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  Oct 2019 sassybutsweet
Francie Lynch
As a young man in love,
I was selfish.
I walked with you,
I shared food,
I slept with you,
It was my insatiable thirst;
Desire, and
I needed to gulp it,
At any cost,
For survival.
Perhaps you felt likewise.
I didn't know.

Now, being older,
Which I do
Out of love,
I do for you.
  Sep 2019 sassybutsweet
Setting  you free
letting you go
sentenced me
to life
  Sep 2019 sassybutsweet
You asked me
if there ever was a moment
when I wanted to leave you,
and truthfully,
there was.

But not a day has passed
that you didn't cross my mind.

People say that in this world
we are all just trying to find
true love,
one of a kind,
and all it takes
is just one glance,
but I believe it's much more
than a lucky chance-

countless moments...

each one a memory
frozen in time

all these moments,
like a mosaic
(too many to count)

in this enormous amount
all I see
is the big picture
and it is the most beautiful artwork
I have ever seen.
That is the art of falling in love
I never felt deserving
or enough
for love.
So, I let
my mind break my heart,
before you get a chance
to break it.
  Jul 2019 sassybutsweet
you make my heart ache
sweetest, deepest, truest pain
loving you just hurts
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