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 Sep 2018 Oliver
Heart's throwing tantrums
With emotional levels going berserk
And I'm running around phantoms
In the wind whipped,

I'm trying
Like a bird flying
Against a storm
Falling wildly
Roaring wind screaming
Wings buckling

Beating my heart out
Facing this fierce
Almost ballistic sorta
Imposing rage of

Shattering glass

Death trap
No where to turn
My mind's calm
Settled composed decided
But my heart keeps dragging me back

Stop it,
My heart's
Feeling too much
Without even my consent?
How dare it?

Stop it.
Calm down.

I just have to wait till the storm
Dies down.

Dies down.
But until then, I'm gonna do useless stuff like write these poems which will comfort people probably but there are gazillions of poems that do the same.
I just have to wait it out.
I wish emotions had a switch off button.
 Sep 2018 Oliver
Ashly Kocher
Reaching for what you think is
the impossible dream
Only to find out that your dreams are never impossible...
 Sep 2018 Oliver
 Sep 2018 Oliver
Hearts delicate
Got broken

Shards scattered

Failed to see
In the dark

Searching for remnants
Every broken piece

Took its toll
On both of us
 Sep 2018 Oliver
Ashly Kocher
The possibilities are endless if you have the heart to follow your imagination...
 Sep 2018 Oliver
 Sep 2018 Oliver
you’ve tried to hide it
but it’s too late
i already saw it
the hesitation
the hesitation
in your eyes, in your voice
i told you it’s fine
to spare you from explaining
and to save me from shame
but i saw it, i knew it
the hesitation
the hesitation in your heart
I saw it </3
Alone in a Crowd
A crowd of emotions
Of emotions not felt
Not felt till it's too late
Too late always too late
 Sep 2018 Oliver
there is something about me
that needs love.
i need love.
i have never admitted that to myself
but i need it.

no one wants to stay around for long,
maybe I’m too abrasive.
i’m not for everyone;
an acquired taste.

my family thinks it’s hard to love me.
the love of my life wants nothing to do with me.

i like keeping people on a string.
pulling them behind me like a pet.

i never believed my father when he called me a user
but i guess it is true.

i use people.
i use my body,
to get the love from other people
that i cannot find in myself
 Sep 2018 Oliver
please don’t make me feel bad
for wanting to talk to you
if we don’t talk much
of course i’m going
to miss you
i think you forget
that i love you
 Sep 2018 Oliver
I said it would take months
looks like it only took moments
But you couldn't stop it.
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