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ReadQuotes Dec 2014
Half Empty is My Life or Is It Half Filled with joy and happiness,
I sometimes feel strength, inspiration sometimes laziness,
When I see in the sky sometimes I find it empty,
sometimes I find there starry starkness,

I can either choose my empty side or the filled one,
Now my heart is in two parts broken and the healed one,
I had my heart on the girl, the sweet one,
She broke my heart by saying you are no one,

  Dec 2014 ReadQuotes
i feel so
but who knew feeling
this empty could cause
you to have
such a heavy heart.
everything's going right,
for once,
then it all crumbles.
at night
i fight the urge to scream.
and not a scream that's caused
by held back tears,
or hidden emotions.
i fight back a scream
that's due to the worst feeling.
the feeling of nothingness.
  Dec 2014 ReadQuotes
some nights you will feel
like there are a thousand galaxies
exploding in every inch of you
and you are burning too bright
to ever be looked at directly,
and some nights you will feel
impossibly small, like your
whole body could slip through
the spaced between atoms and
never reappear in this world again,
and some nights you will feel
like a paper doll, carefully crafted
and easily blown away, fragile,
too delicate to ever be touched,
and some nights you will feel
like each cell in your body is
made of the strength that holds
the whole planet together,
and that is okay because you are
made of stardust and miniscule
atoms and breakable bones
and the building blocks of
everything in the universe,
and you are too alive to never
feel anything more than human

— The End —