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Alex Granados Dec 2014
I can't face you.
Not because I'm over you
Or because I hate you,
But because I'm afraid
That the next time you see me
You'll realize that I was never
Worth the world
Like you thought I was
When you would've given it all up
To keep my hand to hold.
Alex Granados Dec 2014
Like the changes in the sky,
From day to day,
I find my seasons shift
From loving to pain.

From the warmest of hearts,
To the light of your day,
The warmth on your skin-
I am touching every part of your being.

To the frost that bites your frame,
The shivers you get
When you pay too much attention,
The thing you can’t escape
Even when you find warmth again-
I will still be the coldest little ******.
Alex Granados Nov 2014
You can’t just walk out of our room
And hope to be drenched
In a different kind of rain.
All it is is a different kind of pain
You’ll be drowned by when you think
You’ve found a reason to be sane.

The droplets roll down your face
To tease your lips,
But they’ll soon fall to the ground
And now you won’t feel so in tune with
The life you thought you had found.
Alex Granados Nov 2014
Don't call me on the telephone
You already know I won't answer
And I'll delete the voicemails
To erase any trails
That lead right back to me.

I don't want to remember,
I want forget
About the days we've spent
Walking and laughing—
We'd always fall.

But I'm done falling—
Falling in love,
Falling in your hands,
Falling through like sand
And not being able to stand.

If you give me time
I won't have to push you away.
I’ll keep your memory in mix-tapes
And replay you and rewind you
To listen to the melancholy

Slowly drifting away from loneliness
Knowing that the pain was pretty good,
Maybe even better than the laughs and walks
And falling in and out of love.
Alex Granados Nov 2014
Remember when it meant the world to you?

          We were one in a million
          And out of 7 billion, you chose me

          Everyone tried to tear us down,
          But we’d pack up our things and leave town

          We would stay up late at night
          To keep each other warm and wrap each other tight

          We would whisper secrets in our ears
          Just tell each other things we already knew

          You’d tell me you loved me
          And I would tell you that I loved you too

You may have forgotten, but I still remember—
I still remember when I thought love was true.
Alex Granados Nov 2014
You fell in front of me
—Like a leaf from a tree—
And gave me love, unconditionally.
But now I only feel trapped
And I'm trying to break out
From within your chest.
Alex Granados Nov 2014
You think I've forgotten our love
But it's never been burned deeper in my thoughts.
I used to be so clouded and only wanted your touch
To know that your smile and heart
Could revive me everyday and night.

I'd fall and rise each morning with only you in mind,
Letting each word I spoke describe your eyes
And how they captured life despite the pain
And the habit they had to cry when I was the one not alright.

I know you've cared for so long and loved so unconditionally,
Even to the point that only you could be mine.
But it's true when they say that all good things come to an end.
It's just a matter of keeping the feeling special
And cherishing a place for it deep in our heart’s cracks.
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