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 Jan 2017 Abbie Orion
Autumn Rose
The wild roses grew,
all upon the wooden
garden fence, painted white.
Gentle autumn breezes blew
and stirred the
emerald-green leaves.
The melancholy fragrance
was spread in the air,
as I sat and watched
the red petals submit
to the deadly season.
So i sang them a lullaby,
to fall in a summer dream,
And peacefully wilt
with no sorrow,
with no tears...
 Jan 2017 Abbie Orion
As surely as the sea,
Will forever kiss the sand
And the sun,
Chases the moon
As the mountains stand
I'll forever hold your memory,
Though never,
Your hand
 Jan 2017 Abbie Orion
This heartbreak
Unleashes the poet on me

i wrote a poem for you, even though i know that you will never read them
 Jan 2017 Abbie Orion
 Jan 2017 Abbie Orion
it hurt her;
every single bits
and pieces of
flowers she vomits;
they tasted like
they hurt like
the feeling of
being stabbed in
the back by the
person you love
the most (both
physically and
but what hurt her the
most is that
he wasn't really
worth dying for—
but she was afraid
of losing him;
of forgetting the
feeling of loving him.
posted this on my ig first hehe
 Jan 2017 Abbie Orion
When the sky turns black and I'm deep in bed,
I can't get the thoughts of you out of my head.

"You!" I yell.
What a lovely word!
I just hope that no one has overheard.
A simplistic write that I thought was kinda cute
riverboy swears he’s got bees in his throat,
says the cure’s in his bottles
so he’s been tossing back anything that might drown them
and copious amounts of pills he can’t pronounce
just waiting for the buzz to stop

he’s been pacing around the bus stops just thinking of a place to go
smiles softly at anyone who asks
says, “i’m just waiting for a thought to come”
he’s just holding on to the time
trying not to let the bees hum inside him

and riverboy’s eyes could make the rain jealous
even god stops just to hear him laugh
though that’s rare these days
riverboy says his voice’s just
too scratchy

too angry, too demanding
too much of the world living inside him
but riverboy swears he knows the cure
so he breaks himself a little more
as the bees hum inside him
Riverboy, you know who you are.
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