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I know there is going to be a day where I will be able to sit on my basement couch and not think of all the nights you had spent on it.
I will be able to eat my favorite foods again without thinking of you.
I'll be able to sleep in my bed, alone, without feeling lonely because I had used to sleep alone only two days out of the week.
I'll be able to walk through a nice town with lights stringing in the trees without thinking about how we used to walk hand in hand
for days together.
I will be able to sit in my car and look at the passenger seat without picturing you sitting there with tears welling in your eyes saying
"I can't do this anymore."
I will come alive again.
I always do.
He's cold.
Not in the physical sense, but emotional.
He doesn't talk much,
And he pushes others away.
He drinks to cover his emotions.
He never likes to show who he is.

Maybe he's afraid of opening up,
And making himself vulnerable.
Why light yourself on fire to make someone else warm
 Dec 2015 anonymous
 Dec 2015 anonymous
I used to think the terminality of my life lent it a weight
now I realize that all the gravity is in the eternality.
 Nov 2015 anonymous
How many times are you supposed to give someone a chance before you stop wasting time
I've been looking for answers to all these questions like why you painted your room black to keep the shadows out
Like why you burned everything if you didn't have every intention of leaving everything the way it was
You pushed me away and locked me out for two weeks and If I had waited any longer I would have died
I would have bleed out on your doorstep and the last thing I ever wanted was for my blood to stain your home
But if I leave you with anything at all let it be that you were wrong when you said everyone always leaves
We could have talked but I know you've been tired of fighting for so long and there is nothing I can do for you
I can't be left for so long on such unstable ground without putting my own life in imminent danger
And if I'm telling the truth it wouldn't have deterred me in the slightest if I had just one sign you would do the same
You never knew me any differently than anyone else and I gave you every chance
If you had wanted it you would have taken it but there was always someone else for you
But the worst part was that when there wasn't you had me and I can't live like that
They say not to make homes out of people but it would have been better to be your home than to be your hotel room
I want you to wake up with a smile on your face again because you know everything is better
But it will have to be somewhere else because you never let me come close to you
the ink may pulse
from your fingernails
be seeping out your toes

cold and thick
azure puddles

chalk skies
banana lines

leaves outside
flutter in conversation

interior (red) / exterior (grey)

a thin transparency
between you and them
like squares of clotting water

what do you see
see what can be made

slosh of vehicles
in some sickly vernacular

muffled thrum
of the city
millions of windows

one of you
Written: November 2015.
Explanation: A poem written in my own time, inspired by a picture a friend of mine put on Facebook several months ago. The title stems from another image uploaded by the same person. All feedback welcome. A link to my Facebook writing page is available on my HP home page.
NOTE: Many of my older pieces will be removed at some point in the near future.
Honey laced sweet words
Sugar slippery coated and glaced
Decorated and wrapped in the best
Casted and moulded in the proper set

Used with finesse and matching tone
Years of practice was behind the scene
heartfelt happiness or the showy sympathy
Correct timing with beautiful delivery

Empty words and deaf ears
Fooling culture of exchanging pleasantry
Brutal honesty always hit hard
Society rejects the black sheep from all

Lesson to learn in life
What wins is diplomacy and lies

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