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407 · Nov 2013
I Cant Tell You
Love Nov 2013
I have so many secrets,
Secrets I want to tell you,
But I don't know how.
I want to,
But I cant.
I feel that I cant trust you,
Trust you with the information that I hold so dear to me.
I'm afraid.
I dont want to tell you and then you leave.
Think I'm weird,
And just go.
And then all the progress I would have made,
The progress within my secrets,
It will have vanished.
So now I sit,
Holding all my secrets on the inside.
407 · Nov 2013
Love Nov 2013
Sometimes I feel that I'm in my own hell,
But I know that Heaven is still there.
I know that someones up there,
Watching out for me.
I know.
I have moments where I feel ridiculous.
Like I have someone elses perspective.
I see myself as a silly child.
A monster...
I tell myself,
"Just cheer up."
"Your life is good."
"What do you have to worry about?"
But then I go back to seeing me the way I always do...
I dont want to be like this.
407 · Nov 2013
Love Nov 2013
What is poetry?
Poetry is more than just words.
Its more than letters on paper.
Its a persons soul.
They transfer their soul into words,
So that they can express themselves.
Its not stupid,
And it doesn't make them a *****.
It makes them beautiful.
404 · Dec 2013
Love Dec 2013
I heart you.

Why do we talk in hearts?
Can we not say love?
So we must talk in a symbol.
I heart you,
Not I love you.

Why do we make hearts on our papers?
They're not the easiest shape,
But still not difficult.
But why not draw a circle?

Why do we draw hearts?
When hearts symbolize love?
And we dont love the work that we put hearts all over,
In fact,
We despise it.

Why do we put hearts beside our names?
Did it suddenly become a must have in our signature?
Are we that in love with ourselves?
How coincided does that prove us to be?
401 · Nov 2020
Hello, sponsor?
Love Nov 2020
I don’t want to be sober.
I don’t want to have to be sober.
But I want to be healthy and if I can’t control my drinking then I need help.
Self control has never been what I’m best at.
I want to go out to the bars with my friends and enjoy alcohol that way.
Not drink myself into the next dimension at 1am so that I don’t **** myself.
I want to tell my parents.
But I can’t stand the thought of adding another reason for them to be disappointed in me.
I’m not ready for the accountability and pressure of someone breathing down my neck.
I don’t want to be sober.
I just want to be normal.
400 · Oct 2014
Love Oct 2014
The pains within my chest
Are nothing but the physical representation
Of my broken
Aching heart.
399 · Nov 2013
Cry For Help
Love Nov 2013
This is my plead,
My cry for help.
I need help.
I need you.
I dont want to need you,
But I do...
If not,
I dont know what will happen.
I dont want help,
But I need it.
This is my cry for help,
Help me before I change my mind.
398 · Jan 2015
White Room
Love Jan 2015
If I could draw a picture to describe Heaven,
Then I would but I can't and maybe that's Gods will,
The grace of beyond shouldn't be bestowed upon all eyes,
But with the preview I saw with my departed loved ones,
In that tiny white room
With my grandfather in the corner,
Curious for someone who is yet to be departed.
397 · Jan 2014
Is it safe to fall?
Love Jan 2014
I've fell before,
Into her arms,
And she caught me,
But then quickly dropped me,
Like the nothing that I am.
I'm about to fall again.
The rope's about to break.
Is it safe to fall,
Into her loving arms,
For one last time,
Is it safe to fall again?
397 · Jul 2014
Simple Girl
Love Jul 2014
I chose the steps as my place to write
Because the steps are my place where I sit and think night after night.
My never ending thoughts of blood pouring from my arm
Physically inflicting myself with enough harm
To end this life all together
Because let's be honest nothing lasts forever.
But tonight my steps are an analogy
For everything that could possibly be
Because although they are nothing but a stairwell
They paint a mental picture for me of descending into hell.
I know it's only to the basement that they lead
But I panic and begin to plead;
"Dear God if you would
Free my soul from only the things that you could.
I feel that my sins have caused too much heart ache
That maybe it would be a mistake
To help me at all."
Because I'm just a simple girl who took a great fall
Out of my saviors hands
And into the corrupted land.
Night after night I say I apologize
But I feel that it's nothing but lies
Because I only repeat the same sins
Without change time and time again.
And yet I still ask for forgiveness
To create this temporary internal bliss
That will flee my heart
Faster than a flying dart.
Because my mind is black
Tainted too much to ever go back
To it's original form.
Therefore I am stuck in a dorm
With death as my lover and roommate
And a nightly date.
Time to get ready
Because me and death, we're going steady.
395 · Dec 2013
Weapon Of Choice
Love Dec 2013
My weapon of choice,
Is a pen,
So pardon me while I write.
Its not a blade,
Its not a light.
Its not smoke held from my lips,
Just words that are held before my sight.
You should be proud of me,
For what I didn't do tonight.
Because for once in my life,
I did what's right.
395 · Jan 2014
Life Threw Me A Curve Ball
Love Jan 2014
This is not the life that I expected,
Its not the outcome that I had planned,
Or wanted.
But its here,
And it happening.
I'm going to make it work,
And greet it with a smile,
And let nothing hold me back.
395 · Dec 2013
Love Dec 2013
If I could show you the world,
Would you go with me?
Would you be daring enough,
To take that crucial first step,
Out into the light,
And out into love?

