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 Sep 2016 m i a
Chloe Zafonte
It was my first week of kindergarten.
The adults around me went from being cheery to glum and irritable.

I came home that day and took my back pack off, I walked into the living room to see my Dad screaming and crying at the T.V! I looked at the screen to see the planes crashing into the towers, channels replaying it over and over again.

Images of Osama Bin Laden's face replaced Saturday morning cartoons. School went from learning to constantly singing patriotic songs and how we love our country.

I could not fully retain what was happening around me but I could feel the emotions of my teachers, parents and peers rubbing off on me.

The world went from green to gray that day and now I understand why.
 Sep 2016 m i a
The Winter Jester
Tuesday, September 11, 2001, a sad day in American history a day of grief and mass lost. A day of confusion and fear. A day where more than fear itself was to be feared.
 The September 11 attacks killed 2,996 people and injured more than 6,000 others. Deaths included 265 on the four planes, 2,606 in the World Trade Center and in the surrounding area, and 125 at the Pentagon. These deaths were cruel and unnecessary. These people died early than they had to. 40 brave men and woman took down a hijacked plane to stop it from possibly crashing into the white house or the capitol building, where congress was in session that day. A total of  44 people died on that plane, that includes the 4 hijackeres. A memorial was built for all the deaths on that day but it will never be enough for the people who lost their friends and family.
 Sep 2016 m i a
Collin Daniel
 Sep 2016 m i a
Collin Daniel
and i've never felt quite so empty in my life
 Sep 2016 m i a
 Sep 2016 m i a
I'm conflicted,
I want it to be a reality,
I want to see how it turns out,
As this could be something good,
But I wouldn't know what we would do,
If we lost each other,
so tell me what to do.
 Sep 2016 m i a
my physics teacher says
every force on earth has
an equal and opposite reaction

so forgive me for thinking
that if i gave love
i would get the same amount
in return
 Sep 2016 m i a
 Sep 2016 m i a
the lies that hurt the most
are the ones you tell yourself
 Sep 2016 m i a
 Sep 2016 m i a
Honey is sweet
but not
as sweet as you
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