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 May 2015 Sammy Estrada
this is not a poem

                       *just a mere

consisting of

                                         straight lines
and curves
 Apr 2015 Sammy Estrada
"The problem with suicide is that when it becomes an option in your mind, it's always an option."
 Apr 2015 Sammy Estrada
"I'm so OCD"
OCD isn't a joke.
Washing your hands over and over again until your skin is raw isn't a joke.
Doing things that your brain tells you to do, regardless of what, isn't funny.
Not having control is not a joke.

"You look so anorexic."
Eating disorders are not a joke.
Refusing to eat until it kills you isn't a joke.
Throwing up over and over again to get a body that you will never be happy with isn't funny.
Being control by the one thing that makes you feel like you have control isn't a joke.

"That made me so depressed."
Chemical imbalances in the brain isn't a joke.
Wanting to do nothing all the time isn't funny.
Wanting to die all the time isn't a joke.

Stop making jokes about things you don't understand.

And if you are dealing with any eating or mental disorder, I am so proud of you for still being here and staying strong. I know how hard recovery is. You will overcome it.
They Say loving you is wrong
but wrong to me feels right,
im in love with your kisses and how you hold me at night,
im not supposed to love you but your the only person I like, emotionally,sexually & physically you fit just right your the reason I stopped crying over the bs at night, you held me in your arms and told me it was alright, you was by my side when I gave up on life because I couldn't take the pressure by standing up for my rights to love the same ***
they say be yourself, be happy and free, but how can I do that when a sin is all they see, I love you, im in love with you no matter what we can share the same love with our middle fingers up....

— The End —