Because darling,
I can show you the world.
A world in the way in which you never thought imaginable.
A different world,
With no shame,
No hate.

This world,
This is what I see when I look at you.
Let me show you,
This magnificent world,
That I see in you.
394 · Feb 2015
Fuck You
Love Feb 2015
I see a pattern of you choosing him over me time and time again and yet its always me you come running to with tears streaming down your face.
I feel betrayed.
391 · Oct 2020
Love Oct 2020
I am so tired.
I wake up every day more exhausted than the last.
I’m tired of fighting my body,
Through a war I know I cannot win.
I feel like I’m constantly fighting gravity just to stand on my own two feet.
I don’t trust myself when I’m alone,
And I only feel alive when I’m with you,
So please don’t get mad if I hug you a little bit longer,
Or ask to hold your hand,
Because I am so tired
And you are what I’m fighting for.
391 · Aug 2014
Love Aug 2014
The darkness can creep around you
And hold you
Like you would a grieving loved one
But it can also hold you
Like a prisoner
And you will be traped
Within the stronghold
Of darkness.
389 · Dec 2013
Can I hide?
Love Dec 2013
I just want to hide,
From the entire world,
Sit there in my room,
And cry.
I want to be alone,
But I don't trust me by myself.
385 · Oct 2020
On the rock
Love Oct 2020
I’m tired of writing poems about suicide. I want to write about the trees, how they dance in the wind, and how mother nature’s artistry shows through the leaves as autumn approaches. But it’s hard to write about the beauty of this world when every thought is consuming you, telling you to leave.
385 · Nov 2013
Love Nov 2013
Lets go back to the beginning,
Back to before I knew you,
And before you knew me,
Back to when you were just a familiar face,
Back to when we were practically strangers.
We need a reset.
384 · Jul 2014
Love Jul 2014
She is the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes upon.
Every time I see her,
That desire gets a little bit deeper.
382 · Mar 2014
Love Mar 2014
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
Or at least thats what they say.
What a beautiful world it must be to the blind.
379 · Dec 2013
Words I Say
Love Dec 2013
With all the things I say,
If you listen close enough,
To the words coming from my mouth,
And then read my poems,
Is there much difference?
378 · Sep 2014
Love Sep 2014
I wanted to write a poem about how I felt.
I sat there with a pen in my hand
And a blank piece of paper.

I then realized that was exactly how I felt.
And I was done.
376 · Nov 2013
Love Nov 2013
Understaning. Don't think that people don't understand, because they do.
I** love you. People love you.
Care. Care about your life. It's important, I promise.
Inform. Inform other people of what you're going through. They cant help you if they dont know.
Don't think to fast. You only get one life. Don't end it with one bad thought.
Eventually everyone feels like you do. You're not alone.
374 · Nov 2013
The Song of Your Heart
Love Nov 2013
You cant go.
Please don't go.
I would die.
I would cease to exist,
Because I would follow you.
If you are to go,
Within a matter of weeks,
I would be gone too.
Because without you,
Why is it worth it?
You are so beautiful,
You're my world.
But my world needs to keep spinning.
When I hug you,
I put my head on your chest,
And I can feel your heartbeat.
Oh lord,
Never let the day come,
To where I cant no longer hear that song.
The song that your heart sings to me.
369 · Dec 2013
Dirty Secrets
Love Dec 2013
We all have secrets,
Anybody can have secrets,
But are they ***** secrets?

The ones that you never speak of,
Or the ones that make you giggle,
Or blush,
Just thinking about them.

