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 Sep 2020 Polar
Rafael Melendez
I'm afraid in your search for god I'll only make the distance grow.
My mind is open to yours, the gates have been flooded.
I want you to be happy,
though, I don't know if I'm what's best for you, or your lord.
I pray for your protection because I love you, not because I'm god fearing.
I haven't been afraid to die for a long time, becoming a tortured soul for all eternity, or becoming subjugated to your lord in heaven.
What I'm afraid of is not living a full life before I go.
I'm sorry if that's selfish.
If you're reading this, I'm sorry.
 Sep 2020 Polar
 Sep 2020 Polar
There is this taste
that I can’t rinse, spit
or rid myself of lately
and it’s not the kind
left behind by a dentist
yanking a wisdom tooth
out or the ****** mouth
from an eighth grade
playground go around
or bad blood in the hood
but something more
like a fight for a life bored
to the bone and hung
out to dry in the sun
having to bite my tongue
on the curse of the irony
of it all that I find too
hard and bitter to swallow.
 Jul 2020 Polar
guy scutellaro
staring out the window,
I remember you as you were

a bird always in flight

a fist full of tomorrows
held in the palm of your hand

staring out the window at the pouring rain
the warmth of your hand
pinions of a dove's wing
your hand in mine

I will not see the shadow
under your smile

gathering all the light in the room
like a flower in the sun

I remember you as you were
 Jul 2020 Polar
Sk Abdul Aziz
Be kind to everyone...for every person you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
 Jun 2020 Polar
Sk Abdul Aziz
Don't bask in success and glory
for too long
And neither sulk in failures for too long
Just move ahead
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