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I have known the taste of salt water,
and the smell of decaying forests,
and the cracks in hundreds of sidewalks,
I have loved the gas petal,
and the airport concourse,
and the ever-changing time zones.
In all of these places,
I've found a home in not having one,
ready to admit,
you'll never catch up.

too lovely, my friends
Life's reflection glistens through sands of time.
Days past due reunite with our current days disguise.

We glimmer in the false light portraying us to our knees.
Reaping such qualities turns our words to disease.

Acquisitions conquer minds through solid demise.
Leading hearts of hate to realise.

We are our own living destruction.
Believing such theories brought through subduction.

We replenish the rot of our personality.
To feast off our remaining qualities.

Together we fail united we'll fall.
Through the eyes of evil till death do us all.

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
Though altercations of a secessionist sound stern,
Their minds are stuck and never learn.
Through a disabled rebellion their built,
Words designed to deplete one's self are spilt.
Although it's said consummation executes in the leaning vice of the secessionist,
The desecration becomes the birth of the segregationist.
The segregation of closed mindedness with those of the voice.
The voice has sculpted our worlds obedience choice by choice.
The voice has seen demons at their best and angels at their worst,
There is a reason why this world hasn't burst.
You see, our world is seen through a lens,
This lens doesn't defy our worth and script the uncleansed.
It simply sets a standard for the closed minded to follow,
The voice, doesn't have a standard to follow, this voice makes the lens for those left to follow tomorrow.

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved

Don't be a product of society's system. Be unique and become a Voice.
but it is also about FORGIVING.
All Rights Reserved © 2013
IN a state of brokenness,
With hands tied I look to you,
My souls waters stirred,
My Saviour,
beaten, and I'm ashamed.
My Saviour,
slain for my sins,
and I'm ashamed,
I'm ashamed.

Christ Crucified,
put to death,
a death which set me free,
Now, I'm free,
free forever in him.

Unyielding love,
he called me from the darkness,
his purpose for me to live,
for me to survive,
and in him, Thrive.

My soul untied,
by the saviour who died
my hands purified,
by the man who died,
My heart sanctified,
by the Son who died.

He broke my chains,
he conquered my shame,
he led me to light,
he showed me how to love,
he revealed me to myself,
unmasked, unashamed,
I am free,
set free by the man who died for me.

I'm in awe,
beauteous amazement,
I'm in praise of him,
king of kings,
I'm in worship of him,
the lord of lords,
standing in awe of him,
the risen king.
Thy restless feet now cannot go
  For us and our eternal good,
As they were ever wont. What though
  They swim, alas! in their own flood?

Thy hands to give Thou canst not lift,
  Yet will Thy hand still giving be;
It gives, but O, itself’s the gift!
  It gives tho’ bound, tho’ bound ’tis free!
Knowing Christ is not about avoiding hell or being blessed.
But its about becoming a better person an more Spiritual being.
Its about learning to love others and learning to love yourself.
Yes this journey that we all are on is a hard one but Christ will help.
Its about loving Christ more then yourself, and loving others.
That is what being a true christian is all about fellow-shipping.
Blessing others with your gifts, and talents and with yourself.
This is by far what being a true christian is all about here.
If you fail to love and help others then you fail in becoming a true christian.
By the way God will work on you learning to love yourself.
Not the selfish way but the way that Christ created us to love ourselves.
Christ the living saviour
Once died upon the cross
He willingly gave his life
For men like us , Lost

He was tortured , beaten, mocked
Then nailed upon the tree
This great pain he endured
For men like you and me

Upon the cross he hung
A spear ****** into his side
Father please forgive them
Are words our saviour cried

A crown of painful thorns
Was pressed upon his head
His blood flowed down his body
Till the saviour at last was dead

A thief hung on his left
A thief hung on his right
When Christ gave up the ghost
The day was turned to night

Placed into a borrowed tomb
His body laid as if it were froze
Then just as he had promised
On the third day he arose

With victory over death
He came forth from the grave
With victory over death
That men through faith in him be saved

He showed himself to many
Then to heaven he did ascend
An angel said to those present
This same Christ you shall see again

To the earth he shall return
The words written they are true
Christ he is coming back
For men like me and you
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