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Ronald J Chapman May 2015
Spring came slowly,
Winter, did not want to let go,

Birdsong took away,
The gray silence slowly,

Sun shines brightly,

Green leaves follow the sun,
Flower buds like fireworks dare to rise,
Pink and white roses hug and kiss,

From now on, I won't be afraid,
To wake up with the sun,

Never to miss a day of beauty in my life.

Copyright © 2015 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
Rose of Sharon Korean Song
Ronald J Chapman May 2015
Spending all these years alone,
Many dawns have passed,
With only a cup of tea to love,

Sunny days have gone by, too fast,
Rainy days seem so very long,

Spending all these years alone,
Too many setting suns have gone past,

Things I remember;
Holding hands, walking along the lake, dancing until sunrise,
Reading stories to each other and laughing,
The smile that brightened my dawn every day...

Things I still love;
Your photograph, your blue eyes, your roses,
My memories of you.

You're always in my dreams to love, standing in front of me,
Asking me to come and see wondrous things,

Every sunrise we say goodnight,
Loneliness calls to me,

In my heart,
Your memories will always stay,
In my dreams,
I will see you again,

Spending all these years alone,
A lifetime has passed,
A lake of tears has fallen,

My life long friends do not understand,
Why is there still pain, after so many suns have past?

If you ever see True Love pass,
Then you would know.

Copyright © 2015 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
True Love Waits
Ronald J Chapman May 2015
Dreaming a dream,
Flying across time and space, to a place I have never been,

Setting foot on the GROUND of the great mountain Bugaksan,
This MAN stands here on top of the world,

Oh! The wonders I see;
Such a peaceful place to be,
Cherry blossoms all around,  
So sweet to see,
Winter has ended,

Shining towers growing out of the morning mist,
Reaching for HEAVEN through a yellow sky,
Sparkling lights,

You are a beautiful site to see,

Waking to the words,
“Welcome to Seoul ladies and gentlemen.
The local time is 5:45 in the Evening.”

You are truly not a myth to me anymore,
But my dream come true.

Copyright © 2015 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
The Grand Heritage-Bugaksan Mountain
Ronald J Chapman May 2015
S is for a lovely Smile; your smile lights up Korea even today,
E is for Extraordinary, a role model that built the "Star-Gazing Tower," Cheomseongdae,
O is for Open-hearted, helped the poor and hungry,
N is for Noble, loved your people,
D is for Dreams, your dream of white frogs,
E is for Enchanting, Your ability to predict things to come,
O is for Observant, watching over and protecting your people,
K is for Korea, The land that will remember you until the end of time,

S is for Smart, incredible intelligence,
A is for Admirable; you are still respected thousands of years after leaving this world,
R is for Reassuring, Never give up. Fighting!
A is for Amazing, Your ability to see the future,
N is for Noble, a loving Queen,
G is for Glamorous, A beauty standing before us,
H is for Heroic, loving your people more than yourself,
A is for Addictive, we still remember you after all the centuries have passed,
M is for Memories, “Star GazingTower” still stands today,
N is for Noble Queen, Your dreams and sacrifices  protected the Kingdom of Silla,
I is for Important, a blessing to Silla and today's Korea,
D is for Dear; You are still loved, by your people and peoples of the world today,
A is for Analytical, You always thought deeply before acting,

Queen “Seondeok!” You are loved and admired by all the world today.

Copyright © 2015 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
Queen Seon Deok OST - Balbambalbam (with Lyric and Translation)

"Queen Seondeok of Silla (Korean pronunciation: [sʰʌndʌk jawʌŋ]; ? - 17 February 647) reigned as Queen[1] of Silla, one of the Three Kingdoms of Korea, from 632 to 647". - From Wikipedia
Ronald J Chapman May 2015
Everything in this place, reminds me of you;

These days, of heavy rain,
These days, of sunshine,

As I look up,
At the cloudless sky,
I want to tell you,
I have not forgotten you,

Viewing the night sky,
Filled with stars,

Remembering my promise, when we meet again,

To give you a single red rose,
To let you know that,
I have not forgotten our days,
Of sunshine and rain.

Copyright © 2015 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
A Single Rose - Brian Crain
Ronald J Chapman May 2015
Life is changing every day;
You were my Sunshine,
You were my reason for living,
Whatever I had belonged to you,

I never knew tomorrow would never come,
I never knew that I would never say “I do.”

After my long life;
My bride,
You are my oldest memory of love,
You stand side by side with my mother in heaven,

Your Soul is as beautiful as the first day I met you,
I will always remember you my bride,
Lying there in a white dress;

In my long life,
I have never met someone,
With a Soul like yours,

You once told me, “We should live and love our lives to the fullest.”

I've had many chances, at love!
I have never found someone that would take my hand and say,
“I'm yours forever and ever.”

You once told me, “We should live and love our lives to the fullest.”

I learned true love is difficult to come by,

I've met many Angels.
But, They live under the wrong sky and in the wrong time,

You once told me, “We should live and love our lives to the fullest.
You are given very few chances at love.”

“Be happy my love. Enjoy! Your life.”

Take a chance at, love once again.

Copyright © 2015 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
Heaven Got Another Angel - Original Song (Gordon True)
Ronald J Chapman May 2015
Standing on a hilltop,
Singing a song from my dreams,
Looking at the vast green farmland below,
I don't wish to leave my family or home,
But, I need to follow my dream,

She calls me every day,

She sends me her beauty every morning;
Cherry blossoms and roses, in the spring,
Sounds of ocean waves in the summer,
Even the cellphone sound of the cicadas,
Calling to say hello let's party while we can,

She sends me her family photos, of beautiful,

Multi-colored blankets, of Autumn leaves,
Winter pictures of snow covered mountains,

She sings beautiful old songs to me,
Relaxing and magical songs,
Played with only two strings and a bow,

She cries in pain,
Her family separated for so very long,

Standing on a mountaintop,
Looking at the Miracle below,
Singing a song from my dreams,

“Arirang, Arirang, Arariyo...”

Copyright © 2015 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
Animation Arirang Korean Folk Song
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