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753 · Feb 2019
record store
violetbaby Feb 2019
it was raining heavily that day.
we met at an old record store.
the sky turned a peaceful grey,
bells tinkled as i opened the door
and i was hit with the smell
of dusty vinyls that were waiting
to be gently touched and held
by dreamers, lovers of messy
thoughts and burning secrets.
our fates were entwined at the start,
and i do not think i had any regrets
when the music took our hearts.
matthew wuz here
703 · Feb 2019
a film
violetbaby Feb 2019
being around you feels just like a movie,
and i am the entranced spectator
watching as the frames zoom in closely,
my desperate eyes trying to capture
moments where you unknowingly cause butterflies
and gardens to bloom from within me.
each time your fingers tightly grasp mine,
i want to replay that heart-stopping scene
for the feelings of dizzying euphoria
to endlessly run through my veins,
much like what people want more of
once a breathtaking movie comes to an end.
i know that whenever i am with you,
forever does not seem like a long time,
and if this wonderful movie starring only us two
continues into the lovely night, i would not mind.
400 · Feb 2019
the pretenders
violetbaby Feb 2019
midnight pretenders
roam the black streets
tiny puffs of gray
coming from their lips
disappears into the cold air
their eyes are melancholy
and hopelessly vulnerable
to the watching stars
the burning embers
in their cigarettes
start to fade and dim
they began to run away
desperately, urgently
from the wretched
condemnation of time
they began to weep
violently, pitifully
as they suddenly realized
that night will only stay
in their forlorn dreams
363 · Feb 2019
hearts on his sleeve
violetbaby Feb 2019
he bears scars and
band-aids on his heart
he does not show them
to the moon or stars
for he is afraid
of what they will think
but he does not know
that he is in fact
walking art
dreaming of you forever and ever.
347 · Feb 2019
music to my ears
violetbaby Feb 2019
your laughter is my favorite song,
a honey sweet tune that i can listen to
and never get tired of, no matter how long.
my favorite place is next to you,
our shy hands clasped and bright eyes locked
as the tender morning turns into a lazy afternoon.
you have become my favorite work of art,
a creation that is too good to be true
if the world is a museum made for my heart.
307 · Feb 2019
think about you
violetbaby Feb 2019
when i hear that one pretty song play
when i pass by my favorite kind of flowers
when i read books and come across your name
i’m suddenly reminded of your laughter
and that sweet bubblegum smile
you often waltz into my daydreams
and before you leave i wish for more time
just thoughts of you bring me peace
when i look up at the warm golden sky
when i find myself slowly falling asleep
when i can’t help you being on my mind
296 · Feb 2019
together forever
violetbaby Feb 2019
sunlight from the window
dances around us
my fingers play our song
on your chest
tracing small hearts
across your back
drowning in those
twinkling stars for eyes
wrapped in your embrace
makes me happy
for the lovely silence
that brings us closer
tell me i’m yours
and my soft kisses will
let you know that
you’re also my valentine
287 · Feb 2019
to the moon.
violetbaby Feb 2019
this waiting summer is special
for romantic dreamers like me and you
blossoming feelings made true
in the longing sincerity of little
exchanges through heartfelt poems
that hold many unspoken words
in the way that we secretly yearn
for each other when left alone
quiet days and evenings might pass
but delightful midnight calls between us
reminds me that you are my summer crush
and how i adore you to the moon and back
277 · Sep 2019
little secret
violetbaby Sep 2019
you're my little secret
holding you late at night
small, gentle forehead kisses
seems just so right

for each lingering goodbye
my day becomes melancholy,
but thoughts of your bright eyes
while we lie together eases my mind

