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I've said, "I'm sorry."
More than I've said, "I love you."
I'm sorry for that.

© Matthew Harlovic
February 11, 2015 9:55am*

Everything is constantly floating within
I'll often find myself in motion
or moving my mouth in meaningless conversation
coming back to reality isn't helped by meditation
when the daze inside is caused by medication.
Swimming in synthetic dopamine
am I twitching from the Focalin
or the anxiety it's causing me?

newportsmooths h.g.
at times i find it hard
to reach within ones deepest places
one does not know
what things
what thoughts
what memories
lie within ones deepest corners of self being.
i chose to hide from my self,
i chose to run from my self,
i find it easier avoiding these things,
if i could say so
then going forth,
and facing them
i find it easier not thinking
about these memories,
but i fear a day will come
that they will burst out
that one day
they will conquer me,
have the better of me
its confusing, unexplainable
i keep thinking for hours.. days..
at times i cant find the right words,
at times i feel lost,
at times not even poetry helps,
i would just rather drown my self in a pond of self pity and regret,
and rather just be over it,
finish this
weak excuse of a so called life,
or existence
or whatever gives us reason
to wake up another morning
random thoughts
Winding through the alleys
down to the old bazaar.
wander through the Stone Town
in the Port of Zanzibar.
The colours and the people
the spices in their blood.
Aromas floating through the air
through the neighbourhood.
The laughter and the singing,
the sparkle in the eyes.
The joy of life and living,
never in disguise.
Winding through the alleys,
down to the old bazaar.
The joy of life and living,
on the streets of Zanzibar.
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