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Nov 2023 · 397
Punching Bag
rey Nov 2023
Each lie and cheat
My skin tears away.
The bruises are becoming
Nov 2023 · 276
Becoming One
rey Nov 2023
I want to bathe in your love.
I want to submerge myself within;
feel it on every inch of my skin.

I want to roll around in your love.
Just as we did on our sheets the night before;
feel it move around me, with you.

Your love is like fresh flowers
The leaves changing colors
There is nothing more euphoric.

Remind me if I ever lose this feeling.
As you look at a face but can’t figure a name,
As soon as you remind me I’ll know.
Nov 2023 · 79
carry on.
rey Nov 2023
I try not to worry about you.
our relationship was a mystery
a series of games,
trying to see who cares less,
trying to stay secret.

I wanted to love you so badly.
I wanted that to be reciprocated.
Each time hours went by
without a response
a part of me wondered
am i worth anything to you?
it was hard figuring you out
but you just didn’t care.
ignoring me for weeks on end
really made it hard to exist
knowing i wasn’t worth
the slightest bit of effort to you.
then we called it quits…

…and two weeks later you begged for me back.

now i know what i’m worth.
i’m worth my weight in diamonds.
i’m worth being excited about.
i’m worth calling on the phone.
i’m worth you telling me secrets.
i’m worth being loved.
I’m worth forgetting anyone else exists.

I will never forget what I am worth.
Aug 2023 · 1.1k
a first.
rey Aug 2023
my eyes were opened
a genuine development
of a feeling i had only
heard about from others
i pretended time after time
to feel this feeling
but what i felt was a fraud
i did not know what
was wrong with me
or if i was incapable
of truly experiencing love
finding you was
the first time
breathing felt easier
and living was worth
being around for
but now that
i’ve experienced it
i will never be able
to lose you
or i will never
breathe again.
Aug 2023 · 60
mirror mindset
rey Aug 2023
i don’t feel the need to impress anyone
living life worrying
that people won’t like me
will not hold me back anymore
i’m simply who i am
despite the flaws, imperfections,
and whatnot
and if anyone tries to bring it down
they simply will only fail
i am who i am
i see who i am
i love who i am
and i don’t care if you don’t
the mirror only reflects to me
what exactly i am to be.
Jul 2023 · 41
simply growing
rey Jul 2023
i was a small seed
pushing my way to the surface
ready to take on the world
my motivation unmatched
eager to see what’s above
after the warmth of the sun
and the refreshing chill of the rain
my leaves began to grow
they grew quicker than the others
once the day fell to night
an intruder from the field
picked those leaves
right from my stem
****** on the blooms
spit on the soil
and gave my growing body
and nice stomp with his boots
the night felt much longer than the day
the day i spent hiding my damage
fixing my rotting leaves
with energy and light from the sun
but once the sun left
there was nothing to stop
the terror of the night.
Jun 2023 · 82
tearing me away
rey Jun 2023
i loved you more than anyone
i watered and adjusted our love to the sun
i watched it grow and blossom
and it only kept growing
it filled the blank spaces
it filled the emptiness
it was comfortable and safe
it was complimented and made sense

suddenly you stopped watering it
it never grew the same
i tried so hard to keep it alive
i tried to hard to make sure it was okay,
but without you it wilted.

i think you realized it was dying
you started giving it more attention
you started to try and find the right light
you bragged about it to your friends
you did everything you could.

why would i water it
why would i let it feed off my air
why would i let it occupy my space
why would i let it consume me,
when you let it die in the first place.

