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Ryan Clark Aug 2017
Drip Drop
Drip Drop
The Petals
The Metal
The Clouds

Drip Drop
Drip Drop
The Sweat
The Threat
The Sound

Drip Drop
Drip Drop
The Flash
The Crash
The Howl

Drip Drop
Drip Drop*
The Blood
The Tears
The... Ground
My Saloon poem was a draft for the past year, and I came up with this when I couldn't sleep. IDK how I like it in comparison, but its interesting.
Ryan Clark Aug 2017
I stare into a mid day sky
yet there is no sun in sight.
The canopy hides all from us
except the heat burning our hides.
Our clothes are four days soggy;
Our stomachs cry out in pain
despite a bounty of subsistence
for hunger yields to impending danger.

There be dragons in this Jungle after all.
Agents of evil working in the dark
hunting us as we hunt them.
We forgo the beauty of this scene.
Ignore the music playing amongst the trees,
a joyous festival not meant for us
the tensions are high
the path rough

Suddenly the carnival is silenced
a covenant broken by a single crash.
Commemorated by a yellow white flash
T'is a still moment illuminated in time.
A searing pain blowing through my mind;
I am reclaimed by the land I've fallen upon.
Back home my young wife cries.
My only question... Why?
Ryan Clark Sep 2016
A cold stare
into a broken mirror
a ghastly ghoul
leers unto me.
My heart rises,
tears fall,
the bed I've made
splinters to unseen fractures.

The beast grins with ax like teeth
destined to devour
a cherry rose flower
placed delicately
on soggy sheets.

The fear...
The regret...
Stand shallow in comparison
to an everlasting candle
faltering on its flame.
It cries for help
as more tears smother it.

     The man
            The beast
                   The Flower
dance to tunes of a scarred heart,
but from the budda belly of the beast
the heart sheds its skin;
the tune changes.
Only the man and rose remain.

My tears have turned to sap now
seeping slowly into the cracks,
mending the the mirror.
With a last glance
only I Remain.
Wrote this in one sitting and may come back to it. I've always been on the receiving in and never would have imagined hurting someone I love. Even small things hurt and pain is universal. Remaining silent or a little white lie, is a lie in the end and regardless of intentions a lie can cut deep, especially if it is someone who has opened their heart to you. If you truly care for the well being of someone you must choose your actions as closely as we poets choose our words.
Ryan Clark Jul 2016
A beautiful woman
washes her face;
I stare into
A Morracan Sun
I take a drag
A wave of blissful euphoria
cascades over me.
I relive the thought
her in my arms ,
the taste of her lips,
the warmth
of her heart
I finish my cigarette
And greet
A new day
Ryan Clark Jul 2016
These moments are hard to come by
       A pack traded for a pack
         A gun traded for a guitar
            A company traded for companions
I wear the same boots
          And yet
I wear a different life
The burden of my pack
By the bounty of experience
I am born a new
   My life
       This road
           These moments
From an extinguished heart
Passion begins ablaze
A fiery spirit
Burning through the skies
Illuminating the night
I fly through the cosmos
       As free bird
          As a new being
              As the Phoenix
May come back to this one
Ryan Clark Jun 2016
A gust of wind
blows a lone leaf.
Without its roots
it solemnly flies;
Finding nurishment
in these new lands.
Tis a bitter sweet sentiment
for the wind
shall soon return
wisking away
the lonely leaf
and sharing it
with the world.

Every new place
brings new blessings.
A temporary warmth
that sooths
the soul.
It finds companions;
Yet truly
owns no home.
The moments are fleet
as a single heartbeat.
Another gust,
and again,
it flys alone.

the lonesome leaf
shall one day sleep
beneath the trees,
Taking root
in a loving place
for it to keep;
by the stars.
Untill the day
it makes its way,
Its 3am here in Madrid. Ive spent the past 30 minutes thinking this up. Ive tried to write others recently but its been hard to find my feelings. I want to put something up and i feel this is as close as it gets. My heart is a poet, but I'm lost to myself and forgot how to translate its language
  Apr 2016 Ryan Clark
Bike rides
After morning and before night
My wheels take me to new avenues
Where the novelty my eyes peruse
On these adventures spontaneity is what I pursue
I meander streets
Following the direction of my
Whimsical heart
I turn off my mind
I go for a ride
I open my eyes
Tune into my senses
Become aware of my instincts
And forget all my pretenses
Sometimes I go out like a detective
Tracking down glimpses of clues
That could lead to you
But instead
I accidentally come upon
Eagles, and sunsets
The bridge with the water below
And chasing the kids who stole
So, as life continues on without us being together
I will go out and bike during this lovely weather
Because out in the real world, I view uncertainty as endless possibility
And that, within the core of my being, brings me so much pleasure.
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