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 Jun 2015 ohmyblossom
 Jun 2015 ohmyblossom
She will carry you even if her arms are broken
She will cook for you even she feels sick
She will be there no matter what happen
She will still love you even if you are freak

I love you mama!
 Jun 2015 ohmyblossom
 Jun 2015 ohmyblossom
I miss you so bad
And it makes me sad
But we have to let go
And take a different river flow
 Jun 2015 ohmyblossom
That's where our forever ends
But all the memories stays in my heart
Scars will take time to mend
And life will continue again from the start
 Jun 2015 ohmyblossom
 Jun 2015 ohmyblossom
There's a rainbow always after the rain
There's happiness after all the the pain
So don't give up when life is so unfair
We can stand still and let go of despair
i'm finding it hard
to make the words form new worlds.
i just can't focus.
There is a girl, a girl so fair
With silver eyes and moonlit hair

Her skin like snow is pale and white
She dances in the moonlit night

She's singing under the midnight moon
It truly is a beautiful tune

She is a beauty, she is my queen
The most beautiful girl I've ever seen
I want to go home
I want to be free
But here I am trapped
And will always be

I dream of a land
With mountains and trees
A beautiful land
With blue lakes and seas

Where I can be free
And do what I please
A land without death
And without disease

A land full of joy
A land full laughter
Where I can live happily ever after
The grass is green
And blue is the sky
The air is clean
And the clouds sail by

Far up in the Tallest tree
The birds sing Jolly and free

The children are running
In the meadows and play
It truly is a beautiful day

Our hearts are warm
And free from fear
That's how we know
Summer is here
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