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Nov 2014 · 559
Still Alone
ponderinghope Nov 2014
I have no reason to love
Yet I do so anyways
I give a piece of myself
So you won't feel alone
But don't you know
How hurtful your rejection is?
How painful it is
I guess I'm still a fool
Who’s only thought is to love
But how much longer can I love.
Oct 2014 · 730
Don't Leave Me
ponderinghope Oct 2014
Maybe when you're gone
I'll be myself again
that's the lie I repeat
so I don't lose my mind
maybe when you're gone
I'll finally breath
I'll look to the sky
with eyes full of tears
maybe when you're gone
I would finally be alone
who shall I love
who shall keep the heart
that was your for five year
who shall keep it safe
nurture it like an unborn child
who shall plague my mind
with endless thoughts of him
who shall steal my mind
must you leave so suddenly?
must you lay waste to our love?
our very means of existence
come back I would say
if I spoke to you at all
love me I would scream
if our love truly exists
don't leave
...please don't leave
Don't leave me...please
Oct 2014 · 13.9k
ponderinghope Oct 2014
They said I cannot fly
cannot grown wings
and touch the sky
I wanted to prove them wrong
so I took to the sky
and leapt.
Keep Flying
Oct 2014 · 473
Deep Within My Heart
ponderinghope Oct 2014
Deep within my heart
there is pain and suffering
there is hate so deep it cuts me down
there are tears I never shed
words I never spoke
dreams that remained dreams
darkness that shadow the light
deep within my heart
there is a reminder of love
a love I never had
a love that was taken from me
deep within my heart
there is so much agony
I fall to my keens
so much torment
I choke on my voice
deep within  my heart
there is a wound
which never healed
and probably never would.
To All the hurting.
Oct 2014 · 1.2k
To Be Free
ponderinghope Oct 2014
If to be free
means to have no heart
then please cut mine out
for I am thirsty for freedom
Oct 2014 · 749
A Heart I Never Had
ponderinghope Oct 2014
you tried to take from me
a heart I never had
a heart that was never mine
go ahead and try
there's nothing left to take
To all the broken-hearted people.
Sep 2014 · 1.3k
Yesterday It rained
ponderinghope Sep 2014
Yesterday it rained
and i fell asleep
the pondering tears of the rain
filled my windows with music
pouring anger from the sky
that made me feel at peace
it rained yesterday
and i fell in love
with the mysterious being who made it rain
and gave me a new reason to live again
the cold ploppy drops
filling me with calm.
it rained yesterday
and the whole town felt it
they all felt the pain
that kept on building itself
the all felt the shame
and the misery
they all felt the life
that was taken away.
it rained yesterday
and i knew i was right
perfect for me
and nobody else.
it rained yesterday
the wind spoke to me
the clouds disappeared
finally freeing the sky.
it rained yesterday
didn’t you see it rain
didn't you hear the beating
the drumming and the lyrics
didn’t you free the freedom?
it rained yesterday
and i felt united
i felt at ease
and the world was mine
the darkened night
filled with horrors and shadows.
it rained yesterday
and it still rains today
in my mind and my heart
as i stumble the halls
clutching my hips
so i remain on my feet.
it rained yesterday
not yet today
so i let my tears rain
and i didn’t let it fall
i just let it flow.
it rained yesterday
and i felt so happy
and so at home.
it rained yesterday
and i ran to the streets
no shoes and a tank top
dancing and laughing
without a care in the world
and nothing but peace.
it rained yesterday
i was happy yesterday
For all of us who love the rain.
Sep 2014 · 356
Forever Alive
ponderinghope Sep 2014
Sticks and stones
please break my bones
   because words hurt more than they should
  they break my heart instead of bones            
   shattering me piece by piece
  broken bones heal after a while
  Words hurt, forever alive
For all of us who have been hurt by words.
Sep 2014 · 833
ponderinghope Sep 2014
When you're alone
you're at peace
no one can hurt you
neither can they burn you
no one can shield you
or tear you apart
no one can shun you
neither can they bleed you,
when you're alone
you're truly alone
you're all by yourself
with many regrets
but away from the pain
they inflict upon you
For all of us who love and dread being alone. Goodnight.

— The End —