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Ocho the Owl Oct 2013
So ******* lucky
To be the person I am
Be as you are

Flying in the air
Notes ebb and flow
So sweetly

In her arms
She gently caresses
My beating heart

Listen carefully
The universe whispers
Through wind, rain, and heart

Frantic I am
Inpatient, frustrated
Reason? Unknown

The thoughts, words
Trickle slowly from above
Below and within

Unfolding slowly
My buds reach for the sky
And gasp for water

Delicate, open
Seeking the next level
My roots deepen

Shy, empathic, bold
Beautiful brownie

Accepting, gentle
Shrewd, candid, brilliant
Little ‘ol me

I’ve come to
Expect; unexpected
Events always

I am spring
Shining, bright, lucid
Ready to blossom

I accept you
Exactly as you are
Perfect, flawless, you
Ocho the Owl May 2014
Life is a quilt

This life of yours is made up of many, many pieces

Some bigger than others

Some bits will be torn
Others will be neatly shaped

All different colors for certain

All coming to form one giant cacophony of who you are

Always remember...

Your life is the whole quilt, not small part of it

See the beauty of your fine work
1.7k · Oct 2013
Stories & Statements #5(365)
Ocho the Owl Oct 2013
It's been a year now

Last year around this same time
I was celebrating my birthday with my now ex-partner

She was extraordinarily gifted

She baked me a cake
and made me a dreamcatcher

Both from scratch

It's been a year now
A year of being alone, grumpy and miserable
A year of dinners by myself at random taquerias
A year of making multiple promises to myself that "I'm gonna be ok"
A year of looking up at the stars when
I get home at night and sighing
A year of looking in the mirror knowing
that I'm not getting any younger
A year of watching other couples hold hands
and remembering what that felt like

I don't know how much more of this I can take
Ocho the Owl Dec 2013
Why does **** smell so bad sometimes?

Do bacteria have feelings?

Do jellyfish have *******?

Why is water invisible(sort of)?

Why can't animals learn human languages and
then use them to scold the humans on how
****** up we are being to our planet?


Would sherlock holmes excuse himself
and leave the room when
he had to ****...or would he just
let it rip on the spot
because he was so awesome?
Ocho the Owl Dec 2013
She is my helen of troy
I fall to the dirt
To thank the gods

Perseus turns green with envy
Hades scouls heinously
Jupiter & Posiden both conspire meticulously

Yours truly just maintains a grin that extends from ear to ear
Ocho the Owl Oct 2013
I’m starting to lose
What little patience I have
How much longer?

It often eludes
These old eyes have grown weary
I need forgiveness

Life beyond breakup
Is desolate and hostile
No love can grow there

With such ease you leave
Like a withering violet
I transform, I die

I breathe this pale air
Gasping my lungs clamor
For you, for you. You,

I can feel nothing
My taste buds are like dead leaves
No light do I see

Is she serious?
When will I finally learn?
Oh my trust fades

An empty bed waits
An empty room clamors
An empty heart sighs

I doubt if I could
Or that I’d really want to
I now know better

I am afraid
Of trusting like I once did
Am I ready?

I starve for embrace
I’m very low on love
God ****** to hell

Is it tomorrow?
Can it be the day after?
Or maybe never.

Tearful agony
Replaces where once love was
Thoughts of her are thorns

My belly fills up
With resentment and anger
See it in my eyes

She thus eludes me
Almost by divine design
I keep searching

As usual
The choices that I make
***** in my face

Do not judge this book
For the pages have been torn
Just as my heart has

Faint now is
The reason to smile and laugh
I pray you, help

Scolding water
Is what I feel when couples
Hold hands before me

How I hate
That I didn’t hold
And kiss you more

I’m tired
This burden pulls
Can’t hold on

A blank
Look, is my only
Souvenir, why?

It was my fault
I admit it, so
Much guilt

That place; now

Burned in my eyelids
Are the stinging images
That torments my dreams

I want to know if
This drought can be over
Its killing me

Dare I reason
With this smoldering fire
That will not go out?

