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 Feb 2015 Nicole Mock
There's a forest
inside her
as thick as
the night
and no-one
to guide her
and no
guiding light
to remind her
that just
out of sight
is a path
she could make
of her own
so she waits
and she ages
like stone...
 Feb 2015 Nicole Mock
 Feb 2015 Nicole Mock
I held him
like the sky
holds the moon:
through the night.

He turned my arms
to jasmine:
tangled himself
in my veins
[I mean vines]
until I grew
around his shape,
and then cut himself
come sunrise.

I still reach for him
in the dark:
the reckless god boy
in star-child clothing;
loose lipped
and wonder-eyed.
going through old ones. here's another.
 Feb 2015 Nicole Mock

                          It was there heating
                                            sloping cavernous craniums

                         It was there illuminating
              marble hallways

         It was there immolating
                              witches at stakes

                                     Its fierce essence
                          frightens wilder-beasts

                                   Its mesmerizing radiance
  lures moths to annihilation

                       When in love, we often become
             both wilder-beast and moth

                As children, we learn
             to leap back from the flame

                               When old, we are rolled
                 into iron incinerators

                                    And every day between
   We are encompassed by suns
                       We are consumed by flickering passions

                                  We set-off firecrackers
                           for amusement

               We light candles
                                     to measure time

                         Veladoras to whisper
                                 to gods

                                          Fire is Life

                                      Something in us will
                                            forever burn.
Life hurts.
There are good days
And bad days
But if there's one thing I have learned,
It's that it
The dark void
Engulfing me with every
The mixture of every color
Yet...the only one that can show the stars.
Darkness is my friend
Darkness is me.
But light pushes around me
Breaking me in half
Wrenching away the only
Ripping the cold that I call home
Away from my writhing soul.
"I can't breath."
I've told people that before, but it was nothing like this.
My lungs are caving
My friend-
My only friend
Has betrayed me.
It reaches inside me,
My fingers are numb,
My thoughts are void,
Slipping like short-lived treasures through my dead fingers.
Nothing exists.
Outside of me.
And yet-
Everything does,
And only I am dead.
Nothing lives in me.
My breath is gone
My thoughts are fleeing
"I won't hurt you, I swear.
I just want my friend back-
I just want the void."
 Feb 2015 Nicole Mock
You are the light
That hides below the horizon
I await humbly for your rays
To illuminate this darkened season

You are the beacon
That would build me anew
Equip me with newfound notions
When dreams and hopes are far and few

You are the air
Of a fresh new start
Allowing this body another chance
At retrieving a brand new heart

You are the opportunity
Held my breath for far too long
Soon be granted to live again
And choose the right from the wrong

You are the day
Like many have too often said
Due to arrive after tonight
And embrace me as I laid in bed

You are the tomorrow
The promise of my brand new day
But there have been many tomorrows
That have come and gone away

You are my tomorrow
My future, bearing much needed balm
Maybe tomorrow I may finally realise
**That you would never ever come
 Feb 2015 Nicole Mock
 Feb 2015 Nicole Mock
wearing the fragrance of the Moon
her star-heart sings
of dawn's long reaching light

and at midday she sits cross legged
atop a small hill
watching people dance in sunlight

when the eve comes around
you will find her
getting dressed-up for midnight

and all the sparkling stars
a crown
she wears till Sunrise.
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