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4.2k · Nov 2014
The Sower
Samuel Lombardo Nov 2014
There was once a parable,
an earthly story
portraying a message that would
be told in reference of our life:
A sower goes out to sow some seeds.
However, there were some seeds
fell on the wayside, and
were swallowed up by the birds.
Yet, some seeds fell next to the ricks,
but there was not enough earth
to keep the growth of the plant-
so, when the sun came out
the seeds were scorched from the earth
with minimum growth,
but without the roots
to carry on its growth process.
Yet, some seeds were placed in the thorns;
so, those seeds were choked by its death.
The last sower was able to find good land,
where seeds would grow to a hundred fold.

There is a mission:
When God asks us to plant seeds,
we are asked to have the oil with us.
Without the right concentration,
there are concerns of thorns
who can choke you up.
Because the thorns are sharp and dangerous,
only God has the power to devour
or to destroy them.
A thorn is stubborn, and will continue to process
threats of no promise, but the cuts it can process.

Some thorns can be hidden,
while a red rose blooms beautifully
on the branches of a rose bush,
there is no reason to believe-
the thorn bush wants you
to grab the beautiful rose
to dig into your skin
the anger it holds
for you.

Hence we have the earth to produce God's mission,
but without the oil and concentration,
there are only rocks that will go nowhere.
Yes, unless you plan to move the rocks out
of the way, those things will always remain.
Only God has the power to remove the
blockages out of our lives to make
success in His mission, not our own.
Rocks also causes pain. They are
heavy, stubborn to move, and are often in the way.
When dealing with rocks,
their mission is to block the truth
blind us for which what is said is to be
hypocritical to the naked eye.
However, what the rocks do not know,
they may block our message from reaping,
but God can remove that rock,
placing them where they will work better.
The rocks are the most stubborn for sending
a message when the rock says,
"Here I am try to move me,"
however, if you remove a rock from its place,
they too have a purpose, and knocks the
whole scenario outta-kilta.
The situation is that while seeds could grow,
they die off very quickly without roots.

The question is:
Does it take a brain surgeon
to help us decide where to plant seeds?
Do we need to express the dangers
of rocks and thorns?
Where do we lay our hearts?
Is our hearts in the thorns, being tangled and sliced-
or is our hearts being crushed by rocks?
Is our oil being dripped by the holding back of thorns,
or are the rocks dying the oil up?
Our hearts need to sow where there is promise.
#Sower #Distractions #Plotters #Hypocrisy #Love #Heart #Salvation #FindingtheLight #Promise #Choice #Freedom
3.4k · Sep 2014
Right Crush!
Samuel Lombardo Sep 2014
In my mind,
I was flattered-
flattered at what
the world  sees;
what I saw
no picture can compare.
Yes, I must be right-
right crush has been
sent back to the thought-
the thought of love.
No love can dispel-
without hate- what other
can love?
In my mind,
the right crush
becomes reality
in my mind-
there she finally is.
In retrospect,
you can only believe
your suspicions
of a drained ear
of sorrowful advice-
that advice was clinging
at the point that no
right crush-
is not right for you-
unless you see past
your suspicions of wasted love.
Did you not learn your
lesson- of freedom not
to be joined or forced
by other forces-
but the force to dispel hate.
Otherwise, there is none
other than hate that rules-
there is no right crush!
The right crush-
is what is in your mind
to dispel hate-
and with love comes peace.
This love is the right crush!
Remember, that this could have happen to anyone! Do not allow suspicion or wrong advice be taken lightly unless there is a reason to believe.  Also,when you dispel love,you are asking to accept hate! Dispel means to get rid of, vanish,  drive off- and what you are saying is that you would like to be hated upon in your definition.  I do not hate anyone for any reason; and if you are testing me now- just know my reward is not to regain a friendship, but is to have a stronger relationship with God,in which any judgment can be taken with him.  Also, one more thing: be careful what you wish for- KARMA understands quite well that when you dispel from love, you could lose love- and that may have to be a lesson learned.
3.2k · Sep 2014
Rooster (Haiku)
Samuel Lombardo Sep 2014
The beak-
the walk-
chicken out
with all the gibberish.
3.2k · Jan 2015
Angry Face
Samuel Lombardo Jan 2015
For thirty-three years I have been
the person for the abuse, power, and
long-suffering coming from others.
For thirty-three years, I've been ****** up.
My love may have seem real, but
to others love was surreal to fantasy.
I am *******-
the trail of the inevitable battles
over my head-
from uncle to brothers to
an angry *** grandfather who
took my dignity in the grave with him.
Yet, this uncle still walks freely
through the doors and walkways,
and up and down hills-
I am *******.
What justice I seek- only
a hush for repentance
and forgiveness- but I been
through the gates of hell-
from entrance to another,
his tool goes wild, and I am
forced to kick the teeth out of
his mouth-
And when growing and showing up
to the faces of the universe,
I have lived the fear of rejection and hate-
all I have experienced was rejection and hate.
There is no one who understands-
the story of my life.
The assaults of ***, physical abuse, and
tyranny I have was the demon I want no more.

The guilt of my mind-
the obedience of such gross fantasies  
and the tears I share of lost
friendships have made an angry face.
But for thirty-three years nothing has
worked for me- there has to be a new path:
I had to seek repentance and forgiveness,
for hatred had to dispel from the love I
had for others.

This angry face had been exchanged
for a phat face-
the face of love, peace, and understanding;
it was the inspiration of a friend whom I
am now confused.
I am confused of dispelling love for hate
when I been living with fear.
Rejection and hate was my life-
and it became a demon in my life.
This person was drawn to my life to love me-
not love me physically,
but the love that shows my life
living in fantasy.
I was blamed to be a predator-
a reputation ruined by third party wanna-be's.
My fear was confirmed when rejection
called my name in the name of evil,
and hatred became what my friend used.
This was the person I never shared my
problems, because of his rejection.

Why was he a part of my life?
What brought us together?
I am not the **** in the closet-
I am the hetro living in the dark.
I had nowhere to go, and I
trusted that this could be discussed.
And here I thought I was weak.
I have been through so much
that it hurt me to see my best friend go.

I became angry faced-
the loss of friendship over
my actions, now blamed for
harassment and stalking when
I see surveillance in the eyes
of my life.
Why do I have to learn this lesson?
Who do I learn with?
Where is my understanding?
Why do they not understand?
I am none of the things the
universe declares me; and yet
no light they cannot see in me.
Why did you fake me?
Why do you block me of my
freedom to say my story?
What is your story?
What love do you have if
someone sniped me?

I changed my view on love,
because the hate I've been
misjudged on for thirty-three years.
This ******* society is so messed up;
I have to live according to a
controlling and confused society.
You are like the rest-
put an act on, in front of friends,
and then when trouble comes
or the annoying person is
around, your on your way
to the hermit station.
I do not understand you;
I was not able to find
peace within you; and
I am confused about your love.
In fact, the only confirmation
I got was when someone else
said I tricked them until a
business gig that was never paid.  
And when I was blamed for lying,
I knew you people only put me out.
The most hateful thing to do is to lie
about one thing to save your reputation
to ruin others.
The reality is that you place angry faces
on those you love, but do not
understand agape for your own fantasies
are stuck elsewhere.
I am still trying to put the pieces together,
but I do know where the missing pieces are-
they are connected to you-
Until you understand the agape love-
we will both be missing love and peace
for each other in disguised of hatred.
You only hide me to forget me,
but it is the Heavenly hosts who destined us.

