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Racquel Davis Jul 2014
His efforts were altogether one big joke,
And the punch line was his ego.
I could no longer stand this clown,
Nor the balloon animal between his legs.
Every now and again, I picture myself
Stuffing him into a tiny car,
And watching it drive over a cliff.

©Copyright 2014 Written and Edited by Racquel Davis
Racquel Davis Jul 2014
When I look over at the nightstand
The little green sketchbook
I bought just before kissing Florida good riddance,
Reminds me ‘your desires are important’,
Because YOU are important

Flowers I brought home from work sweat on the table
The wedding was another blur
The event hall is always the same,
Pretentiously lavish
But the flowers, I thought
Deserved a second chance

On the bed lays delicately
A small blanket Sophie knitted me when I was five
She tells me, “Your comfort is important”
Because YOU are important

The round terracotta tea tray I had to buy
Sits, assembled with other superficial nothings
Displayed within its orbit
But a cup of tea every night,
Calls back my heritage

My niece smiles at me
From the heart shaped picture frame
She gifted me for Christmas
I smile as I pick her up from the table,
‘Your happiness’, I say to her, ‘is important’
Because YOU are important

©Copyright 2014 Written and Edited by Racquel Davis
A reflection on one's environment, a personal space, a room, office, and all the things that make it home.
Racquel Davis Jul 2014
How many times will you say,
‘I leave today’
And still

©Copyright 2014 Written and Edited by Racquel Davis
Racquel Davis Jul 2014
I want to lay in a hammock,
feeding my fat *** which never looks out of shape
no matter how many deep fried treats I feed it.

I want a sensual message
from a hunk who's always seen and never heard,
eager to please and good on his knees,
and also good with a hammer.

I want to kiss personal responsibility goodbye,
with a sip of a have-you-tried-this daiquiri,
wearing a mocha it's-my-birthday bikini.

©Copyright 2014 Written and Edited by Racquel Davis
This one was just a warm up for my poetry class.
Racquel Davis Jul 2014
May all those who fear me find friendship with me here.
May all those who disbelieve feel my commanding presence.
When they need love, let them in and I will nurture them.
When they hunger with desire, allow release in my audience.
They who tire will rest with me in my palace.
They who long for peace can have it in this place.

©Copyright 2014 Written and Edited by Racquel Davis
Racquel Davis Jul 2014
Psychedelic spokes
Spinning out from
An undetermined center

Periwinkle powdered
Spines that invite
Me to feel

Making a point
At my prying fingertips
From smooth to prickly

Quaint you are
When your fragrance
Murmurs a tone of earth  

A lotus of the desert
Silently beaming through
A plump body

An infant
With little

©Copyright 2014 Written and Edited by Racquel Davis
Racquel Davis Jul 2014
It wasn’t a field of baby’s breath.
It was nothing like a garden of sages.
It didn’t go by like glitter in the air.
It did not feel like one for the ages.

It never made me feel like a new woman,
It certainly was not a call for confession.
It never had a gloomy effect on me,
And it didn’t lead me to obsession.

©Copyright 2014 Written and Edited by Racquel Davis
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