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  Sep 2015 cee
Monica Lara
I remember after the first time you kissed me you said that you had been wanting to do that for a while.

I wonder if you thought the same thing when you left me.
  Aug 2015 cee
There is not enough ***** in the world
to help me forget the feeling of your skin on mine.
The burn in my throat is nothing
compared to the sting in my heart.
The innocent kisses,
are the ones that hurt the worst.
we decided after 4pm it wasn't day drinking but its 3:53 pm.
Yes, I'm listening to mayday parade again.
You shouldn't have kissed my nose.
cee Aug 2015
Unsaid words
Hurt more
Than said words can cure

For they have never been alive
And never been recorded in time
cee Aug 2015
In the end,
We’re all just human beings,
Hanging on the thought that love,
Only love,
Can fix our broken pieces
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