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  Mar 2019 Savanna
Stained Glass
& when my mom asks me "what's wrong?"
I just say I'm tired because I don't have the heart
To tell the lady that gave me life
That I don't want it anymore
Savanna Mar 2019
Could never be understood
By someone so temporary
Such as myself
Savanna Mar 2019
The sky is on fire
It burns red hot and strikes a match to clear water
Everything’s up in flames but it’s calm,
Comfortable in the chaos
Savanna Mar 2019
Like a drug,
You seep out of my skin;
The withdrawal makes me feel dizzy,
Unable to stand or support myself.
My mind craves of nothing but you,
I hate being sober.
Savanna Feb 2019
Drip drip drip,
My love slides between your lips.
Sweet honey,
Your hands, soft on my hips.
Don’t waste it,
My mom would tell me not to waste it.
Hazy in your love,
Do you like the taste of it?
Your skin with drops of cold night dew.
A whisper to myself
I won’t tell you but, I like the taste of you
Savanna Feb 2019
I feel brought back to life
By the touch of your lips
I feel most like myself
With your hands on my hips
Why do I feel most grounded
While I’m falling from the grips
Any feedback is appreciated!
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