I now seek spiritual guidance;
I need to forget you;
I need to understand why I should;
And while I wish you begin to
understand, I realize that this, too
only a fantasy.
I only ask that someone take away
this rejection and hatred from me.
I fear that I will not see my
friend, again-
but who wants someone in their
life who is not understanding,
always faking me in front of others
than hiding me inside a closet-
abusing power over love?
I only know rejection and pain,
who wants to introduce me to
the Happy Face?

It is music which I found you;
It was the creative mind-
when you turned to the left side,
your subconscious has taken away
the right brain empathy,
which was taken for me.

Only hope is what is left;
The hope for new
found agape love and peace.
Let me allow my story-
let me allow my understanding;
let me allow you to tell me.
This poem could be quite graphic,due to the intended message of abuse, obsession, assault, and the fact that I lost friends who gave me more pain.  The idea of this poem is to allow people the opportunity to feel free to express their situation, and to let others who been through this know that I am feeling their pain, too.
2.5k · Sep 2014
Three Ways Light
Samuel Lombardo Sep 2014


Light of
Innocence on
Garden from
Heaven in
Three Spirits!
God is light- and if you follow the light, you do not need to dispel from light you have,rather from darkness your in.
2.3k · Jan 2019
Samuel Lombardo Jan 2019
Stories, truths, lies, all these lines,
So confused as to what is happening.
Like riding a rodeo, Dust and rope, rain and shine,
Been a year thinking, and breaking bones,
Healing, taking bumps, watching phishermen
As they try to pick the lock of my heart.
The truth is no one knows my story,
No one knows his story,
They take letters, unscramble them to make a sound
A sound that is not yet proven to be true, either way.
I have time to think and make my move.
No one is rushing it, I am not, he is not,
We are on the same page, but the healing begins.
The only way you will get the answer is not by words, Understanding math, and finding the common denominator
Is the only possible solution.
I am the solution to the problem, not the problem.
Math can sometimes be difficult, because
There are ways to finding the solution,
But if you're not careful, there may be many numbers
Not useful, and the remainders will have to be
Reworked until there is a clear denominator for Solution to this equation.

Rumors have it that I did not show my right to him.
However, truth says that time and space heals wounds.
I do not have to doubt my love,
Because I see where the common denominator is.
Rumors have it that I drove him crazy,
Truth is that I feared love and he opened me up to it.
Rumors have it that I am not right for him,
Truth has it that solutions are sometimes painful,
But only the one can be the solution to my problem.
Rumor has it that I think I am the one,
The truth is the only common denominator that seeks
To make the math problem whole is the one.
Rumors say, that I will not feel loved again,
Truth says, it is love that is opening me up from a distance. Rumors say I do not belong in his life,
The truth says, I already exist in his life,
I am the one he suffered to fix me, and I accept it.
Rumors say I have no peace because I have no love,
Truth says he is the one that opened me to love.
Rumors say I am a broken dream with no hope,
Truth says I am the hope that brings peace to dreams.
Rumors say I am nobody and fat and ugly,
Truth says, my heart opened and my ugliness has Moved on to peace, love, and understanding.

Rumors say, why you like younger people?
Truth says, my youth is what brings me the joy I seek.
Rumors say leave it alone, you will never have him,
Truth says, I already did, and now I am more open.
Rumors say you will never last,
Truth says, true love, lasts a lifetime.
Rumors say you caused the separation,
Truth says, my heart was inseparable and I will prove it.
Rumors say, distance ruins relationships,
Truth says distance is what heals obstacles and barriers.
Rumors say I have some many barriers to open love,
Truth says love is what opened my barriers to freedom.
Rumors say the foundation to my heart is broken,
Reality says brokenness is the foundation of fixing
The broken pieces that will show the one
Who is the one in space and time to fix my brokenness.
Rumors do not believe in love but fear that love exists,
Truth believes that love exists and hope is the key.
Rumors need a reality check,
The truth knows where it is heading on this journey.
2.2k · Oct 2014
Secondary Dominants
Samuel Lombardo Oct 2014
Boring to me
listening to those
them disconnected Rondos-
no idea where the
progressions are-
yet, they still anticipate
With every life situation;
there should be
a limited amount
of dominants-
then when using
secondary dominants
one can make progressions.
The music can only
be plucked
like a harp
in several directions,
making music
without the control
of one chord.
One chord has
trouble progressing
without the secondary dominants.
#Music #Relationships #Friendships #Reality #Truth
Samuel Lombardo Oct 2014
A thought in process...
Imagery that tells a story....
I can see
the Prestigious School of Gills:
The Conservatory of Velvet & Blues.
In the process...
The conservatory will need to
hire the Ground sharks
to make sure there
are no shellfish or
Crappie fish laying around.
Once all the Crap is
swallowed up,
we can hire Dolphins so they
can share in their porpoise.
Even in the deep,
we have trouble with
Blackchin.  We should consider
hiring Giant Wels to calm
the Blackchin.  if that does not
work, we will get the Bigmouth Buffalo
to calm all the Bitterling.
I do need to get around-
I should Perch a Black Neon Tetra
...and find some Pumkinseeds.
I will need to hire an
Octopus to get the building
done sooner.
In one hand- I will use a Hammerhead.
In another hand- he should use a Sawfish.
I will need two arms to scratch
the Rough Scad from the floor.
Two more arms should
use Smelt-whiting on the walls.
We need Muscles to do the
heavy lifting.
Finally, the Octopus will need two
arms to lay the Velvet.
EEL!!! I have noticed Roaches!
I noticed the Roughy patches.
Hey look!!! We do not need to
worry about electric-
we will just use electric eels.
To right- I will place the lampfish.
Do not worry about the
evil of the Ghouls & Devil Ray-
I will be sure to Discus
with Alfonsino all
the trouble with the
Blue-eye, Bullhead, ***** shark.
We will have a Whale of a time,
omitting the Suckers & Swallowers
from the Red Velvetfish.
I need to cool
things off with icefish.
And to keep the roofs from
leaking, hire the seals.
Our Seahawk Security will
be watching for the White Shark.
If you see them please,
send out the Yellow Jacks
and I will use the River Loach
as backup for there is plenty of
fish in the sea.
#Building #Where #Are #You #Ateam #Reality
1.4k · Jan 2019
Two Tear Drops
Samuel Lombardo Jan 2019
The one teardrop says to the other;
I am the tears of sorrow, fear, and anger.
I make every person that feels me
burn with anguish, because I take ego to rest.
I claim to make it better when my tear
is forced with all that fear.
But then I cross paths with laughter, joy, and love;
and wow...I get freaked out!
I love one thing;
I love to argue, be indifferent;
it makes my eyes water every time they see me.
There is no winning or losing with me;
you have to deal with my hard feelings;
oh yes, there is no feeling left after me.
I can even break hearts
because that is what I do.
But then I do not know why no one wants me;
but I keep doing what I see best;
it is like a no brainer with no brains.
I am a difficult teardrop to deal with,
because you do not know why
my eyes are so hurt.
These teardrops will flood the soul
to a deep infernal pain of anguish if you met me.

