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Make me great with your light
O Most Powerful God,
Keep your light shining on me
O Most Merciful God!

You stay in my entire life and death
O Most Gracious God,
My prostration is to you in full faith.
O Most Merciful God!

I don't want to go the wrong way
I wouldn't respond to others in a wrong way,
I just only want your mercy,
O Most Merciful God!

Please open the door of mercy
And forgive all of my sins
with your love and mercy
O Most Merciful God!

If I have done any little sin in the day
Turn me on the right path immediately.
O Most Merciful God,
Keep your mercy flowing to me, please!
-------------------------------Existential Schismatics------------------------------------------------------­-------

Nox Denuded:

Sorrows have sundered my soul;
Pain is the inward chaos, the virulent bane;
O, Starscourge, that burneth bright,  
Upon Noctis Lucis Caelum: Sempiternal Night  
Of The Mind's Sky.

The Whispers of the Spirit:

There exists one way to expiate the blights that wicked souls have wrought. We must love superabundantly. It is only through supernal Love that we find the capacity to transcend suffering.

The blight of the human condition is the existential schism that we all experience, every denomination, every label, every creed, they serve to divide. A sage once uttered, "...we're all one. The ordinances of the Sun & Moon shine on each one of us indiscriminately. The heavenly bodies do not dare mete out illumination lest fulminant with impartiality. Therefore, be compassionate in your arbitration."

It is only when we possess an undivided eye, that the Multiverse begins to flow abundantly through each one of us. Every soul upon the Earthen Mother has the unbound potential to achieve. Before this, a mandate of introspective awareness of our existential purpose cometh, to actuate our highest divine. Some of us find that awakening only when a kindred soul jostles our own. At times, it is that entity that possesses the secret key to our most veritable of identities.

We need each other. It is only when we come to realize this that the spirit burgeons deep within our anima. We can never underestimate the value of our spiritual kin if we are to effloresce, metamorphose, and blossom as spiritual entities. There is so much to be learned from every moment of pain. Every vagrancy, every perfidy, every bout of dereliction; consequently, these are all impediments to our existential success.

If I am to move forward and to transcend the difficulties transpiring, I must ne’er absolve myself of my duty as an entity of light. It is my fundamental belief that every soul is brought into this world with an inherent virtue, an intrinsic excellency. Sometimes, our experiences take us out of our sense of equanimity; moreover, we lose our sense of balance, feeling less poised to confront thorns. This occurs when we are accosted with a fusillade of trials. These gauntlets assay our ability to endure.

Trial in-and-of-itself can make us feel as though we are predisposed, foreordained, or even predestined to suffer. But suffering is the commonality of creation. In difficulty, there is always an opportunity to manifest resolve.

If we ail together, we are ennobled together. Vexation irritates the soul, but in the end, whence transcended, it also liberates. In most circumstances, the very same thing that enfetters us serves to free us from a pre-condition that no longer serves its existential purpose.
Take life as it comes, unabating in your longing for ascendency. You will rise Heavensward, if-and-only-if you take the stance never to surrender: Seek Justice, burgeon in Love, acquire Wisdom, grow in Might. It is only then that you will be complete in every respect; it is only then that your spirit will subdue the flesh. The carnal is vehement in it’s pining, yet the incorporeal essence is intemerate in its yearning.

(Se' lah)
----------Wisdom Epitomized-----------


"In a time of disjunct, remember that we're all one. The ordinances of the Sun & Moon shine on each one of us indiscriminately. The heavenly bodies do not dare mete out illumination lest fulminant with impartiality. Therefore, be compassionate in your arbitration."

—A Vagrant Sage


"I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.”

—John 13:34, 35 (New World Translation Study Edition)


"Within nature, all things are observable, in scarcity or in profusion. This is veritable when men or women unfurl their minds to the ethereal tides of space & time; consequently, all becomes a transcendent torrent, a cosmic unraveling, a communal oneness that is existence."

—An Existential Vagary


"In reply Jesus said to them:
'Those who are healthy
do not need a physician,
but those who are ill do.'"

—Luke 5:31 (New World Translation Study Edition)


"Every artist was first an amateur."

—Ralph Waldo Emerson


Excelsior Forevermore,

Sanders Maurice Foulke III
Saturday, April 4th, 2020

“I hang my head from sorrow, the state of humanity,” sang the Sapient Songbird. Amid surging torrents, the serpentine blights of the human condition, there are spasmodic glimpses of hope. Listen unwaveringly to the voice within as you take an opportunity to confront your sufferings. Self-sovereignty can naught be acquired without introspection.  

What is the essence of the diadem of ascendency? Is it reason & rhyme operative, reverberating upon the wavelength of the sublime? Perhaps, forsooth, it’s law, edict, spawned to envelop all within the delicate balance of governance?  

Boundless freedom canst naught be apart from precept. True manumission is obtained within the analogical perimeter of law. Therefore, rulings & revelations only serve to banish evil, virtue always remaineth unbound. Paradoxically, the soul procures boundless freedom through willful obedience to precepts of the same Progenitorial One by whom we stand.  

