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In the land of love and hurt
Life holds no reason for what we gain

The love of hurt
The hurt of love

They come in a pair
So please beware

We hurt the ones we love
We love the ones we hurt

We execute our hurt for love
Surrender our love for hurt

We try to sweep our hurt under the door
We let our love fall between the cracks
 Mar 2015 Kathy Nguyen
You envelope me in your big, strong arms,
Coax me into staying in bed just one more day.
"You don't need to go to class," you tell me. So I don't.
I know that I should go,
That I should want to go,
But your grip is so tight that I can barely breathe.
You are the dominant one in this relationship.
I think I tried to fight it at first,
But this has been going on for so long that
Somewhere along the way I stopped trying.
I stopped fighting
And let you take me over.
Sometimes I don't know where you end and where I begin.
You and I are so intertwined.
I would love to experience life without you,
But I don't think I would know how to.
Unlike everyone else who has come and gone like the tide,
You've stuck around.
You're the only constant I've ever known.
I guess I should thank you for that.
Do I love you?
I can't tell you
Am I happy
I don't know

Will I stay with you forever?
That's a long time
I don't know

I'm the king of keeping secrets
I'm the best since time began
I'm lost here, and I'm searching
I am me, but, a new man

Love me for the man I am
Don't love the man I was
I don't know what that man was like
I don't know the man you lost
Love me as I am now
I won't remember anyway
Don't love the man I was before
Love the man I am today

I smile and remember
Thoughts and visions
mostly blurred
Words and place
not remembered
Memories shaken
but not stirred

I'm still here in this body
Don't know exactly who I am
Was I good when I did know me
Or am I better as I am

Don't tell me to remember
My memories are dust
What once was steel and solid
Has quickly died and turned to rust

I can't love you as I once did
Tomorrow I won't know your name
You may love me now, forever
But, do you love me quite the same

I'm the king of keeping secrets
I'm the one that you can tell
Nothing in here is remembered
In this empty, aging shell
inspired by Glen Campbell and his battle with Alzheimers
 Feb 2015 Kathy Nguyen
Marie L
A flower will grow tall, whither and die
A light feathered bird will not forever fly
A body will be enveloped in dirt
It will decay and many will be hurt
Those people will pass too
Death is something we all run into
The stars will explode
Or whatever they do in the end, implode?
I’m a functionally depressed person.
I’ve self-diagnosed myself as this
Because severe depression makes
Me feel like I should be lying
Around my house all day and
Although I’d rather wrap myself
In the blankets of my bed,
I push myself out into the day.
Dressed in an outfit that’s not
Sweatpants and a t-shirt, but
Instead, jeans and a sweater.
Long sleeves to cover the cuts
On my arm, or many bracelets
With no colors that match my
Outfit but they cover my
Self-inflicted wounds from
The night before.
I fake a smile at people
That I pass by during the day
And I hope that they can’t
See through my eyes and into
My head. I hope they can’t read
The suicidal thoughts swimming
Around, filling the lack of serotonin
That I’m missing from my brain.
Their eyes feel like lasers shooting
Into my brain like bullets that I dream
Of releasing from the chamber
To settle in my head.
I’m a functionally depressed person
Because I function in society
Without anyone knowing that
Inside, I’m already dead.
I've had a really bad day.
 Feb 2015 Kathy Nguyen
Marie L
 Feb 2015 Kathy Nguyen
Marie L
There are things that I can't seem to escape from,
Things that hurt me in many ways,
Things that make me want to scream,
Scream as tears stream down my face.
The world is filled with possibilities,
What possibilities if I'm drowning?
Every time I try to meet expectations,
I'm only met with frowning.
I stare at the lines on my left shoulder,
I made them recently,
I like to see the lines cry,
People need to leave me be.
Then again if they new about these lines,
These lines that will define,
Then I'd drown even further into this ocean,
Where my deep dark thoughts reside.
So for now I'll hide these lines,
These cursed lines that I wish gone.
Perhaps a better day awaits,
A day in which I have won.
 Feb 2015 Kathy Nguyen
 Feb 2015 Kathy Nguyen
I was your Cure,
You were my Disease,

I was saving  you,
You were killing  **me.
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