Then down the flooded river of those dark brown eyes;
I can see the laughter, joy, and love.
Those teardrops said nothing;
they could not argue with me;
they just kept moving,
But then I realized that no matter
where I go, those teardrops were going
down the same path.
Why are those beautiful teardrops following me?
This is not making no sense;
Two opposite tears for the same reason going
down the same projected path.
Why do you pick me?
Why do I deserve your love?
What did I do to deserve your love?
I love to fight, argue, and be unpredictable;
you love to be quiet, peaceful, and live the dream;
I have no dream to live.
What is there about me that you like?
And for some reason I cannot fight your tears;
you make me drain with pain;
you make me broken in my flood;
and you mix with my tears to make me beautiful.

The other teardrop stops;
it melts away the burning desire of pain.
Molds me into something I am not;
how the hell do you do that?
I am a teardrop of fear and anger!
How did you know to make me whole?
the second teardrop says,
"You were once me, and I felt you before,
but I chose to make myself whole, again."
Do you want my love?
Mix with me, let me feel you;
I will let you in my pool of
love, peace, and understanding.
You will find yourself at peace;
you will never want to leave me;
that is when I know I found the one.
You do not need to worry;
you do not need to fear love;
love is gentle; love is kind;
You do not have to fear me;
you know you want me,
because it is me that makes you shine.
Why worry about finding the one?
Why worry about the future?
Here I am; I've been here all along;
you just never accepted me.
Yes, I shed my tears in comfort that
You will find me;
You have found me;
No more hate, anger, or ego.

You have me; you need me;
You want me; I am the one.
Get over here, take me in;
your heart is manifesting into
my own desire;
opposites do attract;
I have been fighting this long;
I mind as well sleep in your tears.
I have a big surprise for you;
do you remember that third teardrop;
the teardrop of the predicament;
life choices, intercession, and destiny.
Well, that teardrop is what made us transparent;
and I want to be with you,
because like you never had my tears;
I never had your tears.
Do I want your tears?
No, but it is your tears with mine
that helps heal the others in this pool;
and together we can be a team;
a team for love and hate;
and how the two really make a balance.
You love hate; I love peace;
but together we can be in peace with our love.
Your flaws are my own;
There are only two tear drops in our soul.
We know that opposites do attract, but it is the opposition that we fear when it comes to love.  Do not worry, and if you live your life with confidence that opposition will fade into a pool of wonderful clear teardrops of love.
1.2k · Nov 2014
Babylon in Ruins
Samuel Lombardo Nov 2014
Nebuchadnezzar has three dreams,
not even the "wise men" of old
could interpret the dreams of this old man.
It then takes lads of Meshach, Abendigo, and Daniel
to "cling" together in a fiery furnace,
only to see a fourth man that
the King recognizes and acknowledges
as the the God of Most High.

Why would this dumb old King
still insist on the power of the Most High
with a 90-foot tall statue of no statutes?

Then how is it that Daniel-
a wise man of Babylon
able to entice God's presence?

Even with all the threats and insanity
of this crazy old King,
Wise man, Daniel, stands up against
a statue of a multitude of people
when he stares as tradition in a mirror.

With the delusion of creating a nation alone
has made that crazy old King
filled with insanity and obsession over people.
Sounds familiar with our own traditions,
and obsession to worldly pleasures.

Here is the real problem,
the ruins of Babylon is not only
a metaphor, but a reality to lives
living on this Earth for those
"wise men" who think they can
take the place of God.
Unfortunately, we are crawling around
like beasts on this Earth,
because there is no other
to lift us up, but God the Most High.

Soon, the four Angels
Destiny, Death, Purity, and Balance
will "let it go,"
the four winds of strife on a land
that has insist the impalpable sin.
When I am constantly placed in
a fiery furnace, all the one's around
me feel the heat, and die of their own curse
they caused me, letting go;
and bringing Babylon in ruins.
#Reality #Purpose #Changes #SlaveryInSin #LetItGo
1.1k · Oct 2014
Delusional Fears
Samuel Lombardo Oct 2014
You're not scared of the dark;
You're scared of what's in it.
You're not afraid of heights;
You're afraid of falling.
You're not afraid of the people around you;
You're just afraid of rejection.
You're not afraid to love;
You're just afraid of not being loved back.
You're not afraid to let go;
You're just afraid to accept the reality that she's gone.
You're not afraid to try again;
You're just afraid of getting hurt for the same reason.

Can you hear my silence?
Can you see the dark?
Can you fix the broken?
Can you feel my heart?
When life knocks you down...calmly get back up...,
smile..., and very politely say...,
"You hit like a *****."
1.1k · Nov 2014
Metaphors of Buried Talent
Samuel Lombardo Nov 2014
There was three individuals whom
were blessed with talents.
There was one who had 10 talents
for which these talents were
blessed and used,
while another individual had five.
Those talents were blessed and used.
There was one individual
who had one talent, suppressed it,
and hid it in the ground,
until the day the Lord has come.

The next day, a certain man came to
make inventory of their talents.
The first man, said he was blessed with
ten talents where there were
twenty seeds sowed.
The next man came and stated that
his five talents were blessed with
five more talents.

However, the man who hid his talent,
told the man, he had hid his talent,
because he was afraid that he would
lose it.
Suddenly, the man suggested
that the talent be given to the
other who has ten talents,
and that the ways of your servants
was not to follow me.

The man went along his own way
with no reaping, and a hidden talent.
When one is scared to follow the
true path for which is
met to be, we risk the buried talent.
#Reality #Truth #Wisdom #Preparation
996 · Feb 2015
Lions vs. Hyenas:
Samuel Lombardo Feb 2015
Born into this world as an angel;
experiences unheard of and in defeat-
the mouth of outrageous roars and gel
grown in a circle of many feats.

There came a face filled with scars
the mind of unsure, bold, and assertive delusion
promotes such gratitude and mingled spurs
to run from me, run from such obsession.

The hyenas are so fake in their attitude-
their faces are like an abandoned building
with graffiti to cover their indecisive gratitude,
and pretentious illusions that yield bring.

In the dark valleys with only moonlight,
such attitudes and gloom of darkness
sets in motion the evil wariness and fight-
the lion flights into the cave of the barking mess.

Hyenas crave the deception to feed on lies;
and the lion's assertiveness frees from itself
the circle of dark redemption that proves his rise,
hyenas hide behind the masks on the shelf.

Hyenas are busy trying something new
whereas the lion still never gives up his path.
Hyenas are free spirited in the blues
while the lion is free from the hyenas wrath.

(Possible Chorus):
In the wrath of darkness, one is never satisfied.
In the light of the world, one can be magnified.
No matter what there is a circle of life
that once will be the door to wasted strife.
The light of the world, defeats the darkness of soul.
The assertiveness and protection will be whole.
A full day of poetry sounds good. Here is the first- could be a song later:
(My cover may be- Bad Crushes):