now there’s a hole.
in my space.
in my mind.
in my heart.
you stopped, i stopped, it’ll never be the same
unless we both care for it again.
Mar 2023 · 105
rey Mar 2023
it’s quite funny
nobody else exists when i’m around you
i don’t look around to see who notices me
i don’t try to spot pretty faces in crowds
the prettiest face is always looking right back at me
holding me, loving me, telling me sweet words.
i’ve been an attention ***** from childhood
fatherless and filling that void was my focus
i ate it up, it fueled me, it gave me purpose.
i’ve forgotten it because of you
the only person i want to see me is you.
i’d tear my eyes out if i’d never see you again
i’ll never want anything more from you
but you.
you fill that void, you’re the missing puzzle piece.
i’ve searched for you my entire life
shoving worthless people in to feel complete.
somehow i stumbled upon you accidentally
the pieces merged together and my eyes opened.
you complete me, fill me, shown me what love is;
i’ve lost that filter of being able to hold the tears
they stream out when i remember the abundance
of love you’ve given me when i needed it most.
life without you was nothing special:
eat, sleep, breathe, cry
—quite pathetic and never ending.
how did i manage to find you?
i’ve begged God for you.
i’ve asked what made me unworthy of love.
why i’ve been given dud after dud.
only pain came from my relationships.
every time you tell me how you feel
how you love me
how you crave me
how you’ll **** me
how you’ll hold me
how you’ll comfort me
how you’ll marry me
i yearn to tell my younger self to be patient.
if only i knew you were out there
i’d stop letting my body be used
i’d stop letting them hit me
i’d stop throwing up to be skinny
i’d stop starving myself
i’d stop cutting my wrists
I’ve cried endless tears waiting.
but the only tears i shed for you
are nothing less than formed from our love.
as much as i wish i could tell you this,
i’d never be able to get the words out.
therefore, i’ll write them,
and hope you love them as much as
i love you.
Dec 2022 · 77
remembering that feeling
rey Dec 2022
so many failed relationships and experiences
that fall short of my expectations,
but you remind me why i put myself
in these situations in the first place
i like that nervous feeling before a first date,
i like that anticipation of a first kiss,
the tensions between our eyes,
the hands making their way across each other.
you kiss my head, my neck, my arms, my stomach
and it’s complete euphoria with you.
you **** me like you love me
and i honestly couldn’t ask for more.
rey Dec 2022
but there’s not a chance i’d change it
Dec 2022 · 64
here we go again
rey Dec 2022
i wish i could take back every nice thing i said
i had a big heart and you took every inch of it
you tried to change it and make it fit your needs
but it was never yours to change.
rey Nov 2022
I have been through tragic amounts of trauma,
but I still want to protect you from what's happened to me.
I don't talk about it because I know you already know.
I want you to see the joyful parts of me.
How far I've come as a person, rather than a victim.
I know my scars are deep, but you kiss every inch anyways.
You hold my body and touch me without worrying about hurting me
because you know you never could.
I know you will always be there if it started getting the best of me.
The last thing I want for you
is to think I'm any less than I am
And the last thing I want for me
is to think you couldn't understand.
Nov 2022 · 53
You Say It First
rey Nov 2022
I've known you for 175 days now
and each day I get closer to telling you "I love you".
I've rushed nearly every relationship until now.
