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Throughout my life I've pledged to make you mine.
As if, by wish, this vow would then come true.
So, would I practice words of pretty rhyme,
and, with my heart, would offer them to you.
Oh, how I wish myself to be a poem;
To enter through your eyes into your heart.
For it is there I wish to make my home.
I cannot bear that we should ever part.
But sometimes, when I search to see your face;
I, startled, see you looking back at me!
Could God, in kindness, spare a gift of grace;
or does He smile on simple fools as we?

Still, artfully I do the things I do.
The world might sing if I could speak to you.
A speech beyond the grave I give
These words on stone to those who live
My dreams of past are all but done
So take my torch and live my son
No I am not planning on dying anytime soon, and no, nobody in my family is either. I just read the epitaphs on Shakespeare's and a Scottish tombstone and thought I would give it a go.
A poem's worth is in the rhyme
It's in the flow
and in the time
It's in the beat
One of a kind
But most of all it's in the mind
I can't usually stand poetry that doesn't rhyme (except for some cases). Yet it seems that others can't stand rhyming poetry. To each his own I guess.
  Oct 2018 Nigel Finn
Pink Hat
Gentle is the heart that weeps
Mournful is the soul that yearns
Gorgeous is the memory that lingers
Joyful were the hands that held
Imagine a world,
Of golden trees,
With purple skies,
and turquoises leaves.

See the fields,
Of silver grass,
Where an amber river,
Will slowly pass.

Imagine clouds,
Of diamond blue,
That cover stars,
That hang askew.

See a creature,
With emerald eyes,
Sapphire fur,
And large in size.

The world you see,
Could it be mine?
A world where you,
And I design.
This is what happens when I'm too bored for my own good
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