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Kimberly Nov 2018
I wish
for you to remain soft
for the world to stop
encasing kindness
when did it become
a synonym for foolish
a weakness
I wish
for you to stop
encaging yourself
in skin so tough
But first, I wish
we did not have
a reason to toughen up.
Can we have a World Kindness Day everyday?
Kimberly Nov 2018
Can we love without the tragic
Forget a sprinkling of magic
How about we pour it all out
And be drenched in the rain
Come on lose that pout
Do you believe in fate?
How about we stop trying to think
And soak all that moonlight
Shall we have this drink
Stop trying to make this hard
Unclench that fist on your playing card
Lighten up, you light up
There’s no room for the dark
In this stillness you’re a lark
Come along take my hand
It’s a little mad but let’s fall in love.
How many dreams will I have of you
Before I dream you into existence?
Kimberly Nov 2018
I liked you more than I showed

I never show anything.
Kimberly Nov 2018
One night she dreamed a crack on the wall
Tendrils of night slithered from without
Panic clutched her hand and gave a pull
Shattering the silence with a single shout

The next night it was a gaping hole
Ink on water it spread faster and faster
She stared transfixed, her breath it stole
And surfaced with her thoughts a little clearer

This night it wasn’t a surprise
When she slept and fell into the dark
The air around her skin were jagged ice
Gone without a trace, no clues to mark

Eons have passed and it is still night
Abandoned the fall to the art of flying
In pinpricks of stars her wings alight
She stayed in the crack on the wall, dreaming.
Wouldn’t you want to be stuck in a good dream?
Kimberly Oct 2018
She laid a rose
To the gravestone of who she was
Long since she buried all her woes
Laid with a dress of her flaws
She closed her eyes
To verdigris pools and waterfalls
In a bubble of lows and highs
Not one trespassed
Her perfectly peach painted walls
In a world where a flutter in her chest
Sends a signal for a threat
For life was faithful in collecting debt
Somehow you only get crumbs of bliss
And mountains of sadness
So she laid a rose
And forgot who she was
She buried all her woes
Along with her flaws
With a heart on top.
Whoo dark times.
Kimberly Oct 2018
You are more than just your face
You are a heart beating 108,000 times, and an average of 23, 040 breaths a day

You are your thoughts running every second, a mile a minute or a leisure stroll around the gardens of your brain

You are in every word you speak, if only you could taste every sentence you give to the world you’d stop yourself from tasting the bitter aftertaste of hurtful phrases and instead savor the sweetness of kind sentences

You are in every love you give, the trees are greener in the wake of your careful steps, the flowers blossom along the path of your good intentions, and in the ocean of your pure soul sea creatures live one more day

You are the lines on your palms, made up of straights and bends, a future you couldn’t make sense of but a road all the same

You are made up of stars that make up the universe that light up the world, so light up your own world, light it up like the thousands of fireflies inside of you, for you are the world and the world is you.
You are an intricate pattern woven into the fabric of the earth. You exist to live.
Kimberly Oct 2018
Isn’t it a wonder
How sometimes the sky
Looks like the sea
The slow drifting of the clouds
Like gentle waves
Where ships pass through
Traversing jets and airplanes
Across the deep, deep blue
It’s such a wonder
How we have gossamer wings
Beautiful things
To look up and down to
And yet
The color of sadness
Is only the kind of blue
We ever train ourselves to see.
When sadness is a constant thing, learning to skirt around it, to live around it, is half the battle.
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