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Puck Oct 2014
i let myself
and disappear
the deepest and
of the soul
that once was
captured by
the illusion
that i
that i could
go on
and on
there was no

i feel light
the air is buzzing
the walls are
there is no
better way
than this
pure bliss
i forget
and forgive
myself for
the things
i could not fix

i breathe
and close
my eyes
there is
that will
harm me
not anymore
when i
not when i
can't feel
no more
i wrote this without even looking at my keyboard while listening to high by sun glitters

it was sort of creepy
Puck Oct 2014
is it not a shame
for the kindest ones around
to feel the most pain?
  Oct 2014 Puck
Silence is not keeping quiet
because you have nothing
to say...

Silence is having a lot
to say but no desire
to speak...
Puck Oct 2014
i yearn for a love
that does not exist
a love so rare
it would not fit

it would turn
my skin on fire
it would make
me feel alive

i would dance
and i would not care
the prying eyes
how they would stare

oh how i wish
for no guidelines to exist
for a love so rare
it would not fit
Puck Oct 2014
when you don't say
you say enough

when you don't look
you tell enough

it's the littlest things
that make me feel

smaller than
the tiniest thing

i hide inside
my own shell

my mind explodes
as you stay mute

my heart stops
as you pass by

but it's okay
it's all just me

so please don't
care about me
Puck Oct 2014
oh have i not
hung on for a time
long enough for you
to finally let me go?

oh could you not
liberate me
from all that is bad
when all what's bad is life?

oh my dear friend
please don't mourn
just remember that i
can't do this no more,

'cause when birds fall
there is no going back
a bomb to explode
is all there is left.
again, a random poem.. (edited the last two sentences)

(okay so i'm very new to this and i don't know where to say it, but great thanks for the people liking my last poem wanderlust. it means a whole lot to me!)
Puck Oct 2014
do you know what it feels like
not to belong?

the mind is aching,
searching for a place
to call home,
where you get tucked in at night
and finally get some sleep

a place
to feel free,
where you can dance in the rain
and laugh in the pale moonlight

but the thing you refuse
to believe

you reject
in the depths of your heart

is the search
will never stop.
anyone relates?
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