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 May 2020 Khar Yang
 May 2020 Khar Yang
The truth is...
we don’t love
the person
we love
because they
love us back.

We just love them.
No reasons.
And quite frankly,
that’s what makes
it so liberating.
Love freely. No reasons.
 May 2020 Khar Yang
The way sunshine touches water,
that's how I feel about you
Loving you day by day
By learning you more & more....

You care me by all the way
And do everything to keep my worry away...

But some odds will come, in a different way
Even though you tried to keep it, far away....

Being with you, was one of my dream
Which came so true, like a stream....

You filled my every way, like a beam
And made my life, with full of gleam....

Life is a game play, with flow of  indefinite way
But am thankful for making me your part to enjoy this life play....

No one can love me, as you do
So lucky to get you, for whatever I do....

No gift can be so good for me, than you
May my everyday be a
valentine, with you.....
Dedicated to my loving husband on a valentine day
 Nov 2019 Khar Yang
it’s so hard
to walk the talk
when you are
as selfless as a candle
-burning yourself
just to give light
to others
self love, selfless
tell me how to self love when you are a selfless
 Nov 2019 Khar Yang
Ashley Lopez
It's like hearing the ticking of a time bomb
But not able to find where it’s coming from  
Until you put your hand to your chest
And then you realize
That the bomb is your heart
And the tick, ticking
 Sep 2019 Khar Yang
Pale gold September sunshine
the last smiles of summer
I search for the shape of you
in the slow shift of seasons
Meet me
In your dreams
Let me
Create the world
Where I can see you

Feel the time
How awesome
The life could be
Genre: Romantic
Theme: Sweet dreams
 Jul 2019 Khar Yang
Maria Etre
 Jul 2019 Khar Yang
Maria Etre
I stood next to him
and felt the gap
of time difference
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