came along in an unexpected time
With you, everything feels right
You do things just to make me happy
You were the stars that shine so bright
On my darkest night
But when the sun comes out,
You are nowhere to be found

You left before I could say goodbye
You left me wondering why
Why do you have to make me feel special
If it won't last forever anyway?
Why do I have to meet you?
Are you still coming back for me?
I wish I knew
You will never be forgotten
You will always be my favorite question mark
I don't know whyyyy
  Sep 2015 damsel in distress
If only you could break this silence and tell me ,
what's keeping you away from me ,

My thoughts hunt me everyday, every moment,
Every second ,

If only you could step right in front of me, and tell me what's my mistake right in my face,  

I do have enough courage to listen , tell me you hate me it's okay, tell me " I hate you for this for that "

Some say you don't speak because you don't want to hurt me, but dear I'm hurt through your silence more than any other hurtful thing that you might ever say......

I write about you, I rhyme, I think about you,
Because I love you , so much,  maybe more than I should.......
If only you would :'[
  Sep 2015 damsel in distress
Here’s to the father
who did his best for his daughter to feel secured,
who shielded her from the bad guys in her night terrors,
who worked hard everyday,
only to get shouted at for ‘excessively' asking
about the man in her life.

Here’s to the mother
who cooked the food her son loved,
who did the laundry every Wednesday,
who guided the steps he made,
who loved without asking for anything but to love her back,
only to get shut off of his life because he says,
“You care too much. I’m a man now!”

Here’s to the lady
who cries herself to sleep
for feeling guilty of what she did.
Here’s to you
who want her father to feel loved
but timid to speak the words
and to show him the truth,
so you yelled at him instead.

Here’s to the man
who stops his car to calm himself
who thinks of coming back to his mother
and tell her, “I’m a man now, but every man needs a woman, and it’s you my mom.”

Here’s to all the parents in the world
who freed and comforted us from the fiends
of our nightmare,
of our youth,
of our life.

Here’s to the young ones (or even not)
who think they are better off alone,
who think they are old enough to be on their own.
Here’s to all of us
who have been wronged.
(pendingletters // jl)
He was always my almost.
Always almost there,
always almost mine.
I loved him, always-
and he loved me, almost.

*I was almost her always.
Almost always there,
almost always hers.
I loved her, almost-
and she loved me, always.
Saying goodbye is not the hardest part
But it breaks your heart
Not even seeing them walk away
And you can do nothing to make them stay
The hardest part is
Remembering the time when they promised
To be on your side forever
But fulfilling that promise with another
Okaaaay. <//3
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