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Rachael Judd Feb 2015
Maybe* if the bags under my eyes weren't so heavy
Or if my arms weren't so bony
And had a curvy body
Or if my hands didnt tremble all the time
If i didnt cry over little things
Or if i didnt rub my wrists till they were red,
when i got overwhelmed with anxiety
Or if my eyes sparkled in the night you could see the galaxies swirling through them
If my mouth wasn't turned down at the corners from greif
And my walls weren't built so tall to keep anyone from climbing into my heart
Then maybe, just maybe
You might have loved me more than her.
Knowing that i lost you hurt. But realizing that your actually gone, hurts even more.
Rachael Judd Feb 2015
A siblings love
Is an indescribable love
A love that you are bound to
By blood

Connected hearts
And connected minds
Like tree roots intertwined

An unconditional love
That is unbearable to handle
An unbreakable love
Bound together by soul

To hold you up when you fall down
A love so powerful
None can come between
Because i am you
And you are me

A love to hold on to
A love to give you strength
A love to bring you hope
And a love to carry peace
My brother is my Bestfriend. Someone who has been there for the good things and the bad things, the one who always picks me up off the ground. He showed me life in the right way with the right mindset, and i am forever grateful.
Rachael Judd Feb 2015
Today i found out that you met somebody else.
I thought i was over you,
I stopped crying at night
Letting the black tears stain my sheets
My chest never ached for you anymore
I never felt like i couldn't breathe
Like all the air was slowly suffocating me
I didn't hear your voice in my head anymore
You'd just became a memory that every once in a while id play back the record i saved of our love.
Instead of breaking down every time i saw your face,
It brought me happiness.
Today i found out that i am replaceable by someone else.
someone better.
It hit me like a bullet to the heart
Thrown against the wall as if a wave brought me out to sea and started to drown me.
As the water filled my lungs
I heard your voice again,
But now its muffled by the water I'm submerged in.
I saw your face for just one second
And then the ocean swallowed me.
I lost it, every inch of myself i lost today. All because you found someone new, cause i was never enough.
Rachael Judd Feb 2015
Im standing on a ledge
On a mountain
With a view as far as the eye can see
The wind is pushing me back
Toward safety
The urge to jump is
Clawing at me
All the secrets
And lies
Piled ontop of eachother
Overwhelm my mind
With thoughts of
All it takes is one step
Off the ledge
That one moment of nothingness
As i fall
Surging toward the ground
But maybe death is safety
And whatever awaits in life
For me tomorrow
Is danger
Clouded by a lie of happiness.
Why cant people just tell you the truth? Why cover your tracks with lies that just get uncovered.
  Feb 2015 Rachael Judd
And in her eyes, the way she looked around
I could feel the coldness of winter nights.
But oh, in her eyes too, the way she looked at me,
I felt the warmth that could melt all the ice stiffen inside me...
Rachael Judd Feb 2015
Life is a puzzle
Where everyone has to fit in,
Belong to society
And the walls they crowd us in
We are all just searching
For the place
That connects
Our empty spaces
To their whole places.
Piece after piece
We start to believe
That no one out there
Is our soul mate destined to be
We continue through life
Till the day death flaunts our heart
We are completely
Rachael Judd Feb 2015
my hands scream
what my lungs can't
because all the nicotine
has taken away
my shaken breaths
and now i want to
so i will scream with
my hands
scribbling on the paper
so people will not only hear me
but see my screams
No one ever hears me.
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