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  May 2019 sassybutsweet
False Poets
when you understand my poems perfectly then,

their utility is inutile,
their usefulness is, will. always be, in the


reinterpretation, a million and still counting,
as long as you must guess at its labyrinth inner wired construct,
be pleasured by the roiled and rolled curves upon your tongue,
two lives (yours, mine), a paired wine tasting, we together,
believing in the greatness of joyous frustration

some say, as I do, the world is better for the
utility of thine own struggled understanding,
the truest combination of two way communication,
surpassed only by our at last armed embrace,

when at last we understand our mutuality of need and salve...
  May 2019 sassybutsweet
David Irvin
Beauty in a peace
In a place to find,
A door to open
Listen to your heart

Some doors have no keys
They have no locks,
The way of opening
Just listen to
Your heart
  Apr 2019 sassybutsweet
Chloe James
I get lost in your words.
When I'm with you,
I can spread my wings like an adventurous bird.
I get lost in your eyes.
When I'm with you,
I soar through the sky like a bewitching butterfly.
I get lost in you.
Oh, if only you knew.
About someone i loved deeply in the past.
  Mar 2019 sassybutsweet
Sometimes called a
hidden diamond or pearl..
Meaning a recognition
seemingly hidden..of
the identity of each of us
which bears the
fruit of real happiness..

The recognition happens
in any time or place
but the odds are improved
with a gardener's nurturing
or a teacher's mention of
the joy of the return
..whatever it takes..

Facing now toward
the morning sun...
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