Written by, Samuel J. Lombardo- February 15, 2015 @ 4:36pm
920 · Nov 2014
The FIG Tree
Samuel Lombardo Nov 2014
Fabulous, innocent, and gracious
is this fig tree;
how deceiving?
When it bares no fruit.
Fake, iniquitous, and garrulous
is this fig tree-
now cursed to never
eat of this fig tree!
#NoMore #Destiny #AngelofDeath #Reality
917 · Sep 2014
Pages Unknown
Samuel Lombardo Sep 2014
There are words
not  known
only you think
you know the words,
but  in those words
of  suspicion
was  your lesson.
Have you thought
the leaves on
your tree were ripped
out, but rearranged?
Yes, there is one
one  whom no lesson
will be learnt
to  frowns of guilt.
Like  the fall,
we eventually
get back up...
The  springtime  
is promised
the awakening
of a new life.
There are pages
to  be edited,
others should
be ripped out;
while other  pages
in your life-
are the hardest-
ones that remind
You of pages
not to be ripped out.
What is left-
with only a cover,
and  a title
without no words
These books are
not  to be  judged,
but they are the
pages to be filled;
these are the  lessons
You must learn.
Stop ripping
Pages out of the book,
or You may never
Show words
new beginnings are
promised, but you  must
read through  the  
Whole book to get
Whole  story.
870 · Sep 2014
Samuel Lombardo Sep 2014
In this body
so *****
and wrenched-
I am enslaved-
I am enslaved
in the world of sin.
In this body
there is only
freedom and will
that can set me
it is then
I will see
the path
of light where
I will no
longer be enslaved,
but free and
perfect, in love.
When one is in ******* of their own guilt and sin, they become hateful,but if one can be set free- one must know that freedom come with a price: atonement and free will.
846 · Jan 2019
Samuel Lombardo Jan 2019
Now, my heart is open, but it knows what its missing;
now, the heart is wounded by its own desire;
but it is its own desire that opens the door which was locked.
There is no avoidance like a heart full of fear;
so, that fear was taken place by a love that can fix me.
How can I doubt it?
Why do I need to resist it?
Why should it be forced?
Why should it be pushed?
The reality is that none of this has to happen,
you are already there.
You cleared the void that was so annoying.
You were able to transform a heart of fear,
into a heart of love.
So, only the one can do this work to someone.
There is a distance, but it is not as wide as the void;
The void is now closed with one in my heart;
all others are in support and merge into my being.
The only void there is remain in the mind,
but I am at peace with you, even in distance.
Love is what brings us closer, no matter the distance;
why worry about what will happen
when what happened is already transparent?
I do not have to resist, push, force, anymore;
no, I can see through the glass our reflection;
the reflection of minds that are meant for many things;
the reflection to heal those who have been where we were.
You are beautiful and the best rendition of me;
there is no avoidance of your soul;
because I set myself free to allow you into my heart.
You will see when our paralleled hearts
reconnect from the healing hearts of doubt and disbelief.
No more avoidance within myself;
only love can fill the void, and the person is happy to see me.
When I see your face, it will not be sour frowns;
or doubts of love, or force of angels;
it will be an angel seen through me;
living in love through my heart,
finally allowing you into my life, and out of avoidance.
837 · Oct 2014
Samuel Lombardo Oct 2014
There is nobody
who will deserve
to be taken away
and left behind
in my life.
Ridicule is not
an option.
I do not care
who you are!
Not everything
has to be explained!
But what should be,
only sheds light.
What is light when
there is no darkness,
and universal love
is shown with no
A deplorable event or a very serious accident will strike a person in your vicinity. A shockwave will spread around you and it will quickly disseminate in your neighbourhood. Affliction will be heavy and generalized. This is about a violent event that will have serious consequences on the person targeted and his/her close ones. This is a question of circumstances due to a conflict between two men. Jealousy in love and aggressiveness are the issue here. Alcohol and drugs may also be involved. A man will go to prison. Very serious accusations will be made against him.  [Be prepared for this battle- this goes out to someone I know very well.]
705 · Sep 2014
The Seasons
Samuel Lombardo Sep 2014


Smiles of

Understanding, and...
Moments of

Lives to
Language of
691 · Oct 2014
Troubled Mind
Samuel Lombardo Oct 2014
In my sleep, my mind is wondering
when I am awake my mind is wandering.
All I can see is confusion-
have no idea where the trouble started.
Simply, I bare the immeasurable pain-
the pain that makes tears.
The love for a friend is no way
the same as my girlfriend.
All because my speaking voice
confused that troubled mind,
I have to deal with the consequences.
or is it just the excuse to escape
the legacy of another world
where life is not the same?
Could it be that we both thought
different thoughts-
only one can only hope.
See, I was in no way "in love"
I was loved- or as I thought;
then suddenly, there were colors
on this painting that were hiding
the sunshine views of such happiness
when I suddenly realized
I was not the one with the troubled mind.


Troubled Mind

Dans mon sommeil, mon esprit se demande
quand je suis éveillé mon esprit est errant.
Tout ce que je peux voir est confusion-
avoir aucune idée d'où les problèmes ont commencé.
Simplement, je nu les dou- incommensurable
la douleur qui fait larmes.
L'amour pour un ami a aucun moyen
le même que ma petite amie.
Tout cela parce que ma voix parlée
confus que l'esprit troublé,
Je dois faire face aux conséquences.
ou est-ce juste une excuse pour échapper
l'héritage d'un autre monde
où la vie est pas le même?
Serait-ce que nous avons tous deux la pensée
thoughts- différent
seulement on ne peut qu'espérer.
Vous voyez, je suis en aucun cas «en amour»
Je suis loved- ou que je pensais;
puis tout à coup, il y avait des couleurs
sur ce tableau qui se cachaient
les vues de soleil de ce bonheur
quand je me suis soudain rendu compte
Je ne suis pas celui qui a l'esprit troublé.
#Never #Think #Wildly #Without #Clarification
I have a very weird, insurmountable, yet, exasperating writing style that not all will always understand without questions.
680 · Sep 2014
Samuel Lombardo Sep 2014
Blemish of Darkness
Dreams becoming a Reality
Afraid of the Dark
Light of Hope
Serene Spirit Suspense.
Want to talk
About a Fight?
Try Dispelling
Something You
You have No Control!
Who Dispels Love?
How Dare such a thing
a this?
I will Dispel darkness,
for it is Light that Shines.
This Light is the Reality-
the Promise of One
Yet, Who comes to my Aid?
I Fought the big Fight!
For in One Year-
All lessons were Blemished
with the Blood on the Cross.
I will Not Cross
that Road again...
Yeah, that is a painful Road-
Let it Go-
What is there,
but Darkness on the other side?
You want to Follow Me?
Or will you Fall
into Oblivion
not Knowing what really shows?
All the Grass is dead
And there is where You
Thought there was Green.
You must Dispel
from Hate
before Hate Dispels You!
There is no other
Harm than to Fake Love-
when Karma Assembles-
Oh Yes! This Fake Love-
will Dispel from You;
The Time in Space
Will Conquer Your ever Thoughts-
Keep The Light-
Learn to DISPEL
This is the poem that illustrates the process of dispelling from the wrong feelings, because we have a tendency to think love is a harm; and society mixes love, purity with lust and materialistic things of the Earth.
667 · Sep 2014
Samuel Lombardo Sep 2014
I do not NEED
the help of others;
others NEED the help
within themselves.
I do NEED the assistance
of a team;
the team NEEDS the assistance
of their co-workers.
In all my life
I NEEDED Independence!
The poem speaks about friendships, co-workers, space, and time!
653 · Nov 2014
Coeur du Bonheur
Samuel Lombardo Nov 2014
Quand je pense à une personne,
Je pense que du bonheur
dû à moi par un autre.
Qu'est-ce que l'amour universel peut
ce soit dans mon esprit?
Suis-je faire une imagination
encore d'un amour illicite,
ou est-ce vrai cette fois?
Tout ce que je cherche
est un cœur de bonheur,
tant qu'il est commun
que ce qui est le point?
Bientôt il y aura un jour,
pas ce jour,
mais un jour viendra
quand je vois mes amis fidèles
dans les yeux de mon propre.
Est-ce que l'amour a toujours
un endroit négatif sur mon cœur,
ou était-ce la malédiction qui
ce cœur jamais trouver l'amour
sauf si il est vrai amour?
Sonne comme mon contrefaçon
dit de faire un cœur de bonheur.
#Frenchfor #HeartofHappiness
651 · Oct 2014
Samuel Lombardo Oct 2014
I trusted you-
You were the one
whom I gave the chance
for a legacy that you have declined.

