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 Sep 2014 Ecila
Frustrated Poet
Tis a dead end
I was taken aback
The atmosphere still and mute
I am glowing, afloat by foot.
I paced forward
Backwards and all around
Hopeless to see a glint of light
All  I see is pitch black
I am in eternal darkness.
I was released from the chains
Of lies and depression
Sadness, sorrow and rejection
To see one's  soul
You must look from with in
The transparent truth
I am falling into an abyss
The sight of reality and justice
Of hideous monsters lurking in masks
All I can do is watch as the spells were casted
If only you can see what I can see
You are mourning for a stone cold body
Dressed white and weeping for thee
The only thought came to mind:
Are those real tears for me?
My gentle touch in thin air
You'll never know I was there.
Thank you for coming
But I still know you don't care
Dressed white  linen and satin silk
To cover up the scars
The reminder of anguish
That moment when I breathed my last
Alas!  The relief, I was finished.
I lay there stiffly
With flowers all around
The scent of melachonly hovers
Its blending with the fake people around
Surpass the pain, the breaking
Let go of all this misery
So this  is what it feels like
To actually, finally be free
I am a wandering soul
Still exploring the unknown
My journey has yet been half through
I m the boss of my own cue
I am dead yet never felt so alive
With the gust of the wind
I was swooned away
Petals of a wilted flower
I am awake yet in deep slumber
My story in this life will fade
My footprints will be covered in dust
My name  will soon be forgotten
In the coffin they sealed me in
They will bury
All  I hope, in loving memory
 Sep 2014 Ecila
Tiago Pacheco
Holding on to the past,
The mistakes I used to do,
The time flows so fast
I think I am in love with you.

I want to make you feel brand new,
Like when the stars are born,
Baby, I am no longer torn…
So please, May I love you?

May I love you?
I promise I will make you happy;
May I love you?
I will never tear you apart!
#inlove #dontbescaredoflove #Love
© Tiago Pacheco
Dedicated to the girl i love. - Juu
 Sep 2014 Ecila
mark john junor
greyhound station
quarter to three am
in the rain
she is sitting on the bags
playing a vampire movie on the kindle
the screen lights her up
as she leans in close for the big wedding scene
run my hand along her dreadlocks
stopping to eye a new bead
thats her...a new little treasure for my heart each day

she leans on my shoulder as we
sit in the very back of the bus
bare to the warm night air
while dave matthew's sings to us
a little ditty from his long ago
has such a style don't he
she whispers a kiss onto my cheek
slips into dreamin

miles run past breathlessly
just an ebb and flow of u-gas and jiffy ****
just a parade of kids playing by an endless river
right outside this dim window
shes sleepin softly
i'm so awake to how i feel
to how much she means to me

where ya going mister
where ya headed
i point ..."thata way to the bright future"
so full of promise
so full of joys
with her at my side i can do anything
with her i am superman
 Sep 2014 Ecila
Some day I'll be something huge
Something bigger than you
Some day you will see
That my acts and what I do
Will make me the person
You and your kids
Will look up too
 Sep 2014 Ecila
Just the other day an older lady asked me-
How do you do it?
Look that way!
I smiled humbly and said it's Love.

The sweet and powerful love you give me
Is my beauty elixir
It's no secret to those who know

The way you love me,grab me, touch me
Injects my body with a serum that creates a passionate glow

Your caring actions
are the balm that smooths over
A once ashy soul

You my darling sweet face
Are my beauty elixir
And I want the world to know
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