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  Aug 2015 Niecy
He was Daniel Kingery to the police.

Daniel Overstreet to his friends.

He was Dollar Dan on the streets.

He was Daniel,
he was wet rough kisses and anger and lust to me.

He found me one day,
18 years to his 37,
he found me when i was still a question mark trying to bleed red.
From behind a lens pointed at my naked flesh
he became a man of mystery,
he became the object of my desires.

I was a young, naive girl who got caught up in
how his pockets were always full- he flaunted it.
The flowers and the exotic dinners and the alcohol and the touch...
oh god, the way we fell into bed,
onto chairs,
into walls.

Then i fell in love on a broken sidewalk.

I was blind to the empty shadows in his eyes,
to the lines he had recited,
to the webs on his face.

I made a god out of a sociopath and i called him "love".

I was his ******, his baby blue.

I became wild under his touch,
manic when he gave me his attention,
suicidal at his leaving.

I was a flower that once was his favorite,
but he left me on the windowsill at a slow, burning wilt
and forgot to water me most days.

Why water a flower when you could have a garden?

Have you ever hated what you loved
until even their existence ate at you?

I have.
Niecy Aug 2015
When I see the love in his eyes,
I always go back to our first kiss.
It was in an elevator.
I remember, I pushed all the buttons.
Floor one,
Tension was in the air but it felt like it belonged there,
In an empty elevator with just us two,
I could feel time stop.
Floor two,
I could hear heartbeats racing, and not just my own
As we stand there, side by side, my palms start to get sweaty,
I can't seem to peel my eyes away from his smile, his lips.
I see the words roll off of his tongue and automatically, I start to fall.
Fall for his charm, his witt, his heart of gold, and his beautiful, brown eyes.
As the doors start to close, leaving floor three, our lips collided.
In that moment, nothing else mattered.
He held me by the waist, lips still interlocked,
I never knew so much passion could be felt in one kiss.
As our lips slowly drifted apart,
I could feel the breath from my body escape,
Floor four,
As we reached our destination,
I could feel my cheeks were burning red.
The grin I had from ear to ear could be seen for miles,
The gleam in his eye shined brighter than ever before.
That moment in the elevator,
That moment in time, is something I will look back on for the rest of my life,
That moment is the moment where I fell in love.
  Nov 2014 Niecy
Riley Defluo
If you knew
What really goes on
Inside my head
It would break you

I would rather minimize the casualties
So please,

Just leave me alone
Niecy Aug 2014
When I fell, no one was there catch me.
When I broke, no one was there to put me back together.
When I cried, no one was there to wipe my tears away.
When you're alone in the world, you feel like you have nothing.
You feel like it's you against the world.
You feel like nothing will ever change...
But it did.
Everything became brighter. Everything became better...
All because of you.
You were the light at the end of my tunnel of darkness.
You were the safety belt that saved me from being pulled deeper into the madness of the world around me.
You were the one that saw the good in me when no one else did.  
You were the one to catch me, dry my tears, and fix me.
You took me by the hand, looked in my eyes and said, "Everything will be okay.
No more worries,
No more fears,
No more being alone..."
Niecy Jul 2014
As I lie awake this night
Something seems to be off,
The fact that i can see myself truly was a shock.
Fast asleep, I watch myself
Dreams flowing through my head
Or maybe I wasn't sleeping,
Maybe I was dead...
The closer that i looked, the more that I could see
The lifeless body on the bed that happened to be me
I tried so hard to wake up from this nightmare but nothing really worked
I wanted to feel sad but I could no longer feel the hurt...
The pain, the misery that was once a part of me
I couldn't feel it anymore because I wasn't breathing
I felt light like a feather
A weight lifted from my shoulders
But I'd give it all back just so I can hold her...
The baby girl I never had..
I just wanted to see her smile
And have her in my arms just for a little while.
Can I at least to say goodbye to the ones that i know now?
To tell them that I love them and that I'd be with them somehow...
I didn't know my time was coming
I would have said it sooner
I wasted all my time dreaming about the future
The future that I no longer get to have
Because not every day is promised...and this one was my last...
As I fade away into the darkness of the what ifs or what could have been
I think about my beautiful journey and accept that this is where it ends...
Tomorrow is never promised so always remember to tell the ones you love how much they mean to you.
  Jul 2014 Niecy
Red Bergan
As the Night is drawn,
In the spectacles of my mind.
I stand alone,
In the shadows of light.

My eyes turn to the moon,
Whose gaze is pallid and ghastly.
Now they shift,
Becoming Scarlet irsises.

I am a beast of the night,
The nocturnal moon is my call.
To summon from sleep,
And all.

Nocturnal forever.
A girl of the night.
I am the one in the shadows.
I fight for that right.
Rawr Night owl!!!
  Jul 2014 Niecy
I dream of a haven in the stars

Some lilac bower sweet

I dream of a cottage nestled in the woods

A place where peace dwells in the air

I dream of harp strings

Singing to me a melody in the clouds

I wish for tranquility instead of war

And so I dream of some place

Where only peace resides

Some place where I can safely lay my head

Upon a pillow of dewy ferns

‘Neath a canopy of mist and fog

Somewhere where we can start life afresh

With a new, happy beginning to our chapter in life

And so I dream, without an end

And so I dream, what may never come

Little breaths of secrets on the wind

And still night breezes

In an enchanting forest

Where dreams do come

And so I dream, e’en though perchance in vain

Just Wrote This Awhile Ago And Thought I'd Share
It Here On HP!!! ~~~~~~<3
I Hope You Enjoy It!!! :) ~~~~~<3
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