What choices do you make away from you?
Was there no place for you? I frown
from you whom I had a crown.
Now, you sit back to think,
I can only listen to
your thoughts
that make
it so.

I am Falling
The steps were too
high to reach the top,
and there you see nothing
but the darkness- what beauty
is there in darkness when, in fact,
you can still reach the top without falling.
#Amends #Allowing #believing #When #Part of Life #DoNotFall #To an Ex-Friend
648 · Oct 2014
Branches Break Off
Samuel Lombardo Oct 2014
....the winds softly blowing-
leaves fall with the light breeze
....but when the storm
---------comes, I notice
----I stand up, waving my
many branches in the wind.
The more severe
----the more heavy the winds blow.
...oops- my branches are breaking!
This tree suffers a broken branch
with no survival or breath of life.
----there is no growth-
....the promise of life
has been broken in front of me.
When the branches are broken-
the tree looks more bare.  
But the tree still stands-
until you uproot me,
I can be fixable.
If I F




Let it be
that You are
not in My
When I




on you-
You may be
And then what-
it is more than-
branches breaking off!
#Guilt #Fixable #Stumbling #Distance #Freakedout
635 · Oct 2014
Why Do You Misinterpret Me?
Samuel Lombardo Oct 2014
Mr. Hermit usually is not
on the same page as me;
in fact, he is always
misunderstanding me, causing
grudges and attitudes
that are not at all
to me.

as he writes
he has much to say
about very little reasoning.
I can only imagine, what judgment
has to say about the transcendental spirits.

Yeah, Mr. Hermit is going off a tangent with no where else
to turn, and Judgment seems to seek you out, as long as
the High Priestess does not trump you out
of the card game, my guess is that
Mr. Hermit can only depend
on the Lovers to make
a point in life

this interpret
your cause for the life
lessons on love, for which transcends
from the Heavenly afloat of salvation that
missing the main point in your life:
Why Do You Misinterpret Me?
Can it be that you never
knew me until
you placed me
in the
#Love #TranscendentalLove #Misunderstanding #Corrupt #SweetnFire #HermitnHer #Alone #Spirit #Death #Soul #Angels #Destiny #Legacy #Hope #Healing
631 · Nov 2014
Moving On with Inspiration
Samuel Lombardo Nov 2014
Think of sustainability in your life;
you want inspiration-
think of your creativity!
Think about a puzzle
so jigsawed that perhaps you need
silence and time
to make the puzzle work.  
The reality is the picture,
the destiny, and
the creativity that you made
from this situation.  
In silence you are welcomed
to present actions that
inspire thought and precision.
If you worry about the future,
stress about the past,
then your present is stuck,
which means that in reality,
you will always feel stuck
and fear the past,
unless you open your eyes to
see what you have and move forward.
Just remember to leave
your negative thoughts of me behind,
instead of wondering if I will change,
because with time there comes change,
and it is not up to you to change me.
591 · Oct 2014
Was It a Mistake?
Samuel Lombardo Oct 2014
Was it my mistake?
So, I did harm to you,
but you had no idea
what power I had within me.
See, ever since the imagery
you perceived of me,
I have turned cold
with a frozen heart,
never to believe another lie.
You think I am the one
with the reality problems,
but yet, you have
not even seen your reality, yet.

Was it my mistake
to justify your stupidity?
Did I have to apologize
to the a Rock that
only sits there, so stubborn?
You say you need no change,
but when reality changes,
where are you?
Is this my mistake?
Really, you are fixated,
but yet cannot be fixed-
sounds almost like
childish games.
Why is it my mistake
that you cannot even
see your own image-
that you have to follow
other images that do not
even fit your canvas?
Seriously, I do not see the point!

Is it my mistake
that you chose to
follow a path that was different?
Here is the question:
Are you trying on the
wrong size shoes for your feet?
Was it a Mistake?

Universal love is just,
and in your mind
lust took control.
Was it a mistake?
Is it my fault
that you see me as a threat?
Prove your point,
and stop hiding in the
Was it a mistake
that I even took
the time to know you?
It was my mistake;
how then do you
see your mistake?
Circumstances and events will be in your favor and doors will open for you. You have embarked on a path whose destination seems uncertain, but in reality you don’t have to worry about. You have made good choices and have made good decisions. Don’t regret anything, because the wind will soon change direction and what you are hoping for will come to fruition. Stop worrying about something you did in good faith. Tormenting yourself is useless, because even if you aren't perfect, it’s your goodwill that matters most. You have taken a brave stop and your courage will be rewarded.
Samuel Lombardo Sep 2014
I was left on the wayside;
it was only temporarily.
In fact, for a while-
I was hermit;
and when I met you
my heart opened up again.
There was a breakthrough.
Someone in my life-
of the past-
very confused, lost in love;
and yet, still blames me-
In reality,
I am the book unfinished-
"Unfinished Business!!"
How is it then
You think you know so
much about me?
A suspicion?
No, that is what brought
You to this lesson.
Never believe what you see-
Question your heart-
And know where your mind is!
Please, I ask of you-
A legacy was warned
because of suspicion-
a talk from confirmation-
yet, nothing but your story
was told.
This story is getting
boring- nothing but meaningless
nonsense that only
incriminates who you are.
This is not a story
about who you are-
this is the story
representing where you are.
The truth is
It was not that I liked you-
but I made you learn
a lesson-
never to trade what you love
for the loss of another.
I am still making
my legacy-
where are you?
I am not saying anything-
there are ears
who hear, but only
see what they want to see.
I am not worried about
feelings- the feelings
the love of a person
Only I can still forgive
the moments in life
who thought of me
broken me of my life.
Do you think it is worth
the worth of finished business?
Unfinished Business only happens
when you are able to
guide yourself to success.
How do you define?
Is everything lust?
Why was I judged so harshly?
Where do you stand?
You stand on a road to
broken and bare tree limbs.
To lead- one must
Be-Able themselves to personalities
And Characters.
You want a lesson on love-
Deal with the source-
Love's  not from suspicions,
lies, and confirmations
Those of a past who
should have been gone-
I no longer view them,
trust them- nor
will I allow them.
They did enough to my book-
This book was not
suppose to have
love and suspense-
Your life was business-
A friendship wonderfully
made- other most
important with value.
Unfortunately, you
have a new reality-
a reality that has been
brought to you-
the answer of broken heart.
Am I a friend, you ask?
I will say, a friend does not need
to harass or stalk-
no, but when they are
around- and you are hiding-
the darkness is what
keeps me away.
Understand, you are
the problem
which must be solved-
and you are the light
in which we will all learn.
Get your life down the
path of righteousness-
there you will see your
dreams over a rainbow-
and fountains of life
springing before you-
and trees filled
with so many leaves
You will surpass all
this promise, if only
you can stop
abusing power with freedom.
There is free will and choice;
but how many of us
use our choices wisely.
The lesson here-
stay away from suspicions-
the darkness of confirmations
to void your legacies and dream-
and become dependent-
in yourself;
understand that there is more to me
than what you have already lost.
I am leaving this story;
in-ended, because
this story has a sequel-
A sequel of righteousness,
faith, love, peace-
and understanding-
a new beginning-
a promise of legacy-
and forget the book
that passes-
there was so many empty pages.
I can almost re-write
the phrases, but that will
bring me back-
and I am not going back.
Time to move forward.
This is not obsession
nor lust- this is
a new found promise-
a promise of legacy
and friendship.
Understand that love
is friendship; and without love
there is darkness;
you want to shine-
learn to love.
This poem is for those who were either not understanding me, did not understand my situation, or may have known me in the past and have totally judged me the wrong way.
581 · Sep 2014
Taking Paths....
Samuel Lombardo Sep 2014
No pressure...
What looks to be
right, must be
Is my path
made well?
What achievements
can I confess?
What promises
have been brought
to me by you?
In my satisfaction,
reality faces change.
My path closes
the door-
the door to
freedom and will.
I escape with
a new song.
Living life
like a
dress rehearsal
only delays the
process of
taking paths!
Get going!
Samuel Lombardo Oct 2014

