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 Feb 2015 Rachel Cloud
And into the abyss it went
tizzeled darkness
tizzeled pain
fighting laughter
frighting games
thoughtless feelings
stealing fame
1. to be ******* out of what is rightfully due to you.
2. to be placed in a state of awe and our disbelief at how improperly one acts while being high
3. The last man standing game played under the influence of strong narcotics or hallucinogens. Each player needs 1 knife and 1 gun
I take a storm and make myself swallow a hurricane
It gets stuck on the way down and rips me apart
No one ever told me not to take on too much
Take in more
I can handle it
Swallow it down
There is no need for breaths of air in between
I can take it
My back is cracking evenly down my spine
Eyes all over as I start to bend
Straighten up
I will take it
They pile on me like bricks and sandbags, thrown off your shoulder and onto mine
As you tell me you don't want to burden me
You untie the weights on your ankles and strap them to my wrists
My arms are open and bleeding
Pins hold my lips to the corners of my eyes
I am being crushed under the weight
I have to take it
Hooks connected to strings nestle into the exposed skin on my hands, holding me up as my knees snap and bend
Give me your weight
I'll take it down with me as it drives me into the hard soil
I can handle it
I can take it
I will take it
I have to take it
 Feb 2015 Rachel Cloud
No more scars.
No more pills.
No more cigarettes.
No more drugs.
No more alcohol.
Get perfect.
Be perfect.
Stay perfect.
Don't make waves.

P is for pretty
E is for entertain
R is for respectful
F is for faithful
E is for enthusiastic
C is for careful
T is for tame

2500 monsters.
1500 monsters.
1000 monsters.
500 monsters.
250 calories.

More scars.
More pills.
More cigarettes.
More drugs.
More alcohol.
Get perfect.
Be perfect.
Stay perfect.
So many waves.

P is for petty
E is for exciting
R is for right
F is for *******
E is for eccentric
C is for callous
T is for terrible

Funny how things change
isn't it funny?
how it's easier to blame yourself,
rather than the person who destroyed you?

it's easier to extinguish
the fire inside of you

than to devalue the person
you love (loved)

I will n e v e r allow
someone to rip apart
my self-worth
when they're the ones
who aren't whole.

and neither should you.
haven't written anything in a while
felt good today
In sync
Syncing in the feather in the ink deep,
Deeply, let the ink drip in sync,
Let it swerve the flavor of love in black ink,
Heavenly, it's sented
While others would call it meek
No not deep
Moving on, watch the paper crease
Watch it bleed a different calligraphy
Love is not written in black
Hate is more precise, accurate
 Feb 2015 Rachel Cloud
every time you plucked that flower
a little bit of the universe cried
I  decide  not  to  name  my  poems  until 
I'm  completely
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