Every time you say something witty or sweet,
I hold myself back from saying it too soon.
You're charming, but I'm staying strong.
I know life is short but I have a good feeling
that this is going to last even longer.
You make me a better person each time I see you.
I go out of my way to do anything I can for you.
Although neither one of us has said it to the other,
I know you love me too.
Nov 2022 · 87
remember me as I am
rey Nov 2022
and never forget who I was
Nov 2022 · 188
rey Nov 2022
sometimes i smell you on my sheets,
but only for a brief moment and it’s gone.
it reminds me how easy i could lose you,
and it only makes me want you more.
Nov 2022 · 922
i never forget self love
rey Nov 2022
i woke up this morning
i reminded myself i’m worthy
i don’t groan when i see my mirror
i greet it with kindness
and the reflection does the same
i used to hate what i saw
i used to cry when i looked for too long
i would hurt her feelings
i would cut her skin
i would bash herself
why did i not realize
only by loving her
is the way to love myself
rey Nov 2022
don’t think about it
don’t think about it
don’t think about it
stop thinking about it
i’ve done it again
stop stop stop stop stop
i can’t stop it
i can’t
please help me
i can’t stop it
how do i let this happen
stop thinking about it
you keep letting this happen
it’s fine
i’m fine
it’s okay
it’ll be over soon
stop thinking
think about something else
**** **** **** breathe
calm calm calm calm
be calm
it’s fine
it doesn’t matter
**** but it does
where am i
what is around me
**** breathe
stop stop stop
don’t let it get to you
**** ******* ****
in and out.
in and out.
wipe the tears
carry on.
rey Nov 2022
i fall hard and i fall fast
though i find it hard to admit
i’ve loved over a hundred times
and each time i only love more
maybe the depth only comes with age
i’ve given love to those who deserve it least
a ****** high school boyfriend
family members who never make an effort
somehow i not only keep loving
my love only gets stronger
sometimes it is far from reciprocated
i only hurt myself more by loving harder
i don’t see it ever changing
will the hurting come to an end
if i try to love even more than the last time?
Oct 2022 · 63
in my eyes
rey Oct 2022
the gateway to the heart
lost in a blink
but the passion remains
look at me
become one with me
keep your eyes on me
stay right here
don’t lose the gaze
i only start to fall in love
more every glance
watch me as you
make love to me
you’re in control
can you see it
in my eyes?
i’m all yours tonight
and tomorrow
and eternally
just keep looking
into my soul
feel the vibrations
start to turn towards you
stay on my wavelength
let’s just stay
right where we are
but im lost in yours
but are you lost
in my eyes?
Jun 2022 · 91
rey Jun 2022
i’ve searched for love my whole life
i fall for strangers at first glance
growing up lacking the feeling
only makes me want it more
the feeling gives me meaning
and makes my stomach twirl
i have a hard time saying no
devoting myself to someone
is a complete adrenaline rush
Jun 2022 · 206
falling hard
rey Jun 2022
your presence is addictive
i spend most of my day
waiting to see you
i sit here checking the time
for what feels like the millionth time
the day drags itself on
until i hear from you
the time is in overdrive
which seems as if only
when you’re around
my eyes light up
my smile widens
my heart races
i knew from the
first time i laid my eyes on you
that you were either going
to be the best or worst thing
to happen to me
will i continue to be
falling hard
or will i end up having a
hard falling.
Feb 2022 · 67
cause and effect
rey Feb 2022
i keep picking up my pieces,
as if i’m not the one tearing them apart