I was left on the wayside;
it was only temporarily.
In fact, for a while-
I was hermit;
and when I met you
my heart opened up again.
There was a breakthrough.
Someone in my life-
of the past-
very confused, lost in love;
and yet, still blames me-
In reality,
I am the book unfinished-
"Unfinished Business!!"
How is it then
You think you know so
much about me?
A suspicion?
No, that is what brought
You to this lesson.
Never believe what you see-
Question your heart-
And know where your mind is!
Please, I ask of you-
A legacy was warned
because of suspicion-
a talk from confirmation-
yet, nothing but your story
was told.
This story is getting
boring- nothing but meaningless
nonsense that only
incriminates who you are.
This is not a story
about who you are-
this is the story
representing where you are.
The truth is
It was not that I liked you-
but I made you learn
a lesson-
never to trade what you love
for the loss of another.
I am still making
my legacy-
where are you?
I am not saying anything-
there are ears
who hear, but only
see what they want to see.
I am not worried about
feelings- the feelings
the love of a person
Only I can still forgive
the moments in life
who thought of me
broken me of my life.
Do you think it is worth
the worth of finished business?
Unfinished Business only happens
when you are able to
guide yourself to success.
How do you define?
Is everything lust?
Why was I judged so harshly?
Where do you stand?
You stand on a road to
broken and bare tree limbs.
To lead- one must
Be-Able themselves to personalities
And Characters.
You want a lesson on love-
Deal with the source-
love's not from suspicions,
lies, and confirmations
Those of a past who
should have been gone-
I no longer view them,
trust them- nor
will I allow them.
They did enough to my book-
This book was not
suppose to have
love and suspense-
Your life was business-
A friendship wonderfully
made- other most
important with value.
Unfortunately, you
have a new reality-
a reality that has been
brought to you-
the answer of broken heart.
Am I a friend, you ask?
I will say, a friend does not need
to harass or stalk-
no, but when they are
around- and you are hiding-
the darkness is what
keeps me away.
Understand, you are
the problem
which must be solved-
and you are the light
in which we will all learn.
Get your life down the
path of righteousness-
there you will see your
dreams over a rainbow-
and fountains of life
springing before you-
and trees filled
with so many leaves
You will surpass all
this promise, if only
you can stop
abusing power with freedom.
There is free will and choice;
but how many of us
use our choices wisely.
The lesson here-
stay away from suspicions-
the darkness of confirmations
to void your legacies and dream-
and become dependent-
in yourself;
understand that there is more to me
than what you have already lost.
I am leaving this story;
in-ended, because
this story has a sequel-
A sequel of righteousness,
faith, love, peace-
and understanding-
a new beginning-
a promise of legacy-
and forget the book
that passes-
there was so many empty pages.
I can almost re-write
the phrases, but that will
bring me back-
and I am not going back.
Time to move forward.
This is not obsession
nor lust- this is
a new found promise-
a promise of legacy
and friendship.
Understand that love
is friendship; and without love
there is darkness;
you want to shine-
learn to love.
#Hope #Love #Peace #Understanding #Iknowyourpain #Spiritual #Truths
566 · Sep 2014
Trust Me
Samuel Lombardo Sep 2014
I see
the distance-
concealment of
...and, no open door!
All I notice-
you standing at the door-
waiting for me-
then when the door closes,
I assume nothing.
How long to conceal-
what secret?
What is harmful?
How do you hurt?
Concealing in your
own secrets-
connects no light-
in it- I see no
freedom; I see
a closed reality
...of uncertainty,
and minimum perceptions.
I say-
open your eyes-
find the right
perception in which-
secrets causes
the seemingly lifeless
to no found right.
What is left-
sure is not right!
...and what must be up-
goes down-
but what
perception do you get-
when a talent falls on you?
Never assume the perceptions of others, for others could lead you to false hope or confirmations.  Remember, I might have played the Ace of Spades already, but nobody knows how to play with Jokers.
555 · Oct 2014
Unjust Judgment
Samuel Lombardo Oct 2014
In Heaven,
God knows me;
You have no power
over me.
You rather do God's job-
I rebuke the Devil's
fight for all these
emotions and feelings.
God says- dispel hate;
You say- dispel love-
clear the gutters;
in your mind-
you perceive what is
lustful; I perceive what
perfect harmony of togetherness.
This has been broken-
even before the Devil
brought the storm.
You were the worst;
there is no others
like YOU!
Your mind is so confused
that when you think about Me;
You think of defeat.
When I think of You
I think of Judgment!
How dare you
question God's forgiveness.
Grudge equals
impalpable forgiveness.  
The curse of reality
has been fluttering
Your mind-
it is time to move on
from the garbage
of permissive dangerous
desires, because
Your definitions
only define You.
I am still walking
even in the storm.
I will stand in the end-
You will sit back and wait-
ALL communication is canceled;
You will no longer
be a part of me
or my legacy
nothing changes Your
wicked mind-
in the unjust
that only creates
lust in Your mind.
I do not need to cry
about unrealistic
You are my problem;
and I am glad
I know longer have
to deal with You.
I do not NEED ***,
drugs, food, power,
fame, and money-
Oh no! God will provide.
God has always provided
for Me.
I held on for
way too long-
and I do not even know WHY?
My patience was
hoping that You could
See for what you were blind.
I made my decision-
the Great Divine says,
"Do Not Rebuke this Demon!"
You are now gone from
Like other demons-
I will sit back
and watch you burn.
I went through MY
the realities of changes-
I learned new
spiritual truths-
Did You learn?
YOU- make me sick-
I will have what God
WANTS in My life-
and YOU can sit
in the fire-
and watch buildings
You go down in flames.
Social Network is TROUBLE-
You found trouble
over a great legacy.
Is the best chance?
Will I see you again?
Do I want to see you, again.
are my trouble-
and You took yourself
away before I did.  
YOU have judged me
WICKEDLY- and Your
WICKED thoughts are
I have taken You
You no longer
have hope with me
until You learn Your LESSON-
the lesson of FORCED POWER-
WHEN? reality YOU have no power...
Find your proof
BEFORE You can stand UP
and BLAME Me!!!
Hate is only four letters;
yet, so is the word "if,"
If only- Your mind saw
You would have never
Hated me-
therefore, because You really
Hate me-
There is no love.
#Angry #FriendshipGone #Crying #If Only #WhatAreYouThinking
538 · Oct 2014
Character Assault
Samuel Lombardo Oct 2014
If I only I could know
the dept of your mind;
The Hell you put me through;
The consecrated B.S. that
only flutters your mind-
putting me inside out.
The assault, impeding comprehensible
Delusions of your own mind.
The character of a dog-
the dog that screeches at
himself constantly over and over again.
I can only imagine the head-
ache that you place your-
self for no words are given lightly.
There is a time to make
things right- and that time
is not now- and will not be later.
The sooner the later, only
reality can make that call.
I can only imagine the
hurt you are feeling; yet,
the character assault makes
it obvious- that day of judgment
answered your evil questions-
no wonder that only if
I could mediate between you
this low-life will only
be considered the Character Assault of my life.
529 · Oct 2014
Exit Stage Right
Samuel Lombardo Oct 2014
In the beginning
life was so perfect
with my winning
and personal dialect.
I knew there was some talk-
even when my life was slipping.
I was blame for his stalk-
yet, I could not stand his impaling.
My time with this person- so wasted
caused pain in such a fright;
then my pain became so exasperated
I had no choice but to exit stage right.
#Block #Leave #Nothing #Left #Loss #Mistrust #Dispel #Hate #UnderstandMe #Stop
526 · Oct 2014
You Made Me
Samuel Lombardo Oct 2014
In the beginning,
I was a hard rock,
full of lost energy,
no breath, seemliness
pieces of atoms,
and broken glass
with many citrons.
How ignorant can
one hard rock be-
so, stubborn that
in the deepest
dark spot, there
where there is no
air, meaningful
measurements of life
only can be made of
microscopic pieces
of energy.
This energy instills
within me,the gravity
of floating meteorites
that come down on me.
The shape of one
red granite,
only with hope that
You made me!
Samuel Lombardo Oct 2014
Three time in one;
only one time in three-
do you not know me?
How funny
in two paths;
yet, I find you;
when did I know you?
Was it when I took
a wrong turn,
or was it WHEN?
I was forced to
learn a lesson?
What lesson should
it be that I learn?
Could it be the thought
of freedom with reality?
What freedom are YOU seeking?
How did I know you?
Why did I know you?
because in life,
we all must learn
from each other.
What did you learn?
Am I that nasty person
YOU know?
Or is it, I held a secret
when in reality
there was no hope?

