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 Dec 2018 Sara Bullara
CA Smith
To you, the ground beneath my feet
Every step I take,
you support me.

You stand with me,
in my times of trouble

I am warmed by your embrace,
as I become entranced in your outfit of lace.

Nothing could be more finely crafted,
than my connection with you.

The ages may wear on you,
yet you remain the only one
my sole longs for.

For you truly are...
My favorite pair of shoes.
It had to
be you I'm sure.
But i dare you
to leave,
for the love in
your heart won't
let you go away.
But once I love you,
would you stay
This love and
what I feel
is not a
casual encounter.
I am a
prisoner of love.
It's definitely divine
and deeper than
you think or
For the fire
of love is
burning within
your heart
to sift you.
In your lost,
you found yourself.
I want to
disappear too and
be found with you,
for you conquered
your loss.
For the rainfall
must finally find
it's way to the
sea at last.
You are a sigh of
relief gone forth
to ease my
heart of the
pleasure of the
pressure of finding you.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
 Dec 2018 Sara Bullara
I’m falling for you
Like the leaves in
You brighten me
Like the sunbeams through
Grey clouds.
You color me
Like the trees in
The forest.
You warm me
Like the fireplace
In my house.
I’d wait for you
All year
And when you're there,
I can’t stop
Admiring your beauties.
I love you.
Autumn is sooooo lovely just like you:)
White flag
 Dec 2018 Sara Bullara
 Dec 2018 Sara Bullara
do you remember the day
that you realized that you’re
hopelessly in love with your
best friend?
m a y b e
may be
may (i) be
i (may) be
may i (be) May
(May): spr(i)ng and flowers and bees
be (sweet)
be (here)

may i just be
may there always be room for me
between may and be.

— The End —