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Francis May 2017

A dwarf sucker of psychological algae,
Paces that demolish a certainty,
Finishing when beginnings have begun,
Comfort ceases to remain a distance.

Peeling an onion that causes me to weep,
A fumigation of sudden nostalgia,
An anorexic of confidence,
Enormity of grief and doubt.

Breakneck motion of existence,
Reasonably unreasonable from fantasy,
Irrelevance drives stability to destruction,
Relevance articulates turmoil.
Francis May 2017
And then the barkeep said...

"One more drop and he'll change from blue to black..."
Running a bar is easy when you know how certain drinks affect people.
Francis May 2017
She'll kiss a word, covered in blood,
She'll dignify mediocrities aloud,
She gives me motive to blossom,
Into an entity I've long despised.

She isn't much of a salesman,
Though salesmanship is her passion,
Nearly driving herself to oblivion,
I sedate her with words that are preprogrammed.

Like a *** of water and salt,
A patch of Leather and with a yarned lace,
A cup of oil and a splash of vinegar,
We go together as if it's a curse.

To make sense of it would be senseless,
Since senselessness is it's meaning,
A shadow covering a timid silhouette,
It's passion for construction that seems most logical.
Francis May 2017
Body language speaking in Shakespearian sonnet,
As I evolve from boy to man,
Hungers I battle to remain silent,
This mutual silence screams we are both in need.

Bogarting my path to seduction,
Fueling my fantasies with possibility,
I pray to god my morals vanish,
In the end it remains a dream.

A spitfire,
sophisticated and dazzling,
Motivating me to enjoy such tediousness,
I fall in love with the idea of fornication.
We all have that one teacher...
Francis Apr 2017
We question why is it that life,
Has a beginning, middle and end,
Yet space seems continuous,
Could you please help me comprehend?

A small spec of dust we are,
On a sea of psychedelic abstract,
Our universe is quite mediocre,
Comparing it to its extract.

Everlasting... what,
What is it that we seem to admire,
A lack of carbon energy,
Requiring us to wear glass hoods?

Why oh why is it existent,
Why does it ever be,
I still am boggled by this infinite setting,
Can it possibly be part of me?
Rhyme Scheme is off but whatever
Francis Apr 2017
Give me a sign you understand,
Pleasure my psyche with   confirmation,
Twist and turn my moral brain,
Until it is worn to a bucket of mash.

This awkward bio examination you speak of,
Has it always been so complex?
My finicky brain seeks the resolution,
A solution to this core that is common.

How is it that man can be man,
If man evolves to entities beyond,
We are our own experiments of modern science,
Constantly analyzing data we have yet to comprehend.

A technician fails foolishly,
As another earns their Nobel Prize,
We are chosen to fit such devious survival tactics,
Though in our hearts we look at the consequence.

A quizzical I carelessly push aside,
Finding it easier to risk the perks,
A self made genius consistently preaching,
Superiority over those who are victims of doubt.

To have a mind like he,
Is devilish as much as it is holy,
We find vices that motivate illusions,
Created by those who are lost in time.

Figuring the start of a new,
As a new so boisterously grows old,
An aging sweet wine with sour grapes,
Contained in a waterlogged barrel that never ceases to replace.
Francis Apr 2017
Never have I ever,
Felt so free from loss and grief,
I dignify this endeavor,
I'm so far beyond relief.

A wind that carries me away,
From emotional *******,
I can't quite find words to say,
How I've grown from exaggeration.

Growing old is a form of art,
A marvel crafted from that we evolve,
I grasp onto this change as I depart,
A new problem I have yet to solve.

Extraterrestrial feelings spark wisdom,
An epiphany driving an Eldorado,
Leaving me vulnerable to aphorism,
In a mirror I sport a healthy bravado.

Waking up from nightmares,
Crafted by the hands of me and I,
Myself is who is left behind,
A new man who lacks the ability to care.
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