How do you know me?
Am I a person
that person who succumbs
to your fear?
Did I have to know
your underlining secret?
What is this secret?
Am I the person
whom you only think
in your delusional mind?
Was it in a delusional state
of mind where you
found me?
Am I at fought here?

See, here I found you
when I needed a friend to trust.
When I think of you,
I think of the best of
what could be;
I never saw you
as the evil one.
How, then could
you remember me?
Did you think
I was jealous of you?
How could I think such?
We both have lives;
and we both love-
to the purest measures.

If we could start
over, again-
where should I
meet YOU?
See, your delusions
have left me sinking.
Yet, with words
that you watch as a hawk-
I know you are watching.
You are hiding from me.
When will this fight end?
How can we make
the legacy stand?
i see you as a friend;
you see me as a freak.
I am so freaked out,
because how you know me.
All the good left,
because of delusions
you believe in strongly.
The question is: WHEN?
When do you see change?
Where will you
leave your delusions?
How will you leave
your delusions?
I am telling you,
I forgive you;
and you know
I capable of
unconditional love,
but what love do you
I am holy to God
who knows me.
Apparently, you did not
know me as well
as you thought.
This could have happened
to anyone, but it is
time to move away from
this battle.

Here, my door is
re-opened, for the
presence of life and purity.
And when you are ready,
you take the time,
because this is where
I will wait.
Take all the time you need.
My door is only
thin enough to carry
the positive loads,
which are few,
but I know how
you can do this-
you must take
away the load before you,
and you will find me
on the other side
where the door opens out
to close us in;
and when that happens,
there is no more
This love is the
love of forgiveness/amends;
leave the delusions behind;
and do not believe
the negative advice
of evil angels
who keep you down their level.
#True #Friendship #Amends #Forgiveness #Love #Purity #Reality
511 · Sep 2014
The Night of Atonement
Samuel Lombardo Sep 2014
Reality of the situation
is like mirrors
of the same spectacles.
The only way to connect
is accept the images you see.
You want different images?
Make the changes
within yourself.
Your amends is apparent!
Does a different mirror
mean anything?
Or could it be the
thoughts of what you see?
Sometimes with a *****
mirror,you may only see
the specs on your face-
specs that do not belong there.
These are the realities
You NEED to clean.
And then you see streaks-
Not every cleanse
is perfect-
but not every
perfect is imperfect.
Keep trying, because
what stares back at
You is your image-
a promise of atonement.
Things do not have to end- there are some things that should be dispel;and hate is one of them; otherwise, making our image blurry or judged in ways that should be cleansed.
497 · Nov 2014
Leave Me Alone
Samuel Lombardo Nov 2014
In my mind there is a song-
a song that keeps playing back;
It is like I see my words
in the mirror facing back at me.
I can hear drums beating,
and my heart beats with the drum.
All I can remember is that I
was left with the hope-
the hope that music would come alive.
I feel dead without the music,
there are excuses to hear it-
Youtube, choruses, and just travels afar-
I cannot believe how far it
has taken me just to find that
one simple note;
I mean the note that has never left me.
All I can remember,
silence without music,
is a silence without a beat.
I realize that at times
the open air can get
things confused in our minds,
leaving no suggestion,
but to have peace and love.
And when that difficult rhythm
comes again, I can say,
"leave me alone."
For the sweet music which
I understand- has always
let me alone, until now-
I am asking to bring it back to my ears.
The balance, purity, and patience-
I wait,and for now-
in silence I leave you alone.
#Understanding #Purity #Balance #Tone #Missing #Someone #Rhythm #Outta-kilta #Love #Peace
494 · Sep 2014
Samuel Lombardo Sep 2014
Here and now-
lies ahead a road.
This uncertainty is
not sure-
cling and clangs
vultures and cultures;
yet, all I see
a bright light from above.
Autumn leaves around
clings of ruts fall
from the trees.
The cold heart of evil
spreading from the past-
the past of winds
cold chills
fire was burning out.
False love-
making no come back;
banishing back to oblivion.
I hear the angels-
strings being struck
from opposing directions;
and the strung
of these sounds
much more sour.
The dispel of a dream-
gone in the wind;
Oh! I see a dark cloud-
I see this won with no
failing winds-
disclose of a brighter hope.
The same child of the storm-
returns in the sunlight.
My wondering mind
wandering eyes
ask me the conscious question:
Is he from the retrospect
within the past storm.
Does this storm repeat itself?
All he remembers
is in retrospect-
This storm is history-
Can the sun return from retrospect?
In times of doubt we must understand that not everyone is the perfect individual.  This poem is dedicated to a past of ups and downs, lessons learned, and a forced opportunity to seek freedom without giving into this world of evil.
487 · Dec 2018
Love- 4 Verses
Samuel Lombardo Dec 2018
Heart torn?
Capture it!
Seal It!

Free yourself!
Feel free!
Tear free!