Brilliantly hurt
My honor dangles, swaying
She swings, for the ****

Let the seas dry out
And the birds lose their songs
True love, come, be mine
1.1k · Nov 2013
Stories & Statements #38
Ocho the Owl Nov 2013
He left his apartment in the city

He found a beautiful oak tree
Deep in the forest
Miles from anything

Up on the very top
he build a treehouse

His friends & companion were all animals

And he lived happily ever after.....
Ocho the Owl Aug 2014
I've loved
I've lost
I've pined away for someone who didn't even know I existed
I've bled
I've cried and sobbed sorrowfully
I've moved on
I've contemplated on ending my life to end my suffering
I've triumphed
I've achieved
I've met my goals just at the deadline
I've crossed the line point of no return
I've loathed myself
I've been kind to a perfect stranger
I've given loads of my time and energy to a worthy cause
I've wondered
I've pondered
I've doubted
I've sat in silence
I've pursued what speaks to my soul

*I've lived
1.0k · Oct 2013
Ocho the Owl Oct 2013
I stopped counting long ago
I did it,
not for them, so much...
but rather for my own sanity and peace of mind

“They” arrive randomly, most times, out of the clear blue sky
“What incredible creatures these are!”, my senses whisper to me
Each more wonderful than the next!
I inhale slowly as I feel excitement setting in

Sweet smelling, they all come bearing enchanting gifts
Together, we laugh. We share secrets.
We spend time together
We bond. We taste and savor each others spirit, fully.
As I imagine trees do with the soil.

And then, just as soon as they arrive, they go
All of them
Some stick around for a small amount
of time, yet they all eventually go
Where? I don't know
I do know, however, they just keep coming

They are crashing upon me, I am the eroding reef.
Wave upon wave, they just keep coming
I suppose the real question is, how long can I last?
Hmmm? How long?

I am the cliff that crumbles inevitably.
Ocho the Owl Oct 2013
The temptation
Of scarcity

And friends are
So precious

Become like
The trees that give

Have you, we, forgot
Everything since coming down here?
Darkness blinds us all

With one another
We are one

Don’t judge your neighbor
For he is also a gift
Of god, just like you

Captives, we become
As fear, proudly, pulls the noose
Tighter and tighter

Smashing, we break out
Like rain from clouds, we burst through
Our time will come soon

Even lepers know
Compassion, where is yours?
Why hide your treasure?

Become shining light
Illuminate the darkness
The world needs you

Dare to awaken
For this nightmare is soon done
Light will soon rule all

Incredibly brave
And amazingly daring
We enter this world

Use your mind to build
A world where understanding
Is the only way

Don’t you realize
That divided is backwards?
Please please please wake up

Who can survive that
Ravenous hunger, that need
To be understood?

So many people
Still asleep, still using fear
As their cold pillow

My eyes are wide open
I now see life differently
I connect with heart

On behalf of all
Living, breathing, loving life
Everywhere; welcome

Let me feel your palm
Let us, together unite
And celebrate love
936 · Nov 2013
Stories & Statements #36
Ocho the Owl Nov 2013
Let leafy leafs lay
All on and under everything.....

Goes well with fall...
Falling, I mean

I don't mean to leannnnnnnnnn




Ocho the Owl Nov 2013
An ounce of strength
Two table spoons of courage
Three cups of hope
Four pinches of perseverance
And five heaping handfuls of dedication to following your true calling

Stir often
Serve when ready
915 · Nov 2013
Stories & Statements #60
Ocho the Owl Nov 2013

Your seeds, patiently wait
to be scattered to the four winds
Perpetually in a ready position
You sway and double over
when the wind takes ahold of you


You can grown
just about anywhere
So small, yet your resilience
is down right impressive

I honor you, friend dandelion
Ocho the Owl Oct 2013
Is it really true
Many wise ones often
Say: this too shall pass

I stand tall
Roots deep

Why not be
Grateful, its
Much easier

The less you do
The better off you are
Try it

Be like water
Liquid, solid, gas
Genius element

If you have
A sense of humor
You’re free

Breathe easy
Stride slowly
And smile

Don’t mistake
A storm; they
Too have purpose

Lasts, it
all changes

How I wish and dream
That patience was my strong suit
Life can take so long

Be not delayed
For failures are roadblocks
Go, take the detour

Gentle and pristine
My heart now beats differently
I become serene

Be there a thousand
Crisp and amazing sunsets
In your heart and mind

And then the sunrise
Extended its warm embrace
To me, finally

Don’t feel so alone
you’re not the only person
That is starved for love

Don’t believe, that is
If you really want to, then
Nod and smile, then dream

Do not doubt the might
That resides within us all
It can move mountains

If you allow it
If you release all your doubt
Freedom can be yours

Never surrender
That which you hold most precious
Cherish it forever

Surely this fierce storm
That is beating down on me
Will pass; like all else

Which path is correct?
You must choose, lead or follow
Go, go, make the leap
817 · Jan 2016
Stories & Statements 144
Ocho the Owl Jan 2016
Still single
Still feeling ripped off
Still waking up alone
Still at these ******* coffeeshops only to **** time
Still hopeless
Still feeling weakened by loneliness
Still wanting to slit wrists
Still wishing I was never born
Still wanting to throw myself into oncoming traffic
Still wanting to cry & bash my head into a wall
Still alone
Still alone

