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The sun is but a light bulb,
The grass a carpet to feel.

Mother's embrace a hold,
Father's call is the bubble's steel.

I get no satisfaction from the dark flowchart you call home.
Reality has been deemed insufficient to my dreams and hopes.

You are nothing but papers to sign and times to arrive.
However in the flowing rivers of my mind I find the divine.
She'll touch gently with her words
And nurture all your sick fantasies.
She offers you bait and claims
to understand what's on your mind.

It seems this friend is unconditional.
But her time is spent on us for reasons cold.
She senses the pain on how we were alone.
In the end she wove an ironclad web.

And trapped we scream to this widow
Begging for her spindled embrace.
In the end we couldn't see that her kindness,
Wrought from desperation,
Was the cast that hooked our lonely hearts.

Perhaps I'm a coward or a shallow,
But let me be hung out to darken and twist.
Then spend my golden thread of time,
With someone I did not love.
Maybe I'm just an idiot but ***** being with someone just because you feel you have no other choice. (this goes for men and women both)
He sees in you
What you always
Wanted to be seen as


Its both awesome
And annoying

Get a Harry in your life
I actually like my new approach to poetry. Its more creative and less forced rhymes!!!
If I were free of ego
what would that make me?

Would I be pure?
Would I be at peace?
Would I be an inspiration?
Wouldn't I be my best self?

Yes... to be egoless.

The biggest ego trip of them all.
Sorry Harry if you read this. My next poem will have to be about you.
Today I got up late and proceeded to eat something I hate
My half assed meals, served by the devil, are poorly created
My stomach's crammed with crap luxuries and I'm fated
To **** moan and complain about how I get everything

Meanwhile in hell a child can't eat and is stuck in surgery
My other Nephew remains unnamed from my brother's inadequacy
Mighty bastions beg you stay strong
I have no desire to see you burn in fire
Stop the evil from doing us wrong

At times I feel the need to open up the gates
But clad in stone and clay I'll make my own fate
Earlier this week I set in motion a plan,
To work my hours and find time to make flan,
On the weekend I'd make it my priority,
To sought out my administrative atrocity,

Two days, nay! A life time's worth,
Of time to finish this boorish work,
Of course boss, I have recreation still,
To coat the shed with eucalyptus fill,

No worries colleague It wouldn't harden,
My troubled schedule to tend your garden,
I will just polish my parents road,
With haste to lighten my cruel workload,

Deadlines are pushing me toward the abyss,
I've been sent to serve as a court's witness,
Out of time, out of mind,
I'm just fine, Last line.
There is a lesson to be learned here. Do you know what it is?
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