Submission is ne’er captivity lest we forget the benison of willful surrender. Moreover, obedience heralds further effloresce in the Light of the Empyrean One, the Cosmo-Plexus of Empyreal Love, Jah.  

Law is not fetter, nor is its absence liberty thereof, but pandemonium. Whence we gaze betwixt lines and letters of the law, we find the Element of Freedom; we find equity; we see in ourselves and others inherent depth, height, width, and breadth of moral character. Yes, even in regulation, the captive is unfettered; the wraith becometh revenant; the vexed soul, is lifted. Consequently, the ultimate law through which the liberation is acquired is the Law of Christ: Love.  

Sometimes I wonder upon the meaning of this life. Where do we find intemerate justice as an existential commonality? Whence shall armistice seize the Hands of Warfare that bruise Terraqueous Mother Earth’s Gaian epidermis? Whence shall every anima know the limitlessness of love? Terrene-scale answers are not mine to behold, nor ascertain, nor fathom.  

I must do all I can to metamorphose as a Kantian phenomenon, a Universal Force. Only when a heart teeming with love takes action, that it emancipates itself & others. Love is Nirvana.  

Each day that passes bringeth more discernment, more understanding, more knowledge, more wisdom. Moreover, I acquire greater “, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control...” with the passing of consolidated aeons. (Galatians 5: 22, 23) The spirit flows abundantly through in & throughout: it guides each one of us into the infinitude of virtue: love, wisdom, justice, power. All excellency, all grace, and all formosity, are found in Jah. Se’ lah.
You allowed me to walk
Into your resolute gaze,
I had witnessed
The opening of my prison

I'm reminded of when
The Earth was still young
Just rolling in the wind,
Like the way this short poem
Spells out the day we began
Saturday, March 7th, 2020      

       The imagination has the capacity to ensky one’s entity, it is the Apotheosis of the Astral Flame. True ennoblement, therefore, cometh not of intellect; the left-brain, but of sentiment, of creativity; the right-side of the brain. What is humanity, what is life, bereft of Wonder?
      In all of Creation there exist patterns & distinctions, both are coeval happenstances. The implication? Creativity is our Highest Divine. Within phantasmagoria can be found paradigmata; therefore, divinity is the Paradigm of Creation.  
      My tribulations have been my masters in the Hierarchy of Sacrality. Every moment of darkness has taught me to rove within for the ethereal light. Suffering is ephemeral, gladness is ephemeral, life is ephemeral.

Counter-intuitively, all things are transcendent, fluid, yet, static, and impermeable. Truth, without spirit, is unfathomable. The constant amidst an order of the chaste unknown? Our spiritual heritage known as Love.
       When we allow the world around us to be fathom’d by the eyes of our hearts, we partake of the privilege of Transcendence. Our hearts burgeon ineffably. There are no words to describe the beauty, the splendor, and the indelibility of a spiritual perspective. Furthermore, if creativity is of the same canon, it produces similar fruitage.
       My intuition gainsays my disbelief. The warring within me shall bear Faith from its embattled womb. This sterling quality is the source of my resilience, the crux of my perseverance; my muse. I am, we are a miracle.  
There lies a hidden power inside each one of us. We must be willing, patient enough, to cultivate these virtues. Our souls shall wax virtuosic when we do.
       Until my last day on this Earth, I hope to continuously metamorphose, blossom, effloresce into the spirit I am ordained to be. Foreordinance means not exaltation, but humility.
        Light cannot exist apart from Stygian Shadow. The Stygian Shadow cannot exist apart from the Light. Each magnifies the cadenza of the One who formed all things.  
        The mentally feeble are so easily persuaded to believe in the inherent goodness of Light. Spiritual pedigree teaches us the fear of the Dark; paradoxically, every illumination casts its veil. Such cannot be the purest evil if placed within the hands of the Great Revealer.  
        We cannot discern the merits of virtue simply by its outward appearance. We must peer inward in order to extrapolate, assay its purest essence.  Every element: Water, Fire, Earth, Air, and Quintessence each play a role in the Hierarchy of Sacrality. Therefore, we must be grateful for the natural unfolding of things.
       The Tides of Time unveil the cyclic changes that the Terraqueous Mother undergoes. In like manner, life changes not just with seasons, but with the passing of the ages. Though life is an evanescent exodus upon the Gaian Expanse, we see so much transpire in its brevity. —Life itself is a season, a coming and passing, an experiential vicissitude. Moreover, if I am to understand the essence of the Experiential  Cascade, I must believe that these moments of clarity are sacrosanctities of the highest order.
Dictum of Resurrection


“Transcendence implies the surpassing of two things, and the consequent attainment of a third thing. But there are no ‘things’ in reality, of any kind whatever: there is only the thing-in-itself, its suchness, which is Reality, revealed when the illusory dualism of inexistent qualities is dissolved.”

∞Wei Wu Wei∞


"Wise men don’t judge: They seek to understand."

∞Wei Wu Wei∞

Sacred Parcel:

Keep Christ
in your
Beloved Ones.
Without the Way,
The Truth,
The Life
We are without

“Everything is real in dream,“
Said the sage;
Imagine & believe.
Excelsior Forevermore,


Sanders Maurice Foulke III
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