i struggle to keep my head above water,
but the ground is shallow beneath me

i let the tears flow out of me,
i’m reason they have formed

i blame the world for being so cruel,
knowing i’m the one bringing me down

how is it that “happiness is a choice”,
i’m begging for that option

brutality is my only mentality,
forced onto me by the one i know best

i just wish i could get out of my head.
Feb 2022 · 231
A Fix
rey Feb 2022
beating beating beating
a pinch
a rush
a fill
a desire
Feb 2022 · 82
rey Feb 2022
rushing and flowing
ah, but when you enter
nothing but excitement.
Dec 2021 · 67
another cry for help
rey Dec 2021
it’s happening again
i’m sinking farther into my bed
i can’t seem to get myself to wash my hair
i don’t even stand in the shower anymore
i let the water fall down my body
i’m just going through the motions again
hoping i’ll just drown in my tears
but i can’t seem to cry
maybe if i leave the laundry on the floor
it’ll pick itself up and get in the washer
maybe if i leave my bed unmade
it’ll eventually make itself
can’t seem to get myself to make food
the hunger pains greet me with open arms
maybe tonight i won’t go home to an empty house
i hope my boyfriend doesn’t get tired of me
i miss my mom again
i’m spending far too long in the bathroom instead of going back out and facing the nothingness
i have somehow trapped myself in again
i really wish it wasn’t happening again
Mar 2021 · 79
rey Mar 2021
how is it mine when you took it
you were here to love it for me
you certainly did when you could
you couldn’t forget me
you couldn’t forget what you took
you took your own to try to forget mine
but it was mine
it was mine
it was mine
why did you take it
why did you steal the only thing i had
why me
why me
oh how i weeped when you did it
i cried out for help
i cried out
i cried out
i begged for my body
but didn’t know it was gone
i trusted you after you hurt me
you hurt me
you hurt me
now i shake when i think of you
now i cry when i remember you
now i cry
now i cry
i will never know how or why
you took the easy way out
when will i get closure
when will my body be mine
when will my body be mine
when will you give it back.
Nov 2020 · 50
rey Nov 2020
people stereotype children with innocence
but what is a child with their innocence taken?
merely an adult in the shell of a child.
hello, i’m your average child with the mindset of someone in their mid 40s
my childhood was brief unlike those of my peers.
i knew the troubles and the pain and they didn’t
i knew the pleasures and the mistakes
i knew the wrongs and the rights
i knew the rebuilding and recovery.
i used to cling to what was left of my childhood
now i have finally accepted that it’s over
hello, i’m still your grown-up child.
i understand complex things
i can read a situation faster than that novel you picked up a year ago.
i can find my way out of trouble
i know how to defend myself
i’ve grown up fearing what i knew
i’ve grown up trying to find others like me
i cling to the fellow broken kids
i cling to what i know.
Nov 2020 · 49
rey Nov 2020
i’m gasping for air in the only place i’m welcome
let me out! let me out!
nobody can hear me screaming!
i’m stuck in this brick box!
Oct 2020 · 68
I’m Right Here
rey Oct 2020
I’ll always be right here if you need me

please don’t leave me here
Oct 2020 · 56
rey Oct 2020
the fog covers the grass
the air is filled with mist
the sun peaks over the mountains
a chill runs down my spine
i watch the trees sway
i see the squirrels hopping on them
the birds begin to sing
life begins to wake up, along with me
the red, orange, and yellow leaves
show themselves as the fog moves
i watch from my window
my marvelous window into nature
Oct 2020 · 71
You Promised
rey Oct 2020
You promised you wouldn’t hurt me like this
You promised you would look out for me
You promised I wasn’t just a body
You promised you wouldn’t use me
You promised you’d stay
You promised you would try

You broke your promise.
Oct 2020 · 58
rey Oct 2020
Hello Dad
It’s been four months
Did you get my call?
I’m worried about you
I’m sorry I didn’t answer

Hey Dad
I’m sorry I messed up
Please forgive me
It’s been a year
I miss you

Hi Dad
I know you’re struggling
Please call me
You don’t have to be alone
I’m right here

