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 Oct 2017 sage
 Oct 2017 sage
Porcelain skin,
Reflecting the light
Resplendent golden hair
Waves flowing in all directions,
Heart like a compass,
Nestled behind ribs
Beating and beating
Forever setting it's course forward
Eyes like starry night skies
As deep as the moon,
A mind like Alice's
Fallen down a rabbit hole
Hands like delicate bird bones,
Intricate but fragile
A countenance of strength
Embedded within the sweetest disposition
A low hanging ripe fruit,
Easily approached,
A girl with hummingbirds in her hair
A blessing admist disaster.
 Oct 2017 sage
My conscience
carries your voice,
it wears your face;
I'm talking to you
when I think to myself.
 Oct 2017 sage
david mitchell
I hate to write,
and I hate to lie.
but they're synonymous tonight
and yet opposites all the same.

I love to give,
and that's alright.
I'm quite insane,
and my life's a night.
My life is a shame,
but I'm alright.

I'd hate to survive,
but I'd love to kiss.
It's all I've ever wanted,
I'd love some bliss.
I'd love to love,
but it's always gotten away.
I've always gotten hate,
I've always gone insane.

Like I said,
I love to give.
But it makes me feel like a sieve;
-something simple,
-something bleak.
-simply something of a crystal,
-someone you can't see.

I hate to writhe,
so I hate life,
I try to thrive
before I think twice.
I hate to live
but that's alright.

And before I die,
as I might.
I must say,
either way,
It's quite alright.
It's all the same, contentedness, misery, we work with it. It's the same when you get down to it. I just wish that sameness didn't provoke such divides in my mind.

Sorry for being a dumpsy downer, I try not to, sometimes.
**** it dog, life's a risk.
Forget it dad, life's alright.
 Oct 2017 sage
 Oct 2017 sage
Let the pain fall down on you,
As you drown in your sadness,
Trying to make sense of this senseless world
Let the pain dissolve your very essence,
Teaching your soul the essential lessons,
On how to be human, how to be a blessing
To others around you who have to live through this stark world as well
The evil is pervasive,
Laced into everything
I shake and cower,
Expecting evil to target me,
Who am I?
Merely a vulnerable human being,
Just like you
What are we fighting for,
Why are we killing?
We call this mental illness,
But I think it's deeper than this
The world is in disarray
We evolutionize out cars and houses and gadgets,
But we live vapid lives
I want to love and laugh and be infinitely joyful,
Without foreboding
I want to be free from the chains of fear,
But how can I be free
In this fearful world?
We live in a beautiful planet
With such rampant violence
There is no more love
In people's hearts
What a brutiful experience,
To be human,
To be here,
On this gorgeous planet
Of chaos.
 Oct 2017 sage
Liam Hunter
Your eyes
Are the most gorgeous shade
Of home,

Complemented perfectly
A smile the colour of love.
 Oct 2017 sage
 Oct 2017 sage
do you ever wonder
what it feels like
to be completely, utterly, content
because I do

the days turn to nights
and the moon never fails to show
and soon enough the sun does the same

but no matter what
we sit, we work, and we talk
but theres always the next thing

and now
I just want to know
why can't we be content
why must we search, always moving on
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