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Seconds ticking
I moved closer
My left hand around her

Seconds ticking
She moved closer
Her right hand around me

I can feel her breath
I can smell her scent
Of her skin

I moved further
Now I'm listening to her heart beat

Lub-dub lub-dub lub-dub
Ja-dach ja-dach ja-dach

Yes yes yes

Flowers of water
Came from the clouds tip tap tup
To drench us

Further I moved
I can feel the electromagnetic induction
Two bodies can't get closer

Clock stopped
Time warped
Space stood still

It's annihilation
Two souls merged

It's pair production
The merged soul released
A couple of sparkles

Little sounds
vibrations through the bodies
My lips touched hers
Rest's blanked out
It's nirvana

Couple of tear drops
coming from her eyes
Ayes fondled my lips

I have tasted a kiss.
It's love

Seconds ticking,
I move closer.
My left hand around her.

Seconds ticking,
She moves closer,
Her right hand around me.

Feeling her breath
Smelling the scent
Of her skin.

I move further.
Listening to her heart beat.

Lub-dub lub-dub lub-dub
Ja-dach ja-dach ja-dach

Yes... yes... yes...

Flowers of water,
Rushing from the clouds, tip tap tup
To drench us.

Further I move,
Electromagnetic induction,
Our bodies can't get closer.

Clock stops.
Time warps.
Space stands still.

It's annihilation,
Two souls merging.

Pair production,
The merged soul releasing
A couple of sparkles.

Little sounds,
vibrations through the bodies.
My lips touch hers.
The rest is a blank.

Tiny tear drops,
escape from her eyes.
and ****** my lips.

I have tasted a kiss.
It's love’s perpetual bliss...
<3 <3
There's something satisfying
About enjoying the afternoon sun
With a lime and whiskey; drinking
In the moment, chomping crisps and
Reading prolific piquant poetry by everyone.
He scattered the fragments of their life behind, enticing her to follow.
The constant gnawing emptiness always
left her feeling hollow.

She still strode behind, hand outstretched
her hunger growling for more.
Even though she eats what she’s given
it was rotten to the core.

That toxic heart and what little it gave
Made her mouth fill with bile but salivate.
A starving rat doesn’t want waste
but with time and starvation
it develops a taste.

Anything tastes good
if that’s all you’re ever given.
He pavloved her to accept this life,
her heart has been conditioned.

But the trail runs out
no more love left to leave,
what he had to give was always finite,
finally, reprieve.

You’re done starving,
habits can break  
sit down my love
I’ll make you a plate.

I am so grateful that the crumbs left behind for you ran out, every step you took led you to me. You will never hunger again.
I want to belong somewhere
Where? well I guess I don’t really care
Just a warm spot to soak in the sun
Somewhere to hide when the day is done

With the freedom of the wind at my back
To atone for all the good, I lack
It seems there’s more wrong than right these days
I find myself mostly in the grey

Let me be easy on my brothers
Kind and patient like none other
An inspiration for those to dream
A guiding force just as a support beam

So, when it does become my time
Convict me of a victimless crime
For I don’t want to live forever
Just let me enjoy the harsh weather

I play my cards close to the vest
But I make sure to do my best
So, when I do start to feel like less
Lay my body down to rest
The wind-up figurine
Plays a chimy and peppy lullaby
Of Irish tune.

It makes me think of your smiles,
The trips to the store for waffles and Klondike bars,
How you were there for activities such as my basketball games when I was little,
My Confirmation in my teens,
My First Communion,
So many of my childhood birthdays were celebrated at your home
On Keywest Drive.
I think of the time, Pappy, that you scattered dollar coins around the backyard of the before-I-turned-eleven house
So I could test my National Geographic metal detector.
I remember talking with you, Granny, in the kitchens of your home and my parents’ current house
Asking me how I’ve been doing.
I even remember the times
Where I was rebuked by you because of my behavior.
I picture you guys standing in front of your house
Waving goodbye.
I took every moment for granted.
I just hope you aren’t too far away now
Because heaven knows I need you and your hugs and kisses.
You both are now super angels
And I miss you.

My childhood was fortified and I am reminded of your presence by you, Pappy, reading me Magic Tree House and saying so eloquently: “The wind started to blow, the treehouse started to spin. It spun faster and faster and faster, until everything was still. Absolutely still.”

As the figurine’s tune slows to a stop,
I stare into space imagining and recalling the feeling of you in my life.

I love you Granny and Pappy.
I lost both of my maternal grandparents in the last few years. What a team they always were. Bonded by faith and family.
one day you'll be holding your daughter as she cries her eyes out, barely being able to breathe because of a boy that shattered her little heart with no sympathy.

remember you were once that boy and you did it to me. Didn’t even think twice you was just using me.
Love me or hate me
Both have shaped me
I'm nothing more
I'm nothing less
Than what you see directly
With all honesty,
It's more than a philosophy
When I say "no matter what is tossed at me,
The good, the bad, the ugly,
It all now rolls right off of me"

One day when we are old,
Yet not so old that wonder's lost.
We'll talk again once more of love,
Of loss and wanderlust.
While whiskey warms our aging bones
Waging war against the frost.
Our tales turn to pantheons
And the follies of fallen gods.
one lonely cloud
sailing the blue

future rain
for someone

quenched thirst
myriad needs

someone is rain dancing
to the beat of drums.
Softer than rustle of leaves in the wind
Or shifting grains of sand
Nothing compares to blanketing warmth
You emit with touch of your hand
One touch is all it takes to light my heart on fire
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