being in your sweet company
causes butterflies to bloom from within me
each moment with you is like a dream
delightful ones, where you never leave
258 · Sep 2019
ginger hair
violetbaby Sep 2019
ginger hair cascading down her back
her footsteps echo against the walls
tears streaming down her rosy cheeks
her hands trembling with an aching
sadness that overcomes her
this feeling of remorse and revenge
brings her to the steps of his door
where she sheds her lover's blood
drops of scarlet stains her fingers
painting her silk dress a sinister red
she lies beside his lifeless body
and weeps for the emptiness
in her heart until she drowns
it is a quiet releasing death
as she breathes her last breath
#last breath
229 · Feb 2019
blood roses
violetbaby Feb 2019
desire pulses from my fingertips
slowly finding its way down my spine
the rays of a luminating sun above me
leaps and dances upon my poised hand
that inches forward to the menacing thorns
protruding from the sweet illusion of roses

roses, they are just so wicked yet lovely
its sweet enthralling scent draws you in
and you are inevitably its prisoner
reveling in the suffering and torment
but this quiet misery means nothing
for my fingertips will continue their lusting
to experience the true pain of beauty
i will always want more.
224 · Feb 2019
my undoing.
violetbaby Feb 2019
there was a boy i loved
that was quite
a bit messy
and kind of lonely.
it was undreamed of because
he was a burning flame---
hot and radiant and bright.
from lunch dates
to first kisses under the rain
i dared to fall for someone
who stole my heart.
he was like the late city crowds---
colorful, bright, and loud.
there was a boy i loved
that was quite
a bit ruined,
but was my undoing.
the concept of regret does not exist to me.
211 · Jul 2019
goodbye june
violetbaby Jul 2019
light, lonely june showers
brings me morning flowers
that come to life across my window
twirling and creeping unto
the yellow walls of my room
they all bloom endlessly
choking and taking the air i breathe
until i am no longer me
201 · Feb 2019
violetbaby Feb 2019
perfection has a heartbeat
it has rosy cheeks
tempting plump lips
that could make me sin
perfection has a heaven-sent smile
it has eyes that drive me wild
hershey colored locks
sweet-smelling and soft
perfection has a name
perfection is you
199 · Feb 2019
violetbaby Feb 2019
you take my breath away
without even knowing it
there is something so intoxicating
about your laughter, your words
especially that soul-stirring smile
when your eyes meet mine
it is almost electrifying
as feelings of delight rushes
through my veins and into
my beating heart
telling me that i am
head over heels for you
take my breath away
190 · Jun 2018
another rainy day
violetbaby Jun 2018
another rainy day
you stare at the droplets on your open window
the colors of the sky are washed away
but you don’t really mind how
it is quiet enough to hear your own sighs
as the clock’s ticking goes by
the strawberry milk tastes sickly sweet
honeyed bread crumbs on your lips still
faint laughter from the black and white film
playing on your small tv
the coffee-stained pages of your book
flutter against your boyish fingers
but it feels good
the wind gently plays with your messy hair
whispers against the curves of your face
you smile and ask the clouds to linger
for another rainy day
dedicated to my jinji.
180 · Jun 2018
diamond eyes
violetbaby Jun 2018
late night thoughts
of only you
stuck on my mind
missing your hands
the way they feel
rough, calloused
yet very gentle
lingering with fondness
your diamond eyes
overflowing with laughter
promises of freedom
sweetly enticing me

you might be sleeping
but imagine just
the two of us
on a moonless night
watching stars
dance to our songs
holding each other
nice and tight
sounds like a dream
but i do really wish
you were here
right next to me
terribly missing everything about you
151 · Feb 2020
to my personal sunrise
violetbaby Feb 2020
you are my own personal sunrise,
warming me with your twinkling smile,
one that can even outshine
the brightest stars on a dim night.
your dark curls, wild and untamed,
your strong gaze, raw and unwavering.
do you know how lovely you are?

i always count the seconds until we meet,
when my name rolls off your tongue
to which my beating heart seems to soar
with all of the love that i have for you.
when we lie together at the hours of dawn,
i listen to the rise and fall of your chest
and i know that you are my one safe haven.
when the morning light falls upon us,
i look into your earthy brown eyes
and glimpse a world with just you and i.
happy v day.

— The End —