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 Aug 2017 sage
Sarah Ramlal
When I look at her,
all I see is beauty.
Yet there's something,
behind it.
I see an angel,
with broken wings,
and heavy heart.
I see an angel
who's fallen apart.
She no longer smiles,
she no longer laughs.
She's secretly hiding her heart.
Yet she stands tall,
still she fights,
she holds on
with all her mite.
Her head still high,
though her halo's cracked.
She tried to move on,
and not step back.
Her soul is black
it's been burnt,
yet she holds on.
For what?
I don't know
 Aug 2017 sage
Note to self
 Aug 2017 sage
I should live alone
Because anyone who tries to be a part of my life
I disappoint
 Aug 2017 sage
 Aug 2017 sage
Tears streak my face
I hold out my hand,
Searching for a hand to grab
I wipe tears from my eyes,
Imagine blood on my wrists
What is this disaster that has latched onto me?
My mind is in disarray,
My heart is a loveless mourner
My feet anxiously await my destiny as a sojourner
I grabbed a bat
And beat the mattress
Screamed into a pillow,
All they see is a happy girl,
But they can't see what I've been through,
What I've seen,
I can't erase these dark notions,
Tearing me a part like a monsoon.
 Aug 2017 sage
I write these words,
I try to find meaning,
My place among the thorns
My eyes are filled with sadness
Lonliness is my heart's only song
I'll forever be a miser,
Forced to tread this world alone.
 Aug 2017 sage
where once there were words, now there is nothing.
maybe most write for themselves, but I can't help but feel I was only writing because of her.

Maybe I'm just stuck.
 Aug 2017 sage
 Aug 2017 sage
Nobody sees it here, but
falling apart at it's made-up seams,
bringing life to an orifice
sits my heart, breaking from within,
tearing to shreds as
I go on about my day

It nauseates me, your happiness
I want to release my insides from their
hiding place, whenever I think of you
loving you makes me sick
what used to give my heart
warmth, now brings it nothing but
ice, releasing a cold frigid sensation,
numbing the world around me.

Your world keeps on turning,
as mine was frozen in your storm
the snow enveloping me
in a pit of empty glee
my patience is wearing thin, of
how I've grown too accustomed
to your form of love.
toxic relationships will be the death of me.
 Aug 2017 sage
harlee kae
breathing deeply
made it through
the best part is
that i have you
 Aug 2017 sage
harlee kae
went to an old friend's wedding.
turned to watch her walk the aisle,
and there you were.
a half second glimpse
then i looked to the ground.
i chewed my nails
to the point of bleeding.
and drank my coffee black.
and kept looking at the ground.
because i feel
completely inadequate
when i see your new girl.
and you with someone else
still kills me.
and i cried the whole way home
thinking about the fact
that i'll never
hug you again.
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