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Sammie Oct 2014
Tomorrow is halloween.
We're gonna get
i crack myself up
Sammie Oct 2014
I should be asleep by now.
Sammie Oct 2014
If you meant it
when you said
that I make you feel
warm inside,
then I’d say you leave me

An ode to destruction,
striking perfidiousness.
The very thought of you
cripples me beyond belief.
Disdain for you
dangles from my neck
and burns retched holes in my skin.

If you meant it
when you said
that I make you feel
warm inside,
then I’d say you leave me

Any attempt to describe you
would render me loquacious.
You are the feeling of
kicking high on a swing,
and a coffee break on an Autumn afternoon.
I feel rejuvenated and renewed
each time I breathe your name.

You could crush
or compose me
in one moment’s time.
You could curse
or control me,
love or
**** me.
Just never let
me go.
I let the things you say effect me far too deeply.
Sammie Oct 2014
on and off
and two
and a half years later
and you’ve still never called me
Sammie Oct 2014
kindly forgive me

but i seem to have misplaced my


            maybe to planet mars, or,

                                   is it buried    in   the   park?

i feel like i might be going    insane

and everything is a  blur

and i    didn’t mean to


it happens to me every time

i just

      get tired

and  i  slink  away  to  be  by  myself

it isn’t easy

i didn’t mean to    go so soon

i just   don’t know how i can speak to you after i left off on such

     cruel terms

and i am so very sorry

i never intended on hurting you
Sammie Oct 2014
You always looked at me as if you were better.
Maybe it is because drugs were never your forte and
through me they flowed so easily.
but I do recall a boy who craved
to be a part of my
scene, but he didn't belong what
with his Nike socks and his
Polo shirts.
That couldn't be it,
because you wanted
every other girl there
over me and nearly ****** my
best friend in the bed that
held me the day before.
I was never good enough for you.
I didn't work out and
especially didn't not in
matching gear from all of your
expensive favorites.
I preferred botched up jeans and
a flannel that didn't quite match
my beanie or
my shoes.

You always looked at me as if you were better.
Hell, you'd rarely even
hold my hand in
your car let alone in
public, did you worry about
how it looked to be seen with
someone like me? Someone who
you'd give that same disgusted look
every ******* day?
You'd look at me with complete
self-glorification and absolute
lack of empathy, no love
left for the girl who would
slit her own ******* throat
if you truly desired it.

You always looked at me as if you were better.
****, maybe you are.
Written on what would have been our two-year-anniversary.
Sammie Oct 2014
I know this, I know this, I know this, I don't, I do.
I understand how to find the
acceleration of a runner when
given the change in time but
I don't know what that runner would
rather be doing, who they'd rather
be with,
if anyone.
I don't know who I'd rather be with,
if anyone.
I am learning, I have learned.
I am smart by the books,
by the state, by the curriculum,
but I don't how how I will go on
when everyone I love is dead, or
if I will cry tonight.
I know that distance times time is
speed but I don't know when I will
run out of it.
Time is irrelevant.
Focus in class,
do as you're asked and
be like the rest.
Don't forget to brush your teeth
and don't forget to stay asleep and
don't forget to forget to think because
when you think, you know
and when you know you're not
Made this last school year in physical science while I was having a panic attack. I write best then, and it calms me down.

— The End —