I have ***** secrets,
Don't you?
367 · Jul 2014
Love Jul 2014
A bliss moment of forgetfulness,
and then my thoughts come rushing back.
362 · Dec 2014
Love Dec 2014
I write my poems out of despair and now that I am happy, my inspiration has vanished. No matter how poetical I may be.
This may be the end of my hello poetry for a while. I love you guys. I'll still check in so don't worry but...bye guys.
358 · Dec 2013
Love Dec 2013
Dont speak.
Treasure this moment,
Hold on to it,
Then file it in your memories,
You never know when we will have the possibility of this moment again.
So dont speak,
Just shut your lips,
And come in close.
Treasure this moment,
Forever and always.
357 · Oct 2014
What Poetry Is To Me
Love Oct 2014
Some might say that poetry is a beauty
An artistic masterpiece
Crafted by a person with magic
Flowing from their fingertips
Others might say that poetry is the sky
Dark at times
But always beautiful with something new each day
And each cloud having its own story to tell.
To me, poetry is my soul.
It's the journal
Of my journey
Called life
It's my outlet
My way of expressing words
Onto paper
Rather than from my mouth
In the most elegant and graceful
Way possible.
I am not a poet.
I am poetry.
353 · May 2014
Time to draw?
Love May 2014
As I wrote before,
"Pardon me while I write,
Because for once in my life I did whats right."

And "My weapon of choice is a pen."
This time,
Pardon me while I cry,
Because if I don't....
I wont do whats right.
I wont write.
I'll draw.
353 · Oct 2014
Aching Mind
Love Oct 2014
With you by my side,
the world is calm,
and for once,
no thoughts of death.
You put my aching mind to rest.
351 · Nov 2014
Door To The Soul
Love Nov 2014
People say that the window to the soul is through the eyes, but the door to the soul is through the words.
I was asked why I love poetry.
351 · Dec 2013
Love Dec 2013
Sadness; gloom; dejection.
Depression cannot particularly be described in words.
With depression you're suffering,
And suffocating.
Its like you're a fish,
In a bag,
With holes in it,
And all the water is slowly draining out,
Waiting for your life to go with the water out of the holes.
Its like you're in a cage,
On display.
You have to smile,
And put on a show,
But its all an act,
And you're dying inside.
Depression is also where you cant move.
You're laying in bed,
And you physically cant get up,
Because all your energy is going into breathing.
This is what depression is.
349 · Dec 2013
Her <3
Love Dec 2013
We sneak around,
Trying not to make a sound.
Our love is forbidden,
And it must stay hidden.
For you are important to me,
You are my love.
349 · Dec 2013
Hide The Tears
Love Dec 2013
Dont let them see you cry,
You cant be that weak,
Not in front of them.

Dry your eyes,
Straighten up your back,
And stiffen up your upper lip.

Show them what you're made of,
And how strong you are,
Not how broken.

Pull down those sleeves,
Do you want them to see your cuts?
They're living proof of the mental pain.

Dont be stupid,
You know how to act,
Be an actress.

Dont let them see the real you,
The one that inside is crumbled up,
Be strong.
348 · Nov 2013
Another Year
Love Nov 2013
Another year has passed?
How little I've grown.
How little I've changed.
Another year down the drain.
I'm just the same as the year before.
But smiling,
Just like always.
348 · Dec 2013
Don't Blame Me
Love Dec 2013
Dont blame me if I just stop talking,
To everyone.
Dont blame me if I never speak to you again.
Its not my fault.
I cant stand to look at you anymore.
I'm going away,
There will be no more...
No more of me.
Dont blame me,
If when you try to talk to me,
I turn the other way.
I've been hurt too much,
I'm trying to protect myself.
347 · Jun 2014
Hell II
Love Jun 2014
What happens when life turns to hell and
even heaven has that offset view
of hells gates deceiving
Trickery, mockery.
Heavens lights are dimming
Hells fire is burning ever more.
347 · Nov 2013
Love Nov 2013
"What the **** did I just do?"
That line keeps repeating over and over in my head.
It made me so happy,
But the guilt is eating me alive.
What the **** did I just do?
And why did I do it?
346 · Nov 2013
Love Nov 2013
Tonight is one of the nights that make me wish that I wouldn't have stopped.
I need it.
I need it.
I need its warm embrace.
I need to feel the cool metal as it goes across my skin,
And then the warm rush I get afterwards.
I need it,
And I cant do it.
346 · Aug 2014
Destruction (10w)
Love Aug 2014
I am a quiet ticking time bomb to self destruction.
345 · Jul 2014
It's Time
Love Jul 2014
I think its time to begin
something that actually began
a long time ago
or so it seems
when you have 364 different adventures
between then and now
it temporarily gets pushed to the back of your brain
until something triggers it.
A similar memory
or maybe a date
The 12th of each month
its like a tick counting down
until a bomb explodes.
July comes and my thoughts are flooded
I cant seem to think about anything else.
Midnight hits.
Emotion thats been balled up through the past 364 adventures
gets released and destroys.