Still feeling like a ******* outsider in a room filled with people who are my "FRIENDS"
Still losing my faith in humanity
Still here
with you
Ocho the Owl Nov 2013
Reach high and above
I know that you can
Reach with all of your might

Reach far and beyond
These so called restrictions
That dampen and darken your light

Reach high and so mighty
That people will banter
And journey from miles around

To share in your laughter
To thrill in your vision
Of being the greatest human in town
Ocho the Owl Oct 2013
In every rejection
In every missed call
In every promise not kept
In every lonely night he's had spent by himself
replaying events in head over and over and over

there is opportunity

Light does exist, despite its scarce amounts

He coughs
then spits out a combination of blood,
dirt and naive optimism
while closing his eyes
and fantasizes of how things "once were"

How? he wonders

How can something as delicate as a heart
remain intact  
if it's being continuously attacked by it's environment?
How can one soul maintain
its divinity in the midst
of so much lies and anguish?

He buries his face in his weathered hands one last time
wipes away any residual frustration from his eyes
and continues onward
Ocho the Owl Oct 2013
One thing that
Love can’t fix

Do my eyes deceive?
Can what lies before me
Be so beautiful?

If I were an ant
I’d find a way to carry
All my love for you

I’d like to admit
The following: I love you
And I always will

Like, simply won’t do
To use, as, just won’t come close
Infinite love; is

What container is
Nearly the amount needed
To hold the patience
That is required to fully
Love unconditionally?

Gentle flower, shine!
Exude your musk upon me
Sprinkle, slowly, love

Brilliant, majestic
Fair friend, you offer loving
Light of life to all

Ferociously real
Your love is a wake up call
Why choose me, love, why?

Do you, rabbit, love?
In silence it stares at me
Secretly knowing

Her skin is warm tea
Gentle, always welcoming
In it I find peace

Delicious as sleep
Without exception; love is
What all hunger for
742 · Jan 2014
Stories & Statements #93
Ocho the Owl Jan 2014
Gory poetry
once dripped
From every crevice


all has ceased.....
Ocho the Owl Nov 2013
Grinch grinch
You are my to command!
You're the foulest creature in all of the land

From far east to west
you scurry about
looking to quench
that insatiable drought

Yet this drought is not real
I'm afraid to report
this invisible scarcity
only serves to distort

Oh Grinch, fair Grinch
you are bound to your ends
I do hope that perhaps one day
you and me can be friends
Ocho the Owl Oct 2013
I've survived heartbreak
in all of its many, many forms

I've survived being stranded out in the middle of nowhere
with no way of getting back to civilization whilst visiting a distant country
I've survived seeing the true colors of my so called "close friends"
when I needed them the most
I've survived growing up in an alcoholic family
I've survived religion
I've survived low points in my life
where suicide looked to be the only answer
I've survived countless pregnancy scares,
venereal disease scares,
and psychotic girlfriends
of all shapes & sizes


My tombstone will read as follows...
698 · Dec 2013
Stories & Statements #89
Ocho the Owl Dec 2013
Gargantuan as ****

Ochito retreats from NO SETBACK

Death takes a step back
to reconsider giving him more time
690 · Oct 2013
The Dare
Ocho the Owl Oct 2013
So what's it worth to you?
How much?
Put a price tag on it, if you feel the need

Lately, ochito has turned a new leaf when to comes to this whole business
An invisible juggernaut now is his reinforcement
Not knowing why or where this help has come
from, he braves his sanctified environment with a new spirit

This new ally is available to all viable members of the planet, I think
Then again it is quite possible that 'ol och has lost all
his marbles, but if you ask me(and I wouldn't  lie to ya)
its better to have more free space upstairs anyway.

Its more aerodynamic

But anyway, let's return to the initial question
What is it worth you?
What is waking up in the morning?

