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To everyday
That I feel pain

To the ones that always
Rain on my parade
Pardon my manners
But I think my head is displaced
Or off circuit
Or just a basket case
of unending nerves
That bundle together
To make a fire place

And then shock
Me with migraines
On an unforgiving
Regular basis

My paranoia
Is all that's left
Maybe I'll give that a go
Maybe know one will ever know

That the shhhhh....
Their listening!

Sorry the end.
Not many people know
where the old road goes
I’m older now and it seems
there are more and more
       paved roads
that lead to nowhere —
   most of the time

As a kid, living miles up
  a rough potholed,
country road — a hike away
from the edge a small town
  out in the sticks,..
you come to know onliness,
blind to a journey alone

   I never stepped on
cracks in a town sidewalk —
  never learned what
  "superstitious" was,
    like the other kids
        from town

It wasn't the cracks
  in the sidewalk
I feared to tread;
steppin' on 'em breaks nothing
  already broken —

It was just all so different
than the long walk home
where that old road goes —
grandma always said:
"follow the creek upstream;
it'll always lead you back
  where you belong"

   The washboards
in the steep narrow road
up the hill, were like
  muddy stair steps
in the rainy season

Sometimes I followed
on up the creek below
to the upper log bridge
     swimmin' hole,..
where I learned to listen
to the sweet melody
of unclouded days;
and for a moment
I thought I belonged

     I still haven't
found my way out
  of this memory
I’m holding onto —
because life is just
an unstoppable
season, passing by
    on its own;
   like the way
  in the swollen
creek bed flows:

   And I'm just
another passing September
no one will remember —

   most of the time

Jesse Stillwater ... September 2018
a poet's simple truth:

' the only thing that makes you live
is silently killing you trying to let it go '

Just thinking out loud: parsing the raw truth veiled in a poet's blood —
*will* to be creative has abandoned at the moment; unable to rejuvenate as light lessens daily, prompting to take some time away from whatever it is i've been doing here ... for now,  i'll just be listening
through the window of the silent pages ...
Jesse Stillwater
You know all my dark secrets
And you still stick around
That means so much to me
Because I'm always scared someone will leave me
when they find out all the terrible parts of me
But you stayed
You're still here
And so I just wanted to say thank you
If freckles were lovely, and day was night,
And measles were nice and a lie warn’t a lie,
Life would be delight,—
But things couldn’t go right
For in such a sad plight
I wouldn’t be I.

If earth was heaven and now was hence,
And past was present, and false was true,
There might be some sense
But I’d be in suspense
For on such a pretense
You wouldn’t be you.

If fear was plucky, and globes were square,
And dirt was cleanly and tears were glee
Things would seem fair,—
Yet they’d all despair,
For if here was there
We wouldn’t be we.
we belong together
like a pair of shoes
if one gets lost
we’re both useless
do you get it now
we got to work together
that’s how a relationship works
now thinking back
there were people around you
like loose laces
tryna hurt you and stopping you
from going to places
to me
that’s where you belong
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