You see,
one year ago today
something happened;
she left this world.
Originally of her own accord
but then by deaths vengeful hand.
Her last words being "brb"
with every intention of holding up her bargain and coming back.

They say you're not supposed to blame yourself
but how cant you when you see it as your fault.
You see it as your voice and guiding hand
that landed her six feet under.

Her sister said she hit her head
and that she lost a lot of blood.
Two surgeries later...
flat lined.

I told her to calm down
that it would be okay
that 911 were just a minute away.
But she wasn't sure.
She wanted to live
and regretted her decision
of cutting the gift of life short.
She went to go check the door
with my permission
and never came back.

She fell on the way
and two days later
her soul fell to hell.

**Because of me.
345 · Dec 2013
My Wish For You
Love Dec 2013
These are the things that I wish for you-
I wish that you will always find a friend to lead you from the darkness, and into the light.
That you will find the strength to hold on and overcome.
That you find a way to smile, even when things seem to be doomed.
I wish that you find love in the arms of someone who loves you even more than I do.
That you learn to love yourself,
That you will find your path to happiness.
I wish that you will figure out who you are, and who you want to be.
That you are confident in yourself.
That people learn to love you just as much as I do, because you deserve it.
345 · Oct 2019
Love Oct 2019
Thank God for rainy autumn mornings,
where the mist lies just above the amber leaves,
Lord, for the dragging dreary days,
to remind me of your peace.
For the mountains that blend into the sky,
like an ocean on the darkening horizon,
the morning turns to day, and the day turns to night,
then you emerge, God, showing your stars like diamonds.
340 · Apr 2014
Dead Girl
Love Apr 2014
If her eyes are dead,
Then her soul is dead,
And if her soul is dead, what's the point in living anyways.
Just a corpse wasting air,
Wasting breath.
Let the girl rest in peace.
338 · Jun 2014
Love Jun 2014
There's nothing more I can hide from you.
Only the secrets that are kept between me and God,
And the devil of course,
That no other soul knows.
I assume that you assume things,
Just by my past,
That could be expected from someone who is...was gay.
Secrets of love and ***,
But that's an expected unextraordinary story that could be told by any teenager of today.
You've seen me raw,
With an innermost secret I wished to stay hidden.
But here I am.
No more acting for you,
Or being who you want me to be.
I'm just me now. You know.
Love me or hate me.
336 · Dec 2013
Our Life
Love Dec 2013
We may not know why,
Or how,
Or anything about the life we were given,
Other than the obvious fact that it was given to us,
And its ours,
But it can easily be taken away,
By many unexpected things.
We have so much knowledge of it,
But so little understanding.
We take it for grated,
But we'll want it the most when its taken from us,
In our sleep,
Or on the way to school,
Never to be returned again.
Be thankful for what was given to you,
And dont dwell to terribly much on the little fact of not understanding,
Accept it,
Love it,
Cherish it.
Because while you're taking life for granted,
Somebody else is fighting for another breath,
And another,
They've just lost their war.
A war that you don't have to face,
Not yet.
I have no clue where this came from, but it needed to be said, so here it is.
Love Nov 2013
I look in the mirror,
and what do I see?
I see pain.
I see no beauty,
Only an ugly face,
And a fat body.
I see red marks all over my legs,
And on the inside of my arms,
They're ugly.
They're imperfections.
And then I feel horrible,
So horrible to the point that I make more,
And more,
And more.
And then I feel even more hideous.
It feels like a never ending cycle.
335 · Mar 2014
Dear Parents
Love Mar 2014
Momma, Daddy,
Im sorry.
Im sorry Im not the girl you wanted me to be.
The one who grows up to marry a good Christian boy.
Im sorry its not gonna end up that way.
Because your baby girl,
Likes girls herself,
And not by option.
I would give anything just to be normal,
And make you proud.
Your baby girl aint gonna grow up to marry that boy you want me to,
The good old Christian one...
Shes gonna grow up to marry a girl,
And shes gonna fight the crazy Christians every step of the way.
I wish I liked boys as much as girls.
I wish I was the way you want me to be.
But Im not.
And Im sorry.
But Im not going to change,
By anything you say,
Because trust me,
Anything you can and will say,
Ive already said to myself.
But all thats left is say now is...
Im sorry.
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