Pick up the phone
It’s been too long
You’re drowning yourself in beer
I should’ve answered.
Jul 2020 · 50
rey Jul 2020
I know you never wanted me.
I’m the mistake you couldn’t buy your way out of.
you played the victim for my existence.
you brought me into this broken world.
you could’ve stopped.
countless days at the bar
leaving me home alone.
watching as a new woman
made her way to your bed sheets
time and time again.
hearing the impure things
from a bunk bed in a dark room.
crying and begging to leave.
the only person i trusted was nowhere
mom? mom? where are you?
as my bed turned into the couch
i spent my days watching hours of the news.
i didn’t understand much at 4 years old.
inviting your friends over for drinks
seemed innocent at first, right?
until you left me alone with one of them.
you let him do this.
you left me alone.
i was just a child.
you knew better.
but you simply didn’t care.
you were never the victim.
how’s it feel, dad?
Jun 2020 · 52
rey Jun 2020
i lay here
i expect the tears to work themselves out
but they refrain from doing so.
time keeps moving
i can feel the days getting shorter.
as i’ve tried to cut it short
it never worked.
the world has its way
of getting what it wants
but yet i’m stuck in feeling
moving through the motions
of the pattern i’m stuck in.
days feel meaningless
but i keep going
as much as i don’t want to.
the feelings i’ve suppressed
have kept themselves contained
until now.
this flood of emotions
feels like i’m drowning
i can hardly keep my head
above the crashing waves
of reality, hardships, and pain.
this empty pain
lurks and stays behind my mind.
the cries for help
are more like whispers for assistance.
i distribute help as if it was overflowing
but i’m the one who needs it most.
i beg for this feeling to end
i beg for a new start or a do over
accepting this hurt has been the worse.
if i could bring back
the joyful little girl
that i once was
maybe things would be different.
it’s time to take back my own life
and replace this empty
with something to fill that void.
i just want to feel something
once again.
rey Feb 2020
Hm, the luring call from this crowded place,
but what are the intentions?
diabolical feelings in this place I call home.
But why do you and I stay?
our routine of sadness and evil
hovers around our heads,
as if we were the sun, and the sadness orbits us
like the planets in the vast universe surrounding.
only dark and damp places we exist
filled with hatred and impurity.
each of us contribute to this fire
oh, but what is this?
a grasp on my mind,
a calling, a desire, a higher power.
my feet walk for me as if I am being lifted
the stress and pain is floating away
A godly figure is implanted in my mind
heaven? God? is that you?
my broken pieces pick themselves up
they hover and lift themselves in the air
my shattered shell of a body is floating
pure thoughts paint themselves in my mind
what brought me here?
a smooth transition from my living hell
to a placid place amongst the sky.
God? Allah? who brought me here?
even my strongest beliefs were being questioned.
quite frankly, everything I knew was foggy.
the only feeling I obtained was bliss.
my feet were placed back onto the surface
and the darkness crept back,
but my outlook and intentions changed.
I kept the happy and the bright
and it outshone the malevolent world.
this moment lasted and stays in my mind
being there forever would be beautiful
but sadly, the best feelings do come to an end
because everything is temporary.
but the best feelings, can be felt forever.
Sep 2019 · 247
burn me
rey Sep 2019
surrounded by the flames
that reflect my loneliness
wrap me in this hot blanket
of sadness and emptiness.
the constant ringing of nothingness
tears my ears apart.
the shell of my body remains
but slowly is torn apart
by the knifes of suffrage.
i can feel the singe
of self love disintegrate.
through this torture and evil,
i still feel nothing.
this has to stop,
but why hasn’t it?
I’ve been stuck in this
off and on place
of numbness.

“Are you okay?”
a realization,
the things constantly replaying
in my sad mind
reaching to the bottom of my heart
to find the two words
that retrieve my loneliness,
“i’m fine.”
yeehaw school is awful
Jun 2019 · 130
do over
rey Jun 2019
i want to take back mistakes.
i want to try it differently but in fact there’s no way to correct what has happened.
you can’t take back what you said
i can’t take back my reaction
i can’t take back that relationship.
you can’t go back and not break me
you can’t go back and not hurt me
i can’t take back a small sentence
even though you’ve hit me with a thousand words.
but i still would brush them off
take ten seconds
take two steps back
and carry on.
but in fact i probably would do the same thing
if given the impossible opportunity to
i would continue to let you know that you are no longer allowed to hurt me.
i do not consent to your pain
i do not consent to that friendship
i do not consent to you hurting me
i do not consent to the way you act.
but you can ignore that
because I built up walls
and put fences around them
but you built a plane and flew over.
and that terrifies me.
Jun 2019 · 116
rey Jun 2019
it is 2 a.m.
everything is dark.
my room is hot
but i shiver when i’m not surrounded by my comforter.
i don’t know why it’s hard to breathe
or hard to move
or why the tears won’t stop.
why do i feel stuck in my room?
why do i crave it when i leave?
why do i want to leave when i’m here?
i just want some air and some reassurance that i’m not losing it.
i just want my arms to stop shaking while my skin is so warm.
i want my pulse to calm down.
i want my mind to stop thinking.
i just want to sleep.
Jun 2019 · 123
rey Jun 2019
the sky is a gray-yellow
and the thunder fills my empty mind as
the storm surrounds my room.
the rain pitters and patters on the roof,
i watch as water runs down my window.
my favorite songs playing and
filling my room with my favorite shade of happy.
my whole room is reflecting a yellow shade along the walls.
my pillows are puffy and warm and my blankets are surrounding me.
yes, i am alone, yes, company is fine,
but how can you learn to be alone with company always around.
i am happy even if i’m alone.
i’m still living and thriving
putting myself back together
but still happy.
Jun 2019 · 157
rey Jun 2019
This thing you call love,
Is not love!
This is pain
This is unhealthy
This is abusive