Grace is Love
Have mercy!
Fountain of Life
Breathe of Life

Hope is Secure
Security finds;
Love finds;
Heart is Love
The functions  and emotions of love are within your heart!
485 · Mar 2015
Broken Pieces:
Samuel Lombardo Mar 2015
We all go through broken pieces
the pieces of glass, tears, puzzles,
we are not sure how certain pieces
fit, but even when your promised
dream is gone from you, we hope
that the nightmare is gone.
We wonder why when I call your name,
there is no answer- you promised to be
be here every step of the way, and yet
somewhere over the rainbow,
the sun will rise, and this nightmare will end.
The glass is not only broken, but it was
shattered and exploded throughout,
but I realize, I cannot look back.
The pieces that were broken will get picked
up by someone- someone who is patient
enough to put this brokenness back together.
Where are you dear spirit?
You promised me not to let go!
Father, I am trying to heal,
but I know this cannot be fixed on my own.
I carried on with friendships, relationships,
and my broken spirit of past mistakes
have darken my sky-
and this storm is hard to bare alone.
Father, I am trying to heal.
I know there is hope- the hope
that the morning will break,
and I can rise like the sun of day.
Father, you are the way for my
enduring guidance, and I can hold
on waiting to hear your voice.
The day the sun will rise,
will be the day my broken pieces are fixed.
Some think I am the problem, but in actuality, I am the solution.
Samuel Lombardo Sep 2014
When I am down
oh my soul,
so weary-
When troubles
and my heart
burdened be-
Then, I am still
and wait here
in the silence
until you come
and sit awhile
with me.

You raise me up,
so I can stand
on mountains
You raise me up,
to walk on
stormy seas
I am strong
when I am on
your shoulders
You raise me up....
to more than
I can be.

(Add-on)-> There is
no life-
no life
it's hunger
Each restless heart
beats so
But when you come
and I am filled
with wonder
Sometimes, I think
I glimpse
Josh Groban (I added an extra verse to spice things up! :)
461 · Nov 2014
Universal Love
Samuel Lombardo Nov 2014
The definition that is
always misconstrued
with three levels of Love.
Sounds to me that
with different meanings
and no commonsense
it does not take brain surgeon
to diagnose the convict here.

In my understanding, metaphors,
and symbolism, there is no chance
to distinguish between two loves:
the purity and the selfish.

There was once a man
with a coat of many colors
who was stripped and cursed at,
because they were jealous
of their father loving him more than them.
That was not until this man
became a person whom they needed
to depend on during a famine-
still not sure how this boy-
who became a man-
would react to their needs back at home.

The is the parable of the prodigal son-
sometimes we wonder how many
times do we take what we want-
and never remember what we need,
but yet, when we begin to
understand, one can come back
and feel the presence of home
instead of eating the food of pigs.

There is no precious story
than the one to accept
the Universal Love with understanding.
How hard is it to realize the life
of self deception and delusional thoughts,
which keeps one under the curse
of self depreciation-
learn to understand that love is not only self,
but that it is a Universal Love.
#Universal #Love #Realization #Understanding #Self-denial #Self-esteem
459 · Oct 2014
A Mirror to Success
Samuel Lombardo Oct 2014
Once upon a time
there sat on the wall
a mirror, which only
shown what was in the way-
until there was a face
staring back at it.
The question came up:
"what are you looking at?"
The mirror said, "I do not look-
I see everyone passing by.
At least you had the nerve
to stop and ask me."
So, the face leaves, and the
same views continue.
So, then a dog walks up-
all it can see is himself.
But the dog was confused-
so, he asked the mirror,
"What is this other thing?"
The mirror answered,
"this is a reflection of you."
The dog barked, and continued
barking until he realized
that thing was going nowhere
until he moved.
So, the dog tumbled over the mirror-
leaving pieces.
A fine gentleman walks by,
says to himself-
"why do I look like I have six times
the reflection of one of me?
The mirror answered,
"this is how you left me!"
#His #Guilt #Find #Me #And  #Take #Good #Care #Of #Me
434 · Oct 2014
You Are My Hiding Place
Samuel Lombardo Oct 2014
You are my hiding place,
You always fill my heart,
with songs of deliverance,
Whenever I am afraid

I will trust in You,
I will trust in You,
let the weak say
I am strong
In the strength of You,
I will trust in You.
#friends #comfort #thepastisgone!
429 · Feb 2015
Light of Day
Samuel Lombardo Feb 2015
A dark cloud has been storming around me,
the wants and needs over-portioned and mounted-
Why the war of pain and wonder wanders to see
where no one feels the love or is lost but founded?
There is a light- the light is so far away,
but I can still see the embellishing distractions
that are so brightly extraneous and willing to stay,
but the storm, so undeserving and strong infractions.

The storm passes by the deepest depths of the earth.
the blackness of perception now gone from you;
the perceptions of poor judgment in the burning hearth
suckling of pure judgment within the heart anew.
The cloud hovering over me, now descends
to the east a rainbow ascends.
The troubles once afflicting your soul,
now are gone from you, and you are whole.

(Possible Chorus):
Light of Day made a new
with courage, strength, and love
one can stand firm- this one is you.
The free spirit of the dove,
provides what's inside the light of day.
For you are the light of day.
Written by, Samuel J. Lombardo on February 15, 2015 @ 5:45pm.
424 · Oct 2014
Draw Me Close
Samuel Lombardo Oct 2014
Draw me Close
to You
never let me go
I lay it all down
to hear
You say
That I'm Your friend.

You are my
That I'm Your friend
You are my
No one else
will do
Nothing else
could take
Your place
To feel the
warmth of
Your embrace.

Help me find
the way
Bring me back
to You

You're all
I want
You're all
I ever needed
You're all
I want
Help me Know
You're near.
#Friend #Purity #Love #Missing
418 · Nov 2014
The Perfect Storm
Samuel Lombardo Nov 2014
The twisting of a colorful
storm on radar,
shows what looks nice
on the outside,
does not look good on the inside.  
From one end to the other,
we see the sun fading to black,
that darkness has no promise of light.
Once going through the turbulent frights,
I can see at the horizon
a small break in the shade of black.
There I realized that at the end of the storm,
where the light shines,
we can see all the troubled spots,
from our home to health to death.
The life we live in is the depth of a perfect storm;
we only have to accept,
and believe that the light will come
when we realize that no matter what
The Perfect Storm will give misfortunes,
but it is the misfortunes that cause the perfect storm.
#Live #Life #Perfectly #Reality #Love #Peace #Understanding
411 · Oct 2014
Sun Outa-kilter
Samuel Lombardo Oct 2014
This Earth was our foundation;
It was here where I found you!
I can remember the flood of thoughts-
only a sickle to use
getting all the weeds out of the yard.
The plants were forced
into death with the cold season.
The sun outa-kilter
only global warming.
You cannot make a butterfly
out of a bee-
nor will the bee come from a fly.
the sun is outa-kilter-
it is you who plants
the seeds of deception.
Deal with the pain of the cold season-
there is light in the summertime.
The springtime only warns hope.
Fall-time allots for darkness-
the sun becomes outa-kilter.
What pressure can one hold
on the sun?
The sun has its own moves,
but watch it-
too much heat can burn you.
Do you want to get burned-
learn to love the sun that it bares.
Stop making the changes for him-
your changes only bear more problems-
it is the discredit to all
nature that surrounds him.
The moon will not change-
the sun will not change,
nor will mother earth make
her changes;
but I know the king
in Heaven rules these signs.
You will have to accept the
sun outa-kilter-
and is now free from the cold.
#Family #Discredit #Choices #Lethimgo #getreal #Reality
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