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Sameer Denzi May 2014
The Creator is the creator of all things,
He's even the creator of false gods.
These gods come in myriad shapes,
We see them around and within us....

In celestial things, that astound us,
Or on Earth, in nature's creatures,
Or in stones, sculpted by hands,
Or in gold, whose lustre blinds,

Or in superstitions, just invented,
Or in some rituals, quite perverted,
Or in mere mortals; merely elevated,
Or in some cult; hypocrisy infested,

Or it may be our desire, always craving,
Or it may be our fear, always curbing,
Or It may be our ego; always exacting,
Or it may be our fancy, never ending.

Why do we seek these gods so false?
'Cause trust we lack, in Him who provides for all,
'Cause our destiny, we seek to control, above all.

Why did He create these gods so false?
'Cause of darkness, we learn to appreciate the light,
'Cause of falseness, we learn to appreciate His Might.
The Truth is one... false is everything else.
Sameer Denzi May 2014
Why fear death, for your death is certain,
Why fear the unknown, for your fate is known,
Why fear the dark, for the light is within,
Why fear ignominy, for your ego's a prison.

Overcome your fears and you will be liberated,
Love without constraints and you will be exhilarated,
Submit to The Supreme Will and you will be exalted.
Fear not, instead be free
Sameer Denzi May 2014
In the midst of darkness,
The Straight Path is true, illuminated, blissful.
Realm of the temptress,
The darkness is deceptive, mysterious, sensual.
Strong are her temptations,
To explore the forbidden, as curiosity weakens the will.
So to loose ones bearings
In these alleys of darkness, is not a failure of the soul.
Its in our nature, this weakness,
For our curiosity is a magnet to mystery, even those foul.
But to revert from this darkness,
To the illuminated path, is indeed a triumph of the will.
Let your imagination be you guide.

— The End —