You do not need them
You are smart
You have been blinded
By what your heart replaced
in your brain

Your troubles have died down
New days are coming
New ground is below your feet
Time can stop rushing you
You can stop

You are not fragile
Do not let them treat you
as if you are breakable
You know better
Do not let your heart fool you.

Find real love
And filter out unhappiness
Stay true to who you are
Do not let negative influences
In your life.

Live again
to love again.
Jun 2019 · 226
rey Jun 2019
I am fine.
I can admit it.
Although I dedicated 7 months
to find out you're not the one for me.
I wasn't top pick.
I wasn't the one you longed for.
Yet, you kept me around,
because you knew i'd do anything you asked.
But here I am.
I stood my ground
I took back what was mine,
my dignity,
my happiness,
and most importantly,
my life.

I'm sorry you wasted my time.
May 2019 · 379
rey May 2019

after tomorrow, they'll be gone for a while.
as summer returns
and my main focus is not to learn,
i'll be alone and older by each day.
don't worry, we'll talk, they say,
but summer returns
and my loneliness yearns
for someone to talk to
but I don't want to bother you.
until august comes back
and my head goes whack,
will you speak to me,
you're not a real friend, can't you see?
I'm sorry that we didn't talk
and I feel as if I hit bedrock,
you'll act nice
and i'll think twice
about letting you back into my life
when it's filled with strife.
but i'll fail and become sad
then i'll drive you mad
until you leave
and i'll greave
until august returns.
last day of school tomorrow. sad. surviving finals.
Apr 2019 · 98
How dare you!
rey Apr 2019
how are you so
that you can
break someone entirely
and walk away,
like you’ve done it...

...a million times.
Mar 2019 · 168
rey Mar 2019
but forgotten so quickly
Mar 2019 · 260
rey Mar 2019
hurt me a little more
if it makes you happy.
Mar 2019 · 128
leaky faucet
rey Mar 2019
insanity creeping
with little droplets


churn through
the dark thoughts
while listening
to the droplets


you tighten the bolts
the echo repeats
in your head,
the drops keep
dropping rhythmically


screaming and ringing
in your ears
become louder
and sync with the droplets.


yelling and groaning
at this faucet
pushes you over the edge
with the hammer in hand.


but you realize
the droplets
weren’t the problem

it was all in your head.
guilty or just impatient?
Mar 2019 · 295
rey Mar 2019
i crave you
as if you were nicotine
i want you
even if you poison me
i miss you
though you disregarded me
you’re like a drug
i can’t stop craving
even when you hurt me
i just need another hit
to resolve the pain
of your absence
i was nothing to you
i never understood
but now you’re gone
and i’ve moved on
but the emptiness
still lingers
i miss the touch
of your fingers
but yours do not
miss the touch of me.
rey Mar 2019
Rolled up in a fluffy white blanket
recalling the day you bought it.
just imaging your smooth skin
wrapped around me.
my dreams filled with thoughts
and mostly those of you,
because my love for you
reaches from life to my dreams.
a feeling on safety and protection
from this blanket you bought me
just because you got it for me,
without it i would tremor
with fears from those who haunt me.
but right now in this moment
i can forget those fears.
i can pretend you are here
even if it’s forbidden
because i love you dearly
and you always appear
in my dreams.
Your smell lingers
in clothes you give me
to remind me of you.
so i will never forget
my love for you.

In this moment all i can think of
is the extent of infinite love
i have for you—
though these objects are not you
they sure do keep the memory of you
close to heart.
Mar 2019 · 7.0k
rey Mar 2019
Bury me in the
Yellow Flowers
As my thoughts
drift away.
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