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Diary of my dreams
golden harp, treasured soul
thank you for drying my tears
when I am loosing control
In our private cloud
devious secrets we share
with your lullaby, safer I feel
and all my shadows disappear
Dear sis, wild velvet heart
I cherish every second, every word...
Your hilarious wind and wise glow
inspire me to fly high wherever I go
In a quirky world we found each other
maybe it was meant to be...
You make me proud, you make it worth
moon and star forever we will be.

© Christina Philipe
 Feb 2015 sash sriganesh
When You get an idea,
You type it up
Thats what a regular poet would do,
But this is how you do it my way

First you need a peace of mind,
And a bit of humour
But Don't be Blind
Open Up your Mind

Sit by the sun
And snack on a bun
Stretch your fingers
And start typing..

Then feel Proud of what you've done
And Click the Publish Button
And wait for all the Viewers
To say the poem is more intricate
then 'the Mona Lisa'!
My heart will not be denied
Soul, body, and mind
I will not be confined
I'll reach for the sky
This, I will live by

Even after I die
I will be immortal
My words have no goodbyes

**-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
A brain is a marvelous thing
Thoughts and communication
Stuck in little files
Waiting to be opened and remembered
 Feb 2015 sash sriganesh
Why O WHhy
Are so many poems so depressing?
Do People believe in god and not in them selves?
Why O Why
Do people Have Problems?
Do People think they Know whats better, than I do?
Why O Why
Do I have these questions?
 Feb 2015 sash sriganesh
a SMiLe
Can Change A Persons day
A  Grand Smile
Can make you advertise for a toothpaste company
A smile
can make you the most Beautiful Person in the Universe
So Keep Smiling :)
 Feb 2015 sash sriganesh
Google the great
Without this there'd be no happiness in me
Google the great
Without it there'd be no smile on anyones face
Google the great
Without it there'd be no Life in me
Google the great
without it there'd be no human existence
Unless obviously
Bing was around,
none of this would be true
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