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  Mar 2017 elizabeth
Ma Cherie
Thank you fighting Irish,
for standing at my side
and I will do the same for you-
as I share in Irish pride,
it's time for every Irish heart,
to come out from where they hide,

We have come amazing distances,
from oppression at our throat,
and we wear some real
deep battle scars,
in an Irish fighting coat,
as we sailed in ships from an irish loam,
as we sailed
in freedom's boat,

All we came -
to this place
yeah we all came the same,
an our happiness-
it was the goal,
in our knowledge
that all hard work pays off
well so knows the diamond
from the coal,
and happy is the little fish,
finding comfort in a shoal,

An it's tattooed on our skin to see,
on an Irish skin so fair,
and in every Irish freckle seen,
it marks connection that we share,
an I don't have to guess at all,
how much my Irish Brothers care,
it's never too much to measure in,
the familiar things we bear,

The same for Irish sisters too,
and all of any other race,
as we are all connected true,
in all the light and colored face,
the color of your skin does not,
provide one with their grace,

We all can be some
Boondock Saints,
like my badass Irish kin,
we all share our connection deep
down below the earthly skin,
to think that what you do -I do
if you do wrong,
then I too "sin"
an we should not be fighting here,
if we join hands-
then we all win,

So I send an Irish blessing
to help you on your way
an I know that you don't need it
but I hear the bagpipes say,
that we have still much work to do,
before we all can hear it play
so as I get down on a bended knee
and again this morn' I pray,

And yeah some hands
were made for fightin'
all defendin' Irish wing
well I hope St. Christopher
he stay with you
until the final ring,
and bring a comfort
to your heart anew,
the kind that only real love bring,

I hope it finds you well
and happy -
an you be contented with your life
an I hope that all are grateful,
for every child, man and wife,
the best time to count your blessings
is when you're knocked down hard
with strife,

So I am sending you my Irish love
I sing laughter
- living mirth
to spread the seed so wide,
an defend from hell
on  Earth,
returned we are to innocence,
returned in death from birth,

I pray for all a peace to come
that one day all will know
just exactly what it's all been truly worth.

Ma Cherie © 2017
Oh.... I pray for the world to be more tolerant For my "Irish" and for dear friend Brian wherever you are an all you too- happy st. Patrick's Day! X - Ma Cherie
  Mar 2017 elizabeth
Gregory Dun Aer
What did I do wrong to deserve this?
Why do you hate me so much as to hurt me?
Why does this keep happening?
What have I ever done to you for you to hate me?
Am I a tragedy magnet, awaiting the next storm to wipe me out?
Why couldn't I find a love that was built on genuine care?
Why did I have to find you?
Out of everyone in this world, why was it you who hurt me?
Why couldn't you have just told me the truth, left in a happy bliss?
Why couldn't you remember that at any time I have tried all I could?
Why ...just why do you hate me?

You used to say I didn't make you feel safe, and you hated that about me.
I used to silently say, you made me feel like I never mattered, and I hated that about me.

I'm still silently saying, buried under a thousand unanswered questions;
why do you hate me so much as to set out to hurt me?
Why can't I seem to do the same, why can't I just hate you even a little bit?
Why am I so stupid to still feel like I could think of you and associate the word love?
Why am I so stupid?

I guess sometimes this world is just like that; we live in our own minds for a little too long, longer than a breath and it drives us insane. One breath at a time.

I don't know if I'd make it breathing, this breathing thing is getting a little too hard for me.

Why do you hate me? When all I've ever done was tried my best to love you?

Why can't I breathe?

Why can't I just have everything go well for once? Just once?

Why did you have to turn out like the rest of them?

What happened to the caring soul I remember who came to my defence when I was called a nerd? What happened to the person who made sure I was safe in a car crash? I guess I've been led to believe so many things could happen, I guess I spent too much time in my mind.

Out of so many billions of people, why am I so unlucky?

Goodbye forever G.L.K.
The other 900 thousand are running through my head every second. I can't sleep and all I've been doing is crying and drinking water (so at least I'm hydrated).

Sorry for the really.....bumming write.

I'm just so close to calling everything quits, this thing I call a life, this joke of a thing- I just want to call it quits; but there's people out in my life I don't want to disappoint. So I hope I can handle this storm and keep going on.

Why did you grow to hate me and I never even knew?
  Mar 2017 elizabeth
Samm Marie
I miss your writing
And at the latest hours of the night
I toss and I turn
Pleading for more words
Less anguish
O! this horrid waiting to know
What it is that weighs upon
Your beautiful soul
And I lay awake as the sun
Sits upon the horizon
Creeping up, killing the night sky
I think of not just your poems
But of you
Wondering how my friend
Could possibly be out in this
Altogether too large of a world
But when I say that I am missing
Your poetry
What I'm really saying is
I miss you
elizabeth Mar 2017
My eyes open,
The sun filters in.
For a moment,
Just a moment,
I am warm;
I am at peace.
I am happy.
And then the day
Starts, and I wish
With all my heart
And soul that
I hadn't awoken
From my sleep.
March 14, 2017.
  Mar 2017 elizabeth
Gregory Dun Aer
There has been rain clouds
these past few days,
I've been allowed
to love for a long time,
Maybe i should drown
the problems alone,
maybe it's enough,
I have loved enough.
You clouded my trust
And now I know
that I have loved enough.

I hope you find all that you're looking for.
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