As far as ochito is concerned, it's a gift

A divine present

The present that has no value.
684 · Sep 2014
Stories & Statements #133
Ocho the Owl Sep 2014
Are we destined to commit, to bathe in same mistakes
over and over and over again?

yours truly...STILL
after years and years
still hasn't learned very much

it is my wish for you that
yoy achieve that satori moment
before its too late

648 · Nov 2014
Stories & Statements #140
Ocho the Owl Nov 2014
Don't you take
another step

leave your trivial problems at the door

(if only momentarily)

This world....when you really put all
mundane human quandaries aside

is a place of wonder, magnificence and
second to none

I love this place
Ocho the Owl Oct 2013
All I can see
Is the bright horizon
I walk faster

Storm clouds! Ahh
A great thanks to you
I’ve grow stronger

Let me count to
Three million and seven
Failures fuel me

Rejoice, smile
As you breathe, you learn
Each day, every way

Before you give up
Remember these words:
Yes I will, one day

It seems I
Lost all direction
On purpose

Gross mistake
In assuming limits
To my willpower

Do something. Dare!
Shine, be lucid, leap!
**** it, I exclaim
641 · Jul 2014
Stories and Statements #116
Ocho the Owl Jul 2014
What are you waiting for?

Get on with it already


Live your life
the way
want to live it
630 · Jul 2014
Stories & Statements #121
Ocho the Owl Jul 2014
I'm only waiting now

for the burning sensation to wear off

so that

I can arise

and continue my journey up the summit

This old heart may be burnt, scarred, torn....

It still

Ocho the Owl Oct 2013
Good day sir/madam...

We haven't been properly introduced

My name really isn't that important
What is important is my mission
My reason for being here
with you and everyone else on this beautifully blessed planet

That mission
is to be a ♩♪♫♬ world-class musician ♩♪♫♬

Nothing else matters
as far as I'm concerned

not money nor personal possessions...
not women
not meaningless accolades...
or very much else, for that matter

It's all I  think about
night & day
day & night

I'm not leaving here
until I become
that bona fide, certified, world-class musician that I am destined to be

It may take my entire ******* life
and to tell you the truth
there's no better way I'd rather spend my time here

It's been a pleasure making your acquaintance...
621 · Jun 2014
Stories & Statements #108
Ocho the Owl Jun 2014
This is what I can promise you:

Your journey WILL NOT be a straight line

You will know heartbreak, like it or not

You will spill your blood on this earth,
expect it, just don't let it define you

Your thoughts are the only thing
you have
control over

Don't take and take and take from
the universe
and be surprised when the universe
takes from you in return

Always give first
Ocho the Owl Oct 2013
Sunday evening
Around 5ish
The sun readies itself to set
a well earned rest after a long week

Very righteously earned

Right about the same time, the solitude that is now so
familiar to me begins to slowly tip-toe in my direction

It approaches me like a lion stalks a
wounded gazelle

slow at first

then it lunges and grasps onto my jugular

It bites down

It suffocates the life
the breath
the hard earned oxygen straight out of me
610 · Jun 2014
Stories & Statements #106
Ocho the Owl Jun 2014
will this day return to you

All the smells and sights

Surrender to them

Let them permeate you

You'll thank me later
609 · Jul 2014
Stories and Statements #112
Ocho the Owl Jul 2014
It's so hard

to tell you I love you


because the truth is

I actually do and always will
601 · Jul 2014
Stories & Statements #117
Ocho the Owl Jul 2014
is a tremendous amounts of

in this very moment

it is available to all living beings

who surpass
the illusion of
"yesterdays" & "tomorrows"
596 · Oct 2013
Ocho the Owl Oct 2013
There is an image of an elegant, ancient face,
permanently etched on Ocho’s chest

This is not a metaphor, I assure you, seeing in that the
image was made in ink, carved in blood and weathered in the sands of time

It’s quite real

This image resembles, when gazed upon in the right
light, of course, a picture of a woman’s face right next to ochito's heart muscle
It’s quite difficult to decipher why it ended up there
in the first place, nevertheless, there it remains

Silently staring out,
into the world

Waiting perhaps?
For what? I couldn’t tell you

I've often considered the possibility that it waits for the original author to return; to
come back and claim both it and what’s patiently beating inside his chest

Not even the sun or moon itself dare comment on such matters

Mystified, Ocho stares at the images blank expression
A melancholy grin shines through as he realizes
That “they” cannot be separated by things
like lifetimes and solar systems, so he waits


They wait, and wait and wait.
Not in anguish; no
In faith
Ocho the Owl Jun 2014
I love the way you say my name

The space between the letters is a echo-y cavern

That is filled
with my
580 · Nov 2013
Stories & Statements #42
Ocho the Owl Nov 2013
Five forlorn fugitives stood tall
tall as trees
a fierce firing squad waited..
Their intent?

