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Balloons without strings to hold them will always fly away
Celebration seems fruitless when you have no family with which to share it.
What do you mean come to the wake?

Aren't you coming over still?

I thought you had a show next week...

Wasn't that you on the phone the other day?

When did we last speak?

Was it in good context as I remember it was?

I just can't conceive to believe that you're not.

How can I come to your wake when I'm still only dreaming?

Who will I go with?

Surely not you...

It couldn't be.

I just won't believe. I'm not going to leave.

I can't be at a wake for a man that hasn't died yet...

I simply refuse to believe.
I wrote this May 02 2018
Rest in peace Kyle. I will always love and cherish the time we had together. I will miss you always.
She beckons to see me come to her but runs away when she's seen I've done so...
Just mysterious
Drifting through those foggy years
wading through the pain and tears
sorting out the right from wrong
Letting go and moving on

Standing taller than before
understanding lies were told
Living in your sordid past
Innocence fell hard and fast

Moving forward forgiving all
hoping your not feeling small
for acting out on misplaced trust
betrayal.. cloaked by  lust

Here today I set you free
all the anger holding me
the weight that held me down
Shed that skin upon the ground

Tomorrow I will look at thee
as someone whom I miss dearly
but today your actions set the course
for the path that you have chose
Now's your chance.
I won't look,
*I want you to...
Why am I still writing these?
No offense but the way you immediately assume my life is better then yours really bothers me a lot..

And I'm not afraid to speak my mind like some other people...

I'm sorry you took my opinion so personally

But I never meant it as a direct insult on you as a human being...

I was doing my very best to be gentle with your feelings, but your barrage of negativity just wore me down..

I tried to stay positive for both of us but you flipped your lid and wouldn't calm down or listen to reason..

I tried to help you back out of the roadway but what could stop you from doing damage to yourself??

Clearly not my good intentions..

So if you won't forgive me then perhaps you will leave me-- In peace.

Before any real damage ever needs to occur.

I'm not putting up with you just because you acted out like a child.

That's childish.
And I won't condone that.
The Stubborn man refused to budge
or listen to complaints
he always wore a frown they said
while standing at the gate
on rainy days he might stay in
on sunny days stay late
but there was not a day went by
when he wouldn't wait

Exactly what he waited for
no one could ever say
the local folks just wandered by
wishing him a pleasant day
he would gruffly wave them off
and mutter to himself
while keeping up his vigil
and keeping to himself

Curiosity finally gripped me
I had to find out for my self
so cautiously I approached the man
and this is what I asked
why do you stand here every day
peering into the wind
a lonely endless vigil
seemingly without end

He smiled at me as best he could
and slowly shook his head
"I am waiting for somebody
who wants to be a friend".
 Jan 2015 Sam Greig-Mohns
Kiss your eyes gently...
They see nothing else
only the best in me

Kiss your ears seductively...
Patiently they listen
to my heart rants

Kiss your lips passionately..
They take my breath away
leaving me craving for more

Kiss your shoulders softly..
They are always there
for me to lean on to pour out my sorrows

Kiss your chest lovingly...
Beneath it, your heart beats for me
every second, every day

Kiss your hands tenderly...
They wipe my tears
when life gets bitter

Kiss every part of you..
They bring me happiness
in so many ways
*love *kissingyou  *always *treatmelikeaprincess   *appreciation * simple * words * heart *true lover
I saw you there the other day...
With that snide look on your face.

I wanted to say something but your greeting was all I could care to stomach...

I don't remember things ever being so bitter between us

I keep thinking that its me...
But I don't think I could of sliced it so nicely...
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