They shot....

all five fell

all except one

he stood alone

eons passed, stars went supernova and yet

there he stood

575 · Jan 2014
Stories & Statements #92
Ocho the Owl Jan 2014
So long to you
I'd wanted these words
to be more poignant
More youthful
More alluring

They're not

here is all I am:
soulful down to the ******* core
Ocho the Owl Oct 2013
A living, breathing garden
Our small planet is

Why mother earth, why?
Show so much patience and love
to those that hurt you?

Garden, lush with life
Flourish, living library
This planet, our home

If she had the chance
Forgiveness would not suffice
The things we’ve done
Would be quite difficult to
Understand, earth simply smiles

Is the wind my friend?
Blow, blow! Bring me Seasons
And to others, death
Ocho the Owl Dec 2013
Where do flowers get their names from?
Am I going to die of old age?
What was dr. seuss really like?
Why can't farting be outlawed?
Are walmart shoppers really aliens in poorly fabricated disguises?
What happens when we finally use all of the planets resources?
Why can we only see a certain number of colors from our eyes?
Why can't we invent a flying car that can take us to the furthest reaches of space?
What do aliens think of us....really?
Is the reason we humans are such ******* to each other due to our overly developed brains?
Why does music **** more and more as time progresses?
Are there really ant people living underneath the surface of our planet?
Are some people born atheists, or are they made that way?
545 · Nov 2013
Stories & Statements #56
Ocho the Owl Nov 2013
Stand tall today
As trees do
Be busy with your passion
The frenzy of a couple of bee colonies are perfect examples
Remember to have the kindness & goodwill
Of a young pup, tail wagging, exuding joie de vivre in its purest form
Be nourishing with yourself today
Be patient
Be enduring
Be a friend to the planet
Be helpful, when possible, to your fellow humans
Let your life be your message
Ocho the Owl Jun 2014
If you can fight....
If you can sing....
If you can jump....
If you can laugh

Maniacal are those who
consciously are not
what they
actually are  

Be amongst those who
they are

Nothing more...
nothing less...
532 · Oct 2014
Stories & Statements #138
Ocho the Owl Oct 2014
I wonder how the world will end
I wonder if i will survive this winter
I wonder what its like to have a family
I wonder if i will ever find the stability and security that
I so desperately crave

I wonder what its like to die
I wonder who will be there to greet me on the other side
I wonder why my life has been such a roller coaster of *******
I wonder what its like to have something to keep fighting for

i went towards the light in search of meaning
524 · Jul 2014
Stories & Statements #122
Ocho the Owl Jul 2014
to wear your heart

on your sleeve

come let's wear ours

And live
the rest of our days
Ocho the Owl Nov 2013
ATTN: galactic/universal management team

I strongly fear
that I might not be able to continue
the remainder of this next chapter
of my journey on willpower alone

It not enough

I need a committed partner ship

You know I do*

Without it my value system,
code of ethics, morals
and overall sanity
flies out the window

I'm at my breaking point here

I know you could make it happen
if you really wanted to


I urge you to consider my plea
and act accordingly

Thank you for your time
511 · Jul 2014
Stories & Statements #115
Ocho the Owl Jul 2014
How I wish I wasn't such a horrible person
That pretends not to be so that
he may mingle with the rest of the humans

How I wish i was a natural, a prodigy, at something
anything really

so that I could at last give my spirit
the recognition it
seems to feel it deserves

How I wish I would stop pushing all
of my lovers away

one by one

they all vanish
Like driftwood
into the depth that is
the enormous ocean that my empty heart

has become

How I wish that she loved me
how I wish I could love my family like many, many do
how I wish I wasn't me
Ocho the Owl Oct 2013
I am stardust

Only with you for an instant
A brief flash and I'm gone

Leaving here
Will I?
Of course
And so will you

What you are in control of down here
Not much
Except of course.....
How will you be remembered

So why wait?

Get busy living or get busy dieing
501 · Jul 2014
Stories & Statements #126
Ocho the Owl Jul 2014
If I stumbled

would you help me
back up?

Would you?

Or would you


me bleeding on the ground?

Don't leave me like this...
499 · Nov 2013
Stories & Statements #51
Ocho the Owl Nov 2013
Trembling twisted tyrannical
My senses
Livid like a beehive
494 · Nov 2013
Stories & Statements #54
Ocho the Owl Nov 2013
Glance and advance
See that the world
desperately needs people like you

Committed to making an impact

To leaving this planet better than you found it